Ad vitam, aeternum, in gloriam Sancto spirito Ancient words were spoken, called upon the darkest night Shattering the shadows from the light Summoning what always was, and always has been Nothingness awakes, now that the ritual begins We will return Ad vitam, aeternum, in gloriam To glory once again Sancto spirito Ad vitam, aeternum, in gloriam Behold the call from deep inside Sancto spirito All was silent all was dark, no light was to exist Cold wind sweeps the surface, through the mist Everlasting eyes are watching, never will they rest All the thoughts that he creates, insert the breath of life Stirring, moving, rising from deep inside We'll return Ad vitam, aeternum, in gloriam To glory once again Sancto spirito Ad vitam, aeternum, in gloriam Behold the call from deep inside Sancto spirito