[Ramcke, Reshoft] Thaw hath begun, worship the sun The giants of ice leave the lande The scent of the sea, the dashing of the waves The winde hath broughte to the strande Put to the sea the dragonships now shall be Hoist up the sails The kit is taken aboard Ready to get throughe the gales Man the boats, leave the shore far behinde Raids lie aheade, wealth we shalle finde Crossing the seas, riding the storms Onward to loot foreign shores On the wide open sea far away from home We're storming across foreign shores Beneath the star of the northern lande A son of Odinn was borne One-eyed father is my guide For I pa**ed the rite of the Ancient One I followe the cult like my father did My first course lies aheade Now my sworde shalle prove Whose descendant I am The foeman's bloode will be shed Fearless I'm on board Leave the shore far behinde Raids lie aheade, wealth I shalle finde Crossing the seas, riding the storms Onward to loot foreign shores On the wide open sea far away from home We're storming across foreign shores Behold the horizon, an island is in sighte We're heading for the shore Get ready to fighte Arms are handed over the bloodthirsty horde Hails shalle be called out Onward to loot the foreign shore [Solo: Dave] Fearless I'm on board Now leave the shore behinde Raids lie aheade, wealth we shalle finde Crossing the seas, riding the storms Onward to loot foreign shores On the wide open sea far away from home We're storming across foreign shores