SZA (Genius of the South) - THHDOP lyrics


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SZA (Genius of the South) - THHDOP lyrics

The HipHop Declaration of Peace was presented to the United Nations Organization on May 16th 2001. It was signatured by various organizations such as: Temple Of Hip Hop, Ribbons International, UNESCO and also by 300 Hip-Hop activists, pioneers and UN delegates In the first place this document recognises Hip-Hop as an international culture of peace and prosperity. It is also a set of principles which advise all Hip-Hoppers on how to sustain the peaceful character of Hip Hop Kulture and to form worldwide peace Additionally this declaration is meant to show Hip-Hop as a positive phenomenon which has nothing in common with the negative image of Hip Hop as something that corrupts young people and encourages them to break the law. KRS One, Pop Master Fabel, Afrika Bambaataa, Ralph Mc Daniels and HarryAllen were some of the people who had their share in creating the declaration The HipHop Declaration Of Peace This Hiphop Declaration of Peace guides Hiphop Kulture toward freedom from violence, and establishes advice and protection for the existence and development of the international Hiphop community. Through the principles of this Hiphop Declaration of Peace we, Hiphop Kulture, establish a foundation of Health, Love, Awareness, Wealth, peace and prosperity for ourselves, our children and their children's children, forever For the clarification of Hiphop's meaning and purpose, or when the intention of Hiphop is questioned, or when disputes between parties arise concerning Hiphop; Hiphoppas shall have access to the advice of this document, The Hiphop Declaration of Peace, as guidance, advice and protection First Overstanding Hiphop is the name of our collective consciousness. It is commonly expressed through Breakin, Emceein, Graf, Deejayin, Beatboxin, Street Fashion, Street Language, Street Knowledge and Street Entrepreneurialism or Street Trade. Wherever and whenever the elements, and expressions of Hiphop Kulture manifest, this Hiphop Declaration of Peace shall advise its use and interpretation Second Overstanding Hiphop Kulture respects the dignity and sanctity of life, without discrimination or prejudice. We shall consider our duty to protect the development of life, over and before our individual free choice to destroy it or seek to alter its natural development Third Overstanding Hiphop Kulture respects the laws and agreements of its kulture, it's country, it's institutions, and those it does business with. Hiphop does not irresponsibly break laws Fourth Overstanding Hiphop Kulture encourages womanhood, manhood, sisterhood, brotherhood and family. We are also conscious not to bring any disrespect to the dignity and reputation of our ancestors Fifth Overstanding The right to define and educate ourselves shall be encouraged, developed, preserved, protected and promoted as a means toward peace and prosperity Sixth Overstanding Hiphop honors no relationship, person, event, act, or otherwise, wherein the preservation and further development of Hiphop's kulture, principles and elements are not considered nor respected. Hiphop Kulture does not participate in activities that clearly destroy its ability to productively exist Seventh Overstanding The elements of Hiphop Kulture may be traded for money, honor, power, respect, food and other resources. However, Hiphop's Kulture is never for sale - nor can it be bought. It is the priceless principle of our self-empowerment Eighth Overstanding Companies, corporations, non and not-for-profit organizations, as well as individuals and groups that are clearly benefiting from the use, interpretation and/or exploitation of Hiphop, and the expressions and terminologies of Hiphop; shall be encouraged to commission and/or employ a certified Hiphop specialist to answer sensitive kultural questions, and guide businesses, cities and countries through the principles and proper presentations of Hiphop Kulture to the world Ninth Overstanding Every third week in May, Hiphoppas shall be encouraged to remember its ancestors and appreciate the elements, principles and history of Hiphop Tenth Overstanding Hiphop is the name of our collective consciousness. As a conscious way of life we recognize our influence on society, especially on children, and we shall forever keep the rights and welfare of both in mind Eleventh Overstanding Within the collective Hiphop consciousness there are no competing races, tribes, countries, religions, occupations, kultures, nor languages. All are one in consciousness. Hiphop Kulture is one multi-sk**ed, multi-cultural, multi-racial people Twelfth Overstanding Hiphop Kulture does not intentionally participate in any form of hate, deceit, or theft at any time. At no time shall Hiphop engage in any violent war within itself Thirteenth Overstanding Hiphop Kulture rejects the immature impulse for unwarranted acts of violence, and always seeks diplomatic, non-violent strategies first in the settlement of all disputes. Revolution is preserved as a final solution, when all other means of diplomatic negotiation has failed repeatedly Fourteenth Overstanding Hiphoppas respect nature wherever we are; on this planet as well as on others Fifteenth Overstanding Hiphop holds sacred our duty to contribute to our survival and salvation as a human race on planet Earth. Native American kulture teaches us to respect Mother Earth as our mother Sixteenth Overstanding No one should be a self-proclaimed Hiphop pioneer or "legend" unless they can prove with facts and/or witnesses to their credibility and contributions to Hiphop Kulture Seventeenth Overstanding Hiphop is shown the highest respect when Hiphoppas respect each other. Hiphop Kulture is preserved, nurtured and developed when Hiphoppas preserve, nurture and develop one another Eighteenth Overstanding For the purpose of promoting, interpreting and defending the principles of the Hiphop Declaration of Peace; Hiphop Kulture shall maintain a healthy, caring, fully aware, and wealthy central Hiphop committee. Such committee shall be made up of seven dedicated Hiphoppas invested with the power to promote, interpret and defend the principles of the Hiphop Declaration of Peace Leave Your Signature By signaturing this document we declare our support and membership to the one and only, real Hip Hop Kulture which is based on rules and values presented in the aforementioned declaration. We also reject the wrong image of Hip-Hop Kulture which is often linked with violence and aggression or is a falsely created stereotype spread by ma** media and commercial pseudo-Hip Hop icons of pop-culture This document presents the intentions of Hip Hop Kulture. When the good name of Hip Hop Kulture will be threatened by negative actions of people who identify themselves with Hip-Hop but do not obey the principles of this declaration, the document (including a list of collected signatures) shall be sent to the government institutions and ma** media You can be sure that the personal data you provide to us will be safe and it won't be used in marketing purposes or publically revealed Warning: Remember that only signatures including your name, surname, country and city are the ones that formally count and only these can be considered in the preparation of a signatures list 3365 signatures

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