Paul Gordon Digimon The Movie Hey Digimon Hey Digimon, hey Digimon Monster friends to the boys and girls Hey Digimon, hey Digimon Champions of the Digital World Hey Digimon, Hey Digimon Ultimate friends to the boys and girls Hey Digimon, Hey Digimon Champions of the Digital World Seven young kids go to camp for the summer Wind up livin' in the Digital Land Where everybody meets his own Digi-Monster A Digital companion, Digital friend A Digimon In-Training Will Digivolve to Rookie And Digivolve to Champion and Ultimate, too I'm gonna save the Digital World for me I'm gonna save the Digital World for you Hey Digimon, hey Digimon Monster friends to the boys and girls Hey Digimon, hey Digimon Champions of the Digital World Hey Digimon, Hey Digimon Ultimate friends to the boys and girls Hey Digimon, Hey Digimon Champions of the Digital World The Digiworld is safe in the Digimon's hