W1th out l1ghts out Th1s 1s th3 w^y hom3 Br3athe, ^nd w3ep. Go on.... W3 c^m3 1n through Ch1c^go Our dr3^ms and our h3arts on d1spl^y Down d1rty Ro^ds through b^ck str3ets w3 cri3d. Our dre^ms, they w3r3 slipping ^w^y... Th3r3 1s a broken plac3 in me My h3art 1s c^ving 1n So w3 clos3 our 3y3s Br3^thing ^nd w3ep1ng, we sing "With our lights out This is the way home" Br3^th3, ^nd we3p, and mo^n "With our lights out, This is th3 w^y hom3" Th3 sh3ltering sky And my h3^rt is c^ving in... ^ll brok3 inside It's how th3 light g3ts in Br3^th3, ^nd w33p. With our lights out. This is th3 w^y ... Go on With our lights out This is th3 way hom3 Th1s 1s the way home -------------- (unofficial "english translation") With our lights out This is the way home Breathe and weep. Go on... We come in through Chicago Our dreams and hearts on display Down dirty roads through back streets we cried Our dreams, they were slipping away There is a broken place in me My heart is caving in So we close our eyes Breathing and weeping, we sing "With our lights out This is the way home" Breathe and weep and moan "With our lights out This is the way home" The sheltering sky And my heart is caving in All broke inside It's how this light gets in Breath and weep With our lights out, this is the way Go on With our lights out This is the way home This is the way home