A favorite (and I think very prosaic) pa**age from the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Not coincidentally, for Thanksgiving. Be a genius, honor your mind... Observations Related to Examining the Nature of Mind Be certain that the nature of mind is empty and without foundation. One's own mind is insubstantial, like an empty sky. Look at your own mind to see whether it is like that or not. Divorced from views which constructedly determine [the nature of] emptiness, Be certain that pristine cognition, naturally originating, is primordially radiant- Just like the nucleus of the sun, which is itself naturally originating. Look at your own mind to see whether it is like that or not! Be certain that this awareness, which is pristine cognition, is uninterrupted, Like the coursing central torrent of a river which flows unceasingly. Look at your own mind to see whether it is like that or not! Be certain that conceptual thoughts and fleeting memories are not strictly identifiable, But insubstantial in their motion, like the breezes of the atmosphere. Look at your own mind to see whether it is like that or not! Be certain that all that appears is naturally manifest [in the mind], Like the images in a mirror which [also] appear naturally. Look at your own mind to see whether it is like that or not! Be certain that all characteristics are liberated right where they are, Like the clouds of the atmosphere, naturally originating and naturally dissolving. Look at your own mind to see whether it is like that or not! There are no phenomena extraneous to those that originate from the mind. [So], how could there be anything on which to meditate apart from the mind? There are no phenomena extraneous to those that originate from the mind. [So], there are no modes of conduct to be undertaken extraneous [to those that originate from the mind]. There are no phenomena extraneous to those that originate from the mind. [So], there are no commitments to be kept extraneous [to those that originate from the mind]. There are no phenomena extraneous to those that originate from the mind. [So], there are no results to be attained extraneous [to those that originate in the mind]. There are no phenomena extraneous to those that originate from the mind. [So], one should observe one's own mind, looking into its nature again and again. If, upon looking outwards towards the external expanse of the sky, There are no projections emanated by the mind, And if, on looking inwards at one's own mind, There is no projectionist who projects [thoughts] by thinking them, Then, one's own mind, completely free from conceptual projections, will become luminously clear. [This] intrinsic awareness, [union of] inner radiance and emptiness, is the Buddha-body of Reality, [Appearing] like [the illuminating effect of] a sunrise on a clear and cloudless sky, It is clearly knowable, despite its lack of specific shape or form. There is a great distinction between those who understand and those who misunderstand this point. This naturally originating inner radiance, uncreated from the very beginning, Is the parentless child of awareness– how amazing! It is the naturally originating pristine cognition, uncreated by anyone– how amazing! [This radiant awareness] has never been born and will never die– how amazing! Though manifestly radiant, it lacks an [extraneous] perceiver– how amazing! Though it has roamed throughout cyclic existence, it does not degenerate– how amazing! Though it has seen buddahood itself, it does not improve– how amazing! Though it is present in everyone, it remains unrecognized– how amazing! Still, one hopes for some attainment other than this– how amazing! Though it is present within oneself, one continues to seek it elsewhere– how amazing!