Some days you're the pigeon and some days you are the statue Some days you're meant to just sit back and observe While the world takes its turn and just sh**s all over you Some days you need the rain because no one gets paid To come clean up the messes that life makes all over you I don't know who I am in this moment I know I disappoint you You don't know who I am anymore Well that makes two of us Are you following a god and this song got in the way I'm sorry I'm sorry but I am not sorry Is this the truth, the light, the sight, the roots, or the noose Everyone is religious only until they don't need to be anymore That's not faith no not to me All I have let to make are memories and mistakes And new questions I'll take to the grave sponsored links Do you know how it feels to have your past sink it's teeth right into your back Only to turn around and see yourself Keep the hell away from me The devil you know is better than the devil you don't Keep the hell away from me You can still lead a positive life with a negative mind Keep the hell away from me