A cloud on a leaf |
A Life in East Poultney |
Anna Kournikova |
Anyone lived in a pretty how town |
Beverly's March |
Big Blue House |
Big Top * |
Memory Is an Elephant
Bill |
The Rodeo Eroded
Brennero |
Buffalo Bill |
Compay |
Book of Silk
Diminutive |
Eliot Carter Family |
Book of Silk
Empire of Light |
Book of Silk
Esperanto |
Fear of the South |
The Rodeo Eroded
Fire of Ada |
Memory Is an Elephant
Foreign Legion |
Memory Is an Elephant
Fountain of Youth * |
Happy Hour * |
The Rodeo Eroded
Helium |
Helium Reprise |
Holiday Joel |
The Rodeo Eroded
Hotel Aurora |
Book of Silk
Human rind |
If up's the word |
Infinito * |
Memory Is an Elephant
Invisible Mobile |
Book of Silk
Lambrackroar |
Memory Is an Elephant
Lauren's Lullaby |
Book of Silk
Light Black from Pole to Pole |
Book of Silk
Little I |
Manmoth |
The Rodeo Eroded
March of the Smallest Feet |
Book of Silk
Maximo's Plunge |
The Rodeo Eroded
Nickel Mountain |
The Rodeo Eroded
Night of the Skeptic |
The Rodeo Eroded
Now (more near ourselves than we) |
O.N.E.O. |
The Rodeo Eroded
Old Grey Mare |
Open his head |
Orbly Resting |
Memory Is an Elephant
Osborne Avenue |
Book of Silk
Pablo Looks Back |
Book of Silk
Red Hook Stoop |
Book of Silk
Rubies, Pearls and Emeralds |
The Rodeo Eroded
Same Shirt, Different Day |
Book of Silk
Sand Dog Blues |
Scrap |
Seamstress Extraordinaire |
Slip * |
So shy shy shy |
Somniloquy |
Memory Is an Elephant
Sweep |
The Rodeo Eroded
Sweet spring |
The Clandestine Adventures of Ms. Merz |
Book of Silk
The Last Cowboy |
The Rodeo Eroded
The Longest Night |
Book of Silk
The Quick Marble Tremble |
Memory Is an Elephant
The Would-Be Czarina |
Memory Is an Elephant
Things That Might Have Been |
Book of Silk
Thinuette |
Memory Is an Elephant
UC Irvine/UC Davis |
Memory Is an Elephant
Unchanging |
Under the Gun |
The Rodeo Eroded
Waltz of the Skyscraper |
Memory Is an Elephant
Width of the World |
Willow Weep for Me |
The Rodeo Eroded
Yes is a pleasant country |