Tetsuya Takahashi - Xenogears Chapter 01: Lahan Village lyrics


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Tetsuya Takahashi - Xenogears Chapter 01: Lahan Village lyrics

[Begin music: "Bonds of Sea and Fire"] [Description of the current world situation begins to fill the screen, one line at a time.] The continent of Ignas, in the northern hemisphere of our world. On this, the largest continent, a war has been raging between two countries for hundreds of years. In the north of the continent lies the Kislev Empire, in the south lies the desert kingdom of Aveh. The war has gone on for so long that the people have forgotten the cause, knowing only the pointless circle of hostility and tragedy. The chronic war obsession was soon to encounter a devastating change. This was due to the 'Ethos', an institution that preserves our world's culture, repairing tools and weapons excavated from the ruins of an ancient civilization. At once both countries excavated these ruins, and had the 'Ethos' repair the discoveries, in order to increase their military power. The various weapons excavated from the ruins greatly changed the form of warfare. The outcome of the battles between the two countries was no longer determined by man-to-man combat, but by 'Gears' - giant humanoid fighting machines - that were obtained from deep within the ruins. Eventually, after continuous swings in the state of the war, Kislev gained the upper hand. The major factor behind this lay in the enormous difference in the amount of resources buried within their ruins. But suddenly a mysterious military force appeared in the continent of Ignas. Called 'Gebler', this force decided to make contact with Aveh. With the a**istance of this Gebler military force, Aveh was able to recover from being hopelessly outnumbered to being back on an even standing with Kislev. Then, taking further advantage of its newly gained momentum, Aveh started to capture one territory after another from Kislev, showing no indication of slowing down in their invasion campaign. [Screen opens up on a site of a village at night in the mountains.] The remote village of Lahan, in the outskirts of Aveh, near the border with Kislev. [Fire breaks out in the village as we see from a distance.] This is where it all begins. [Fade music. Scene fade.] ----- [Begin music: "The Steel Giant"] [Scene opens on the village center. Villagers are running everywhere as the village is burning. The sounds of gunfire are heard all around. The camera pans over to a Gear, purple and fairly tall, that is in a defensive stance.] FEI "Huff...huff...Damn you...!!" [---Battle mode---] [Shot of a Gear pans back to reveal another Gear facing him.] FEI "Hiyaaaaa!" [With a quick move and two punches, Fei's Gear easily knocks the opponent down.] FEI "Huf, huff...That's one down!?" [The Gear is still moving and gets up.] FEI "What on earth are you? No matter how often I knock you down you still get up!" [Looking at the feet of Fei's Gear, we see Citan, yelling at Fei as best as he can.] CITAN "Fei! Stop! You must not fight here!" [The opposing Gear fires a few rounds at Fei's Gear. Citan ducks instinctively even though the shots are way over his head.] FEI "Guh! Boy are you persistent!" [Fei takes down the Gear again with a kick and a punch.] FEI "Huff, huff... Damn it! How come...? Why did it have to come to this?" [Fade music.] [Scene change. Fade in to Fei's current painting, the previous afternoon.] [Begin music: "My Village is Number One"] [Fei is painting a picture. From the looks of it, he's spent a while on it.] FEI "Whew! That about does it..." [Fei looks around and stretches his arms.] FEI "Alright...Now for a short break." [Fei walks into the next room, and talks to the Maid.] MAID "Hello, Fei. You're looking well today. My, how time flies! Why, it has already been 3 years since you came to our village... When they first saw you brought in all bloody and soaken, to tell you the truth, they didn't think you were going to make it. And that strange masked man who carried you here that day...Do you think that maybe he was your real father? Don't you remember anything? Why, they say you had terrible nightmares and constantly called out for your father. " [Pause music. Scene shifts to 3 years earlier-it's windy and rainy as a blue caped man comes up Lahan's path to a door.] VOICE FROM INSIDE "Who is it?" [The door opens and Chief Lee comes out - the man is holding Fei.] CHIEF LEE "Wh, who are you? ... What? You want me to look after this boy?" [The camera pulls back slowly and fades-return to Fei's current position. Resume music.] MAID "But now, you're so healthy and strong... And it's all thanks to our village chief, Lee. My, should you be grateful!" [Fei walks up the stairs and speaks to Timothy, who's standing near the door.] TIMOTHY "Yo! Hi there, Fei. Sorry for us all using your house like this. But, we have to talk about the big day tomorrow with the village chief. " FEI "Yeah tomorrow, huh... Your wedding with Alice! Now that is a big day!" TIMOTHY "Yeah... right... But it still hasn't hit me as reality though." [Fei walks away and the camera begins to rotate around him.] FEI "Hey, errh, Timothy. I just want to thank both you and Alice... 