All Scared Weird Little Guys Albums
01 Bits and Pieces (2004)
- Am I Ever Gonna See Your Face Again?
- Australian of the Year *
- Born in the USA *
- Cleanin' Out My Tuckerbag *
- Governor General *
- Loved You Better
- Morse Code Song *
- Our Cathy *
- Queensland
- Rock N Roll All Night *
- Seven Topics in One Song *
- Sex and Drugs and Leg Spin Bowl *
- South Australia *
- Springtime's Here Again (2003) *
- Staying Alive *
- Still Can't Find Saddam *
- Underwear Song *
- Waugh Song *
- Whistle Pops *
- Wimbledon *
- World Leaders *
02 Live at 42 Walnut Crescent (2000)
- 30 Seconds
- Alternating Song
- Bawdy Song
- Bubba *
- Condom *
- Deadly Animals
- Dinner Song
- From The... to The...
- Gst
- I've Been Everywhere
- Introductions *
- John's Song *
- Kiss *
- Macademia
- Mcdonald's
- Miners
- More Myths *
- Myths *
- New Zealand
- Olympics
- Requiem
- Royals
- Shopping and Parking
- The Phone Book Song
- Uranus
- Volvo Man