Unexpected results The concentration faded as The subject separated from the strain In permanent exposure All the paradox reports could not make Details and illusions look the same Regardless of miscalculations Functionality could be maintained In proper self-display An artificial frame A simulated wave to get development renamed With capability filed Friction's finally minimized In the inside This is where instincts and intelligence collide With proper propaganda one might Celebrate protection of The complex operations we implied I'm on it! A teraflop of angst The overrated soul A perfect compensation for what evolution stole While interfacing reason to a role I'm interfering happenings by tapping into primary control An automated self until It's proven combinational Sequenced to the force of will in self-reflexive state Who learned from this mistake? Who learned from this mistake Considered operational While opening the can we used to shake? That's all it takes - An inconsistency In backup routines Reflecting truth Stronger than fiction The truth's Stronger than fiction Who's waiting To see the end? The truth's Stronger than fiction The executioner's waiting for a sign The truth's stronger than fiction In the end