3 years ago, I woke up in this village without a trace of my memory... I didn't know who I was, where I had been, or what I had been doing up until that day... I couldn't recall a single thing..." [Fei looks down.] FEI "Despite that, you and Alice sympathized with me and encouraged me to go on. If the two of you hadn't been there for me, I don't know what would have become of me..." [Fei looks up and looks at Timothy.] FEI "Timothy...From the bottom of my heart, I thank you! Now, you and Alice had better live happily ever after!" [Timothy turns and laughs.] TIMOTHY "Hah! Quit it will ya! You don't have to go and get all mushy on me... Anyway, to me it feels like I've always been friends with you ever since we were kids." [Timothy turns back to Fei and nods.] TIMOTHY "And we will go on being friends forever, right?" FEI "Of course!" TIMOTHY "Oh yeah, Fei... Could you stop by and check on Alice? I still have stuff to discuss with my old man and the village chief. But I'm sure she'll be glad to have some company. " [Fei nods.] FEI "Yeah, sure! I'll do that... Anyway, I'll see you later. Oh, and I am really looking forward to the ceremony tomorrow. " [Fei walks over and speaks to Chief Lee.] CHIEF LEE "Oh, it's you, Fei. We're in the middle of discussing Timothy and Alice's wedding arrangements." [Chief Lee pauses a second.] CHIEF LEE "Hey, why don't you bring a girlfriend or two home once in a while? Just because you live with an old man like me doesn't mean you have to hold back now, you hear!? Why, when I was as young as you are, it seemed like everyday I would..." [Chief Lee clears his throat.] CHIEF LEE Ahem! Ohum! [Chief Lee recomposes himself.] CHIEF LEE "Oh, errh... never mind. Now, we still have important things to discuss... so don't get in the way now. " [Fei starts to leave the Chief's house, but a small red-haired and obnoxious-looking kid barges in the door just as Fei is going out.] KID "So there you are! Fei, I have to talk to you about something!" [Fei nods.] FEI "Why, hello there Dan! You're lively today...as you are everyday!" [Timothy turns around and addresses the kid.] TIMOTHY "Dan! Don't be so rude. What's this barging in and all?" [Dan now notices Timothy.] DAN "Argh! Timothy's here too." [Dan stares at Timothy for a second.] DAN "bu*t out, Timothy! Until you marry my sister, you have nothing to do with me at all! I just have some business here with my friend Fei!" [Dan turns back to Fei.] DAN "So anyway Fei, I errh... I have something to talk to ya about later..." [Fei looks a little skeptical, looks down and puts his hands on his hips, but talks anyway.] FEI "What is it, Dan? It sounds serious!" DAN "Yeah, that's why I can't talk about it here... There's a certain person listening in who could cause us trouble...!" [Dan jumps a couple times.] DAN "It's really important! We gotta talk, seriously, one-on-one, man-to-man!" I'll be hanging around outside. So I'll see ya there later, OK!" [Dan turns back to Timothy.] DAN "Be seein' ya, Timothy! Take care of yourself until tomorrow..." [Dan makes a gesture towards Timothy and leaves. Fei turns to Timothy.] FEI "Huh...? What's up with him?" TIMOTHY "As of tomorrow, I'm going to be that kid's brother-in-law... Hah! That part isn't going to be no honeymoon!" [Timothy turns back to what he was doing, Fei walks out of the house and into the village. He walks into another house and goes downstairs. Scene change.] [Scene opens in the basement of a house. Fei walks over to an old woman there.] WOMAN Well if it isn't Fei. Isn't it exciting to know that Timothy's wedding is going to be tomorrow? I think it's time you found a wonderful girl like Alice yourself. Hah hah. [The woman pauses.] WOMAN By the way, Fei. What do you think of Lahan? [I like it.] [Fei turns to the side.] FEI "Lahan... I like it. The village leader, Chief Lee, has taken such good care of me... Everyone in the village has warmly accepted me..." [Fei turns back.] FEI "Regardless of where I may have been born and raised, Lahan is now my home." [The woman turns to the side.] WOMAN Ah, yes. It makes me happy to just hear that. [The woman turns back to Fei.] WOMAN Here, take this as an allowance. Don't squander it all at once. [Item sound] Received 120G! [The woman turns away. Fei heads for the village outdoors again. Scene change.] [Scene opens on the village square. Fei starts walking around, making conversation and the like. After walking around a bit, a girl stops him.] GIRL Oh, Fei! Maybe you can help... Have you seen Dan? [Fei turns to the girl.] FEI "He's probably around here somewhere... getting up to his usual mischief!" [The girl looks around.] GIRL Alice was saying she needed him for something... How could a brat like him possibly be related to Alice? Oh, brother...! [Fei wanders too close to