Paul Strohm - The Man of Law's Epilogue (in Middle English) lyrics


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Paul Strohm - The Man of Law's Epilogue (in Middle English) lyrics

Owre Hoost upon his stiropes stood anon, And seyde, "Goode men, herkeneth everych on! This was a thrifty tale for the nones! Sir Parisshe Prest," quod he, "for Goddes bones, Telle us a tale, as was thi forward yore. I se wel that ye lerned men in lore Can moche good, by Goddes dignitee!" The Parson him answerde, "Benedicite! What eyleth the man, so synfully to swere?" Oure Host answerde, "O Jankin, be ye there? I smelle a Lollere in the wynd," quod he. "Now! goode men," quod oure Hoste, 'herkeneth me; Abydeth, for Goddes digne pa**ioun, For we schal han a predicacioun; This Lollere heer wil prechen us somwhat." "Nay, by my fader soule, that schal he nat!" Seyde the Shipman, "Heer schal he nat preche; He schal no gospel glosen here ne teche. We leven alle in the grete God," quod he; "He wolde sowen som difficulte, Or springen cokkel in oure clene corn. And therfore, Hoost, I warne thee biforn, My joly body schal a tale telle, And I schal clynken you so merry a belle, That I schal waken al this compaignie. But it schal not ben of philosophie, Ne phislyas, ne termes queinte of lawe. Ther is but litel Latyn in my mawe!"

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