R.D. Boylan - Don Carlos ( Act 4 Scene 4) lyrics


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R.D. Boylan - Don Carlos ( Act 4 Scene 4) lyrics

A Gallery. DON CARLOS, COUNT LERMA. CARLOS. Here we are undisturbed. What would you now Impart to me? LERMA. Your highness has a friend Here at the court. CARLOS (starting). A friend! I knew it not! But what's your meaning? LERMA. I must sue for pardon That I am learned in more than I should know. But for your highness' comfort I've received it From one I may depend upon—in short, I have it from myself. CARLOS. Whom speak you of? LERMA. The Marquis Posa. CARLOS. What! LERMA. And if your highness Has trusted to him more of what concerns you Than every one should know, as I am led To fear—— CARLOS. You fear! LERMA. He has been with the king. CARLOS. Indeed! LERMA. Two hours in secret converse too. CARLOS. Indeed! LERMA. The subject was no trifling matter. CARLOS. That I can well believe. LERMA. And several times I heard your name. CARLOS. That's no bad sign, I hope. LERMA. And then, this morning, in the king's apartment, The queen was spoken of mysteriously. CARLOS (starts back astonished). Count Lerma! LERMA. When the marquis had retired I was commanded to admit his lordship In future unannounced. CARLOS. Astonishing! LERMA. And without precedent do I believe, Long as I served the king—— CARLOS. 'Tis strange, indeed! How did you say the queen was spoken of? LERMA (steps back). No, no, my prince! that were against my duty. CARLOS. 'Tis somewhat strange! One secret you impart. The other you withhold. LERMA. The first was due To you, the other to the king. CARLOS. You're right. LERMA. And still I've thought you, prince, a man of honor. CARLOS. Then you have judged me truly. LERMA. But all virtue Is spotless till it's tried. CARLOS. Some stand the trial. LERMA. A powerful monarch's favor is a prize Worth seeking for; and this alluring bait Has ruined many a virtue. CARLOS. Truly said! LERMA. And oftentimes 'tis prudent to discover— What scarce can longer be concealed. CARLOS. Yes, prudent It may be, but you say you've ever known The marquis prove himself a man of honor. LERMA. And if he be so still my fears are harmless, And you become a double gainer, prince.   [Going. CARLOS (follows him with emotion, and presses his hand). Trebly I gain, upright and worthy man, I gain another friend, nor lose the one Whom I before possessed.   [Exit LERMA.

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