So weæ®e flying down the freeway, but we donæ° know where weæ®e headed. Donæ° ask for directions, no one knows. Flying to our destination when weæ®e there, will we regret it? Donæ° ask all these questions, letæ¯ just go. Something you just canæ° explain. Get it all but weæ®e insane. I see loss disguised as gain. Yes I want the reason why weæ®e running æound this earth in fear of a connection with ourselves. My greatest fear in life is all Iæ³e worked for has no worth. And not to recognize whatæ¯ my real wealth. Still our wheels are going round. My feet never touch the ground. Am I lost or am I found? Yes I know I reach things. That will perish in my hands. Nothing hereæ¯ forever that I know. But life is moving quickly ad I cannot comprehend. Yes I stumble but hope that I grow.