Read beetwen the lines, tell me what are you thinking look into my eyes and say: "I want you too, kiss me so more" Read beetwen the lines tell me what are you thinking look into my eyes and say: "I want you too, kiss me so more" ____ loco, Danny, ____ que poco! I see you in Italy and I see you in the club, so I see you en la mañana pegaditos en la cama y cerrando la persiana pa' que no entre el sol... So shout, and start the rock, and everything it's good mamita when close to you y despues para el balcon y brilla todo el malecon y tú con esa sonrisita, no me voy a aguantar, mamá Read beetwen the lines, tell me what are you thinking look into my eyes and say: "I want you too, kiss me so more" Read beetwen the lines tell me what are you thinking look into my eyes and say: "I want you too, kiss me so more" Stop! In the name of love I see you in Italy and I see you in the club, so I see you every where, I just wanna be with you, from Tijuana to Colombia, Venezuela y Panama, I'm after you y no te me vas a escapar, Y cuando escucho tus mensajes por telefono, no, no ya no quiero ni pensar cuando te podre besar, esta estupida maquina la quiero yo matar, con la llanta de mi coche yo la voy a apachurrar Everything is cool when I'm near to you everything is cool, girl Everything is cool when I'm near to you everything is cool, girl Read beetwen the lines, tell me what are you thinking look into my eyes and say: "I want you too, kiss me so more" Read beetwen the lines tell me what are you thinking look into my eyes and say: "I want you too, kiss me so more" Yeah... Yeah, c'mon! I'm after you, girl! Read beetwen the lines, tell me what are you thinking from Tijuana to Colombia, Venezuela y Panama, yeah! "I want you too, kiss me so more" Read beetwen the lines, tell me what are you thinking from Tijuana to Colombia, Venezuela y Panama, yeah! "I want you too, kiss me so more"