R.D. Boylan - Don Carlos (Act 2 Scene 8) lyrics


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R.D. Boylan - Don Carlos (Act 2 Scene 8) lyrics

The PRINCESS, DON CARLOS. The PRINCESS has thrown herself upon an ottoman, and plays. CARLOS (rushes in; he recognizes the PRINCESS, and stands thunderstruck). Gracious Heaven! Where am I? PRINCESS (lets her lute fall, and meeting him) What? Prince Carlos! yes, in truth. CARLOS. Where am I? Senseless error; I have missed The right apartment. PRINCESS. With what dexterous sk** Carlos contrives to hit the very room Where ladies sit alone! CARLOS. Your pardon, princess! I found—I found the antechamber open. PRINCESS. Can it be possible? I fastened it Myself; at least I thought so—— CARLOS. Ay! you thought, You only thought so; rest a**ured you did not. You meant to lock it, that I well believe: But most a**uredly it was not locked. A lute's sweet sounds attracted me, some hand Touched it with sk**; say, was it not a lute?   [Looking round inquiringly. Yes, there it lies, and Heaven can bear me witness I love the lute to madness. I became All ear, forgot myself in the sweet strain, And rushed into the chamber to behold The lovely eyes of the divine musician Who charmed me with the magic of her tones. PRINCESS. Innocent curiosity, no doubt! But it was soon appeased, as I can prove.   [After a short silence, significantly. I must respect the modesty that has, To spare a woman's blushes, thus involved Itself in so much fiction. CARLOS (with sincerity). Nay, I feel I but augment my deep embarra**ment, In vain attempt to extricate myself. Excuse me for a part I cannot play. In this remote apartment, you perhaps Have sought a refuge from the world, to pour The inmost wishes of your secret heart Remote from man's distracting eye. By me, Unhappy that I am, your heavenly dreams Are all disturbed, and the atonement now Must be my speedy absence.   [Going. PRINCESS (surprised and confused, but immediately recovering herself). Oh! that step Were cruel, prince, indeed! CARLOS. Princess, I feel What such a look in such a place imports: This virtuous embarra**ment has claims To which my manhood never can be deaf. Woe to the wretch whose boldness takes new fire From the pure blush of maiden modesty! I am a coward when a woman trembles. PRINCESS. Is't possible?—such noble self-control In one so young, and he a monarch's son! Now, prince, indeed you shall remain with me, It is my own request, and you must stay. Near such high virtue, every maiden fear Takes wing at once; but your appearance here Disturbed me in a favorite air, and now Your penalty shall be to hear me sing it. CARLOS (sits down near the PRINCESS, not without reluctance). A penalty delightful as the sin! And sooth to say, the subject of the song Was so divine, again and yet again I'd gladly hear it. PRINCESS What! you heard it all? Nay, that was too bad, prince. It was, I think, A song of love. CARLOS. And of successful love, If I mistake not—dear delicious theme From those most beauteous lips—but scarce so true, Methinks, as beautiful. PRINCESS. What! not so true? Then do you doubt the tale? CARLOS. I almost doubt That Carlos and the Princess Eboli, When they discourse on such a theme as love, May not quite understand each other's hearts.   [The PRINCESS starts; he observes it, and continues with playful gallantry. Who would believe those rosy-tinted cheeks Concealed a heart torn by the pangs of love. Is it within the range of wayward chance That the fair Princess Eboli should sigh Unheard—unanswered? Love is only known By him who hopelessly persists in love. PRINCESS (with all her former vivacity). Hush! what a dreadful thought! this fate indeed Appears to follow you of all mankind, Especially to-day.   [Taking his hand with insinuating interest. You are not happy, Dear prince—you're sad! I know too well you suffer, And wherefore, prince? When with such loud appeal The world invites you to enjoy its bliss— And nature on you pours her bounteous gifts, And spreads around you all life's sweetest joys. You, a great monarch's son, and more—far more— E'en in your cradle with such gifts endowed As far eclipsed the splendor of your rank. You, who in those strict courts where women rule, And pa**, without appeal, unerring sentence On manly worth and honor, even there Find partial judges. You, who with a look Can prove victorious, and whose very coldness Kindles aflame; and who, when warmed with pa**ion, Can make a paradise, and scatter round The bliss of heaven, the rapture of the gods. The man whom nature has adorned with gifts To render thousands happy, gifts which she Bestows on few—that such a man as this Should know what misery is! Thou, gracious Heaven, That gavest him all those blessings, why deny Him eyes to see the conquests he has made? CARLOS (who has been lost in absence of mind, suddenly recovers himself by the silence of the PRINCESS, and starts up). Charming! inimitable! Princess, sing That pa**age, pray, again. PRINCESS (looking at him with astonishment). Where, Carlos, were Your thoughts the while? CARLOS (jumps up). By heaven, you do remind me In proper time—I must away—and quickly. PRINCESS (holding him back). Whither away? CARLOS. Into the open air. Nay, do not hold me, princess, for I feel As though the world behind me were in flames. PRINCESS (holding him forcibly back). What troubles you? Whence comes these strange, these wild, Unnatural looks? Nay, answer me!   [CARLOS stops to reflect, she draws him to the sofa to her. Dear Carlos, You need repose, your blood is feverish. Come, sit by me: dispel these gloomy fancies. Ask yourself frankly can your head explain The tumult of your heart—and if it can— Say, can no knight be found in all the court, No lady, generous as fair, to cure you— Rather, I should have said, to understand you? What, no one? CARLOS (hastily, without thinking). If the Princess Eboli—— PRINCESS (delighted, quickly). Indeed! CARLOS. Would write a letter for me, a few words Of kindly intercession to my father;— They say your influence is great. PRINCESS. Who says so?   [Aside. Ha! was it jealousy that held thee mute! CARLOS. Perchance my story is already public. I had a sudden wish to visit Brabant Merely to win my spurs—no more. The king, Kind soul, is fearful the fatigues of war Might spoil my singing! PRINCESS. Prince, you play me false! Confess that by this serpent subterfuge You would mislead me. Look me in the face, Deceitful one! and say would he whose thoughts Were only bent on warlike deeds—would he E'er stoop so low as, with deceitful hand, To steal fair ladies' ribbons when they drop, And then—your pardon! hoard them—with such care?   [With light action she opens his shirt frill, and seizes a ribbon which is there concealed. CARLOS (drawing back with amazement). Nay, princess—that's too much—I am betrayed. You're not to be deceived. You are in league With spirits and with demons! PRINCESS. Are you then Surprised at this? What will you wager, Carlos But I recall some stories to your heart? Nay, try it with me; ask whate'er you please, And if the triflings of my sportive fancy— The sound half-uttered by the air absorbed— The smile of joy checked by returning gloom— If motions—looks from your own soul concealed Have not escaped my notice—judge if I Can err when thou wouldst have me understand thee? CARLOS. Why, this is boldly ventured; I accept The wager, princess. Then you undertake To make discoveries in my secret heart Unknown even to myself. PRINCESS (displeased, but earnestly). Unknown to thee! Reflect a moment, prince! Nay, look around; This boudoir's not the chamber of the queen, Where small deceits are practised with full license. You start, a sudden blush o'erspreads your face. Who is so bold, so idle, you would ask, As to watch Carlos when he deems himself From scrutiny secure? Who was it, then, At the last palace-ball observed you leave The queen, your partner, standing in the dance, And join, with eager haste, the neighboring couple, To offer to the Princess Eboli The hand your royal partner should have claimed? An error, prince, his majesty himself, Who just then entered the apartment, noticed. CARLOS (with ironical smile). His majesty? And did he really so? Of all men he should not have seen it. PRINCESS. Nor yet that other scene within the chapel, Which doubtless Carlos hath long since forgotten. Prostrate before the holy Virgin's image, You lay in prayer, when suddenly you heard— 'Twas not your fault—a rustling from behind Of ladies' dresses. Then did Philip's son, A youth of hero courage, tremble like A heretic before the holy office. On his pale lips died the half-uttered prayer. In ecstasy of pa**ion, prince—the scene Was truly touching—for you seized the hand, The blessed Virgin's cold and holy hand, And showered your burning kisses on the marble. CARLOS. Princess, you wrong me: that was pure devotion! PRINCESS. Indeed! that's quite another thing. Perhaps It was the fear of losing, then, at cards, When you were seated with the queen and me, And you with dexterous sk** purloined my glove.   [CARLOS starts surprised. That prompted you to play it for a card? CARLOS. What words are these? O Heaven, what have I done? PRINCESS. Nothing I hope of which you need repent! How pleasantly was I surprised to find Concealed within the glove a little note, Full of the warmest tenderest romance, CARLOS (interrupting her suddenly). Mere poetry! no more. My fancy teems With idle bubbles oft, which break as soon As they arise—and this was one of them; So, prithee, let us talk of it no more. PRINCESS (leaving him with astonishment, and regarding him for some time at a distance). I am exhausted—all attempts are vain To hold this youth. He still eludes my grasp.   [Remains silent a few moments. But stay! Perchance 'tis man's unbounded pride, That thus to add a zest to my delight. Assumes a mask of timid diffidence. 'Tis so.   [She approaches the PRINCE again, and looks at him doubtingly. Explain yourself, prince, I entreat you. For here I stand before a magic casket, Which all my keys are powerless to unlock. CARLOS. As I before you stand. PRINCESS (leaves him suddenly, walks a few steps up and down in silence, apparently lost in deep thought. After a pause, gravely and solemnly). Then thus at last— I must resolve to speak, and Carlos, you Shall be my judge. Yours is a noble nature, You are a prince—a knight—a man of honor. I throw myself upon your heart—protect me Or if I'm lost beyond redemption's power, Give me your tears in pity for my fate.   [The PRINCE draws nearer. A daring favorite of the king demands My hand—his name Ruy Gomez, Count of Silva, The king consents—the bargain has been struck, And I am sold already to his creature. CARLOS (with evident emotion). Sold! you sold! Another bargain, then, Concluded by this royal southern trader! PRINCESS. No; but hear all—'tis not enough that I Am sacrificed to cold state policy, A snare is laid to entrap my innocence. Here is a letter will unmask the saint!   [CARLOS takes the paper, and without reading it listens with impatience to her recital. Where Shall I find protection, prince? Till now My virtue was defended by my pride, At length—— CARLOS. At length you yielded! Yielded? No. For God's sake say not so! PRINCESS. Yielded! to whom? Poor piteous reasoning. Weak beyond contempt Your haughty minds, who hold a woman's favor, And love's pure joys, as wares to traffic for! Love is the only treasure on the face Of this wide earth that knows no purchaser Besides itself—love has no price but love. It is the costly gem, beyond all price, Which I must freely give away, or—bury For ever unenjoyed—like that proud merchant Whom not the wealth of all the rich Rialto Could tempt—a great rebuke to kings! to save From the deep ocean waves his matchless pearl, Too proud to barter it beneath its worth! CARLOS (aside). Now, by great heaven, this woman's beautiful. PRINCESS. Call it caprice or pride, I ne'er will make Division of my joys. To him, alone, I choose as mine, I give up all forever. One only sacrifice I make; but that Shall be eternal. One true heart alone My love shall render happy: but that one I'll elevate to God. The keen delight Of mingling souls—the kiss—the swimming joys Of that delicious hour when lovers meet, The magic power of heavenly beauty—all Are sister colors of a single ray— Leaves of one single blossom. Shall I tear One petal from this sweet, this lovely flower, With reckless hand, and mar its beauteous chalice? Shall I degrade the dignity of woman, The masterpiece of the Almighty's hand, To charm the evening of a reveller? CARLOS. Incredible! that in Madrid should dwell This matchless creature! and unknown to me Until this day. PRINCESS. Long since had I forsaken This court—the world—and in some blest retreat Immured myself; but one tie binds me still Too firmly to existence. Perhaps—alas! 