I started listing what I wanted off my chest And counted the syllables To see how it could flow out of my mouth I took down names, pictures and events for evidence All to prove how ludicrous your concept of free market is The elections ended and you faded from the limelight Hightailed it back to Alaska where you Could rule again in exile Then retired from work To work on a dividing book That people bought and read just like Your cover's fake smile Then I heard of a new convention A tea party 450 miles from any ocean Where your first lines were Wear your first lines "Thank you so much, God bless you, Thank you so much; I am so proud to be an American! Thank you so much for being here tonight. Do you love your freedom? If you love your freedom thank a vet, Any of you here serving in uniform, past or present? Raise your hand! Thank you for our freedom! God bless you guys, We salute you, we honor you, Thank you. I am so proud to be an American, Thank you, gosh, thank you. Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan." Now you think we're all ready for another revolution When you get paid 100 grand for sixty minutes of spewing Whatever a five-fifty dollar seat wants to hear They want a president with a good shot while holding a beer You see National Security is knowing how to use a rifle And raising children who cannot decipher Their own views over their own mother's voice Because if she can raise a special child then the whole world Well it should have no choice I love tea, but I can deal with just drinking coffee, If it means I'll never have to deal with you again