1 For very much the same fortune had befallen the two cities on the Straits, Messene and Rhegium. 2 Certain Campanians serving under Agathocles had long cast covetous eyes on the beauty and prosperity of Messene; and not long before the events I am speaking of they availed themselves of the first opportunity to capture it by treachery. 3 After being admitted as friends and occupying the city, they first expelled or ma**acred the citizens 4 And then took possession of the wives and families of the dispossessed victims, just as chance a**igned them each at the time of the outrage. They next divided among themselves the land and all other property. 5 Having thus possessed themselves so quickly and easily of a fine city and territory, they were not long in finding imitators of their exploit. 6 For the people of Rhegium, when Pyrrhus crossed to Italy, dreading an attack by him and fearing also the Carthaginians who commanded the sea, begged from the Romans a garrison and support. 7 The force which came, four thousand in number and under the command of Decius, a Campanian, kept the city and their faith for some time. 8 But at length, anxious to rival the Mamertines and with their co-operation, played the people of Rhegium false, and eagerly coveting a city so favourably situated and containing so much private wealth, expelled or ma**acred the citizens and possessed themselves of the city in the same manner as the Campanians had done. The Romans were highly displeased. 9 Yet could do nothing at the time, as they were occupied with the wars I have already mentioned. 10 But when they had a free hand they shut up the culprits in the city and proceeded to lay siege to it as I have stated above. When Rhegium fell. 11 Most of the besieged were slain in the actual a**ault, having defended themselves desperately, as they knew what awaited them, but more than three hundred were captured. When they were sent to Rome 12 The Consuls had them all conducted to the forum and there, according to the Roman custom, scourged and beheaded; their object being to recover as far as possible by this punishment their reputation for good faith with the allies. 13 The city and territory of Rhegium they at once restored to the citizens.