-You once said the music industry was the stupidest, sleaziest and boring business in the entire world. Still feel that way? Yes, I do. Can you do me just one favour? -Sure. Can you f** off? This gig s**s! Tour Promotion Itinerary Load-in This gig s**s! Soundcheck Wait Wait Wait This gig s**s! Interview Airplay Demo Press This gig s**s! Guaranteed Tour deal Guest list Support At the end of the tour Will you be there waiting for me? This art versus commerce is a nasty bloody war And I need your company!!! This gig s**s! Monitor Engineer Setlist Rehearsal This gig s**s! Soundcheck Then wait And wait And wait At the end of the tour Will you be there waiting for me? This art versus commerce is a nasty bloody war And I need your company!!! At the end of the tour Will you be there waiting for me? This art versus commerce is a nasty bloody war And I need your company!!! This gig s**s! Wait Wait Wait Wait This gig s**s! Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait Wait This gig s**s!