'Tis but a phantom—but 'tis dear to me. I love—but am not loved in turn. CARLOS (full of ardor, going towards her). You are! As true as God is throned in heaven! I swear You are—you are unspeakably beloved. PRINCESS. You swear it, you!—sure 'twas an angel's voice. Oh, if you swear it, Carlos, I'll believe it. Then I am truly loved! CARLOS (embracing her with tenderness). Bewitching maid, Thou creature worthy of idolatry I stand before thee now all eye, all ear, All rapture and delight. What eye hath seen thee— Under yon heaven what eye could e'er have seen thee, And boast he never loved? What dost thou here In Philip's royal court! Thou beauteous angel! Here amid monks and all their princely train. This is no clime for such a lovely flower— They fain would rifle all thy sweets—full well I know their hearts. But it shall never be— Not whilst I draw life's breath. I fold thee thus Within my arms, and in these hands I'll bear thee E'en through a hell replete with mocking fiends. Let me thy guardian angel prove. PRINCESS (with a countenance full of love). O Carlos! How little have I known thee! and how richly With measureless reward thy heart repays The weighty task of—comprehending thee!   [She takes his hand and is about to kiss it. CARLOS (drawing it back). Princess! What mean you? PRINCESS (with tenderness and grace, looking at his hand attentively). Oh, this beauteous hand! How lovely 'tis, and rich! This hand has yet Two costly presents to bestow!—a crown— And Carlos' heart:—and both these gifts perchance Upon one mortal!—both on one—Oh, great And godlike gift-almost too much for one! How if you share the treasure, prince! A queen Knows naught of love—and she who truly loves Cares little for a crown! 'Twere better, prince, Then to divide the treasure—and at once— What says my prince? Have you done so already? Have you in truth? And do I know the blest one? CARLOS. Thou shalt. I will unfold myself to thee, To thy unspotted innocence, dear maid, Thy pure, unblemished nature. In this court Thou art the worthiest—first—the only one To whom this soul has stood revealed. Then, yes! I will not now conceal it—yes, I love! PRINCESS. Oh, cruel heart! Does this avowal prove So painful to thee? Must I first deserve Thy pity—ere I hope to win thy love? CARLOS (starting). What say'st thou? PRINCESS. So to trifle with me, prince! Indeed it was not well—and to deny The key—— CARLOS. The key! the key! Oh yes, 'tis so!   [After a dead silence. I see it all too plainly! Gracious heaven!   [His knees totter, he leans against a chair, and covers his face with his hands. A long silence on both sides. The PRINCESS screams and falls. PRINCESS. Oh, horrible! What have I done! CARLOS. Hurled down So far from all my heavenly joys! 'Tis dreadful! PRINCESS (hiding her face in the cushion). Oh, God! What have I said? CARLOS (kneeling before her). I am not guilty. My pa**ion—an unfortunate mistake— By heaven, I am not guilty—— PRINCESS (pushing him from her). Out of my sight, For heaven's sake! CARLOS. No, I will not leave thee thus. In this dread anguish leave thee—— PRINCESS (pushing him forcibly away). Oh, in pity— For mercy's sake, away—out of my sight! Wouldst thou destroy me? How I hate thy presence!   [CARLOS going. Give, give me back the letter and the key. Where is the other letter? CARLOS. The other letter? PRINCESS. That from the king, to me—— CARLOS (terrified). From whom? PRINCESS. The one I just now gave you. CARLOS. From the king! To you! PRINCESS. Oh, heavens, how dreadfully have I Involved myself! The letter, sir! I must Have it again. CARLOS. The letter from the king! To you! PRINCESS. The letter! give it, I implore you By all that's sacred! give it. CARLOS. What, the letter That will unmask the saint! Is this the letter? PRINCESS. Now I'm undone! Quick, give it me—— CARLOS. The letter—— PRINCESS (wringing her hands in despair). What have I done? O dreadful, dire imprudence! CARLOS. This letter comes, then, from the king! Princess, That changes all indeed, and quickly, too. This letter is beyond all value—priceless! All Philip's crowns are worthless, and too poor To win it from my hands. I'll keep this letter. PRINCESS (throwing herself prostrate before him as he is going). Almighty Heaven! then I am lost forever.   [Exit CARLOS.

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