the village well and jumps in. After a second he climbs out and shakes his head. No... We should say he jumps out. (:P)] FEI "Phew! That was a close one... This well is dangerous... Perhaps it's better if I don't go near it again." [Fei discovers he's found an item and proceeds to jump back in twice more before continuing. (Shows what we know! :P)] [Fei wanders on and wanders in to the bar. Scene change.] [Scene opens on the local bar. Fei walks up to the counter.] BARKEEP "Hey, it's Fei. How's it going? I ain't got any drinks for kids, ya know! Come back when you're older, alright!!?" [Fei notices an older man at the counter. He jumps when Fei approaches him.] OLD MAN Hmmm...!! Young one, beware! I can see it... There is a dark and icy wind that blows where you are going. A wind that nurtures grief and resentment, inviting d**h from which there is no salvation... No one will be able to escape from it! But you, and only you, must eventually face up to that dark wind! [The old man pauses.] OLD MAN ... Just kidding! I've always wanted to try saying that! Did I scare you? I'm really sorry! Wahaha... [The old man turns back to his drinking. Fei stands there a second. He talks to the man again.] OLD MAN Instead of believing what others say, you should follow your own path. After all, your fate will be what you make of it. But, do you want to hear my prediction again? Eh? [Yeah, from the top!] OLD MAN Oh good! That's the spirit! Well, here goes... Are you ready? [The old man starts again.] OLD MAN Hmmm...!! Young one, beware! I can see it... There is a dark and icy wind that blows where you are going. A wind that nurtures grief and resentment, inviting d**h from which there is no salvation... No one will be able to escape from it! But you, and only you, must eventually face up to that dark wind! [The old man pauses.] OLD MAN But in reality, these premonitions of misfortune tend to take on their own shape once uttered. You ought to be prepared... ... Hah hah! Just kidding! It's also a joke! Don't let it get to you. [A man is drinking heavily in the corner.] MAN You gotta problem with me, hic, drinkin' at midday? How can I not be drinkin'... Damn it... [The man turns around.] MAN You got a problem, boy? [Drinking won't help matters!] [The man turns away.] MAN Shut up! What would you know!? You don't know how I feel. I wouldn't want you to know. Damn it... [Fei starts to walk away.] MAN No... Wait up, boy! [Fei turns back.] MAN I'll give you this. Take it. [The man gives Fei something.] FEI "??? What is that?" MAN I have no use for it... Don't worry 'bout it. Just take it. Nobody knows... In the depths... of the sea... a tear... drop... shed by... a mermaid... NOTICE Received a 'Mermaid Tear'! [Item sound.] [Fei walks over to a woman near the counter.] WOMAN My, that drunk had the most beautiful stone! Hmmm... I wonder what it was? [The woman turns her attention to Fei.] WOMAN Welcome, Fei. You wanna have some fun? I give the best service in Lahan, you know!? [Camera pan towards the barkeep.] BARKEEP "Hey, Ellen! Quit teasing the innocent kid!" WOMAN Yeah, yeah! I know! It's just a joke... you blockhead! [Camera pans back.] WOMAN Gee, he's got sharp hearing! Anyway... (Maybe next time, okay, Fei!? I'll be waiting... Rowrrr!) [Fei walks out to the top of the bar. Scene change.] [Scene opens outside on top of the bar. A little girl is there.] GIRL 'High' there Fei! Did you know that beyond that black forest lies the great kingdom of Aveh? It's got a big capital city with lots of people living there. My father is working somewhere in Aveh. [The girl turns towards the edge of the building.] GIRL Soon, my father is going to come pick mother and me up so that we can all live together in Aveh. Oh, father! Please come home soon... [Fei jumps off the roof to the ground. He finds a boy hiding behind Alice's house.] BOY Uuh... Sob... How could Alice go and get married... and to that muscle head, Timothy...!! I... I've loved her... since I was a baby...!! What am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to live!? [Camera rotate quickly and pan away from the village.] BOY AAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHH!! [Camera pan back in.] BOY Sob... Life... can be so unfair... [Fei continues on. After a bit, he finds Dan by the same local bar.] DAN "Oh good, Fei! Ya ready to talk?" [Dan starts to look business-like.] DAN "As you know, tomorrow's finally the day of my sister's wedding... So, what I want to talk to you about is exactly that... Alice's marriage!" [Dan looks down.] DAN "Fei, to be perfectly honest with you... I've always wished you could have been my brother." [Dan looks back up at Fei.] DAN "It's still not too late. You could go steal Alice and run off with her! If you need me to help, I'd be glad to!" [Dan looks down again.] DAN "It may be odd for me to say this, but my sister's beautiful and a good cook... (and this is just between you and me but, she's well endowed too! Heh heh heh!)" [Dan makes a couple of urgent gestures