At the bottom of the show biz food chain Lives a little band called The Toy-oy-oyes At the bottom of the show biz food chain Oy-oy-oy No one really listens to reggae music And the way you play it sounds like noi-oi-oise What target market demographic gives a rat's a**? Oy-oy-oy You're not a pretty picture With your strange strange mixture Of pot songs and reggae songs And trying to be funny And I hope you're not hurting 'Cause one thing is for certain You're never ever Gonna make the slightest bit of money At the bottom of the show biz food chain Please don't tell me you're surpri-i-ised You're at the bottom of the show biz food chain Aï-aï-aï You got the short woman in the foliage And the singer with the weirdo voi-oi-oice What are you some kind of novelty act? Oy-oy-oy Just in case you missed it You're all show biz misfits And you're happy so happy It makes me want to spew And you are so out of format That you'll never cross the doormat And labels aren't signing Anybody over twenty-two At the bottom of the show biz food chain Please don't tell me you're surpri-i-ised You're at the bottom of the show biz food chain Aï-aï-aï At the bottom of the show biz food chain Lives a little band called The Toy-oy-oyes At the bottom of the show biz food chain Oy-oy-oy