towards Fei.] DAN "So c'mon! Go for it!" ["Let's do it!!"] [Fei nods.] FEI "Alright Dan, you've got it... I guess I'll just go sweep Alice away and make a run for it!" [Dan looks a little surprised.] DAN "Really!? I knew I liked you, Fei! That's the spirit!" [Dan looks down again.] DAN "... But, if only it was that easy... It's not like we can change their feelings... And you would need to have love for her too..." [Dan looks back at Fei.] DAN "But, I'm not gonna forget this, Fei! You were really willing to go that far to help me... Fei, you're a good guy!" [Fei saunters on to Alice's house. A maid is blocking the entrance.] ALICE'S MAID Why, hello Fei. Are you here to see Alice? Actually, it's customary that we don't let any men in to see the bride today... But, you can be an exception. [The maid moves.] ALICE'S MAID You know you won't come out in one piece if you try and pull anything on the bride! [Fei walks into the house. Scene change.] [Scene opens on the living room of Alice's house. Alice's aunt is in the corner. Fei walks over to her.] ALICE'S AUNT "Why hello, Fei. Have you come to visit our Alice? She's upstairs right now." [Alice's aunt turns around.] ALICE'S AUNT "But doesn't time fly...? It has already been ten years since my brother and his wife pa**ed away. We did our best to raise the two children in their place..." [Alice's Aunt turns back to Fei.] ALICE'S AUNT "But now, as far as Alice is concerned, I can finally say my job is done. I know Timothy will take good care of her from here on... Now all that's left is Dan... I'm going to have a hard time raising him to adulthood." [Alice's aunt turns away.] ALICE'S AUNT Sigh... [Fei walks up the stairs into Alice's room. Scene change.] [Scene opens on Alice's room. Fei walks in to see her examining a beautiful dress with her back turned to the staircase.] FEI "Hello, Alice. Is that your wedding dress?" [Alice turns around.] ALICE "Oh!? Fei, you startled me!" [Fade music. Alice looks at the dress again.] ALICE "Yes it is... I just finished it. It took more work than I expected." [Begin music: "Singing of the Gentle Wind"] FEI "Hmmm... You did a great job there! It'll look wonderful on you, Alice... Congratulations." [Alice turns around and walks a step towards Fei, then looks down at the carpet.] ALICE "Thank you. ..." [Alice turns away from Fei, still looking at the ground.] ALICE "..." [Alice turns back to Fei, they both speak at the same time.] ALICE "Oh, um, Fei..." FEI "Hey, uh, Alice..." [The feeling is kind of awkward and they just stare at each other for a second.] FEI "What is it?" ALICE "Oh, nothing..." [Alice looks back at the ground away from Fei. Fei stares at another section of the wall.] FEI "I see..." [Alice looks up, but still not directly at Fei.] ALICE "Um... Oh yes, that's right..." [Alice looks at Fei finally.] ALICE "Fei, have you seen Dan?" [Fei nods at Alice.] FEI "Yeah, he's outside... bragging as always." [Alice looks away in disgust.] ALICE "Ugh, that kid! I just told him that I had an errand for him to run!" FEI "Oh yeah? What kind of errand?" [Alice turns back to Fei.] ALICE "It's for my wedding ceremony tomorrow... I was hoping he could go borrow a camera and some lights from Doctor Uzuki, up on the mountain peak." FEI "If that's all it is, I'll be glad to do it for you." ALICE "Could you? Oh, but I couldn't possibly..." FEI "Don't worry! It's no problem! Anyway, it doesn't exactly make me feel comfortable having Dan handle such delicate instruments. What's more, I might have a chance to eat some of Yui's cooking if I go to the doc's place." ALICE "Hee-hee... That's my Fei!" FEI "Well, I'll go up there now and get them for you!" [Fei starts to walk towards the stairs.] ALICE "Oh... Fei, wait!" [Fei turns back towards Alice from the top of the stairs.] FEI "Huh...? Is there something else you want me to get from Citan?" [Alice looks back at the dress.] ALICE "No... It's not that..." [Alice looks at the carpet again.] FEI "...?" ALICE "Fei... Have you ever thought about things this way?" [Alice walks back to the dress, still looking at the carpet. The camera rotates around her.] ALICE "If... If, you had only been born in this village... And if we had only known each other earlier on..." [Fei looks at the ground for a second, then turns opposite the direction Alice is facing and stares at the wall.] FEI "..." [Alice looks up and turns back to Fei.] ALICE "... Oh, it's nothing. I'm sorry..." FEI "... Well, I think I had better get going now!" ALICE "Oh, OK... Be careful on that mountain path. And give my regards to Doctor Uzuki!" [Fei walks to the head of the stairs, stops briefly, and then exits. Alice turns back to the wall.] ALICE "... Is this fate...?" [Alice looks at the carpet again.] ALICE "I feel so foolish... Who am I kidding?" [Scene fades out. Fei exits the house.] [Begin music: "My Village Is Number One"] [Fei walks to the north and then out of the village. Scene change. Stop music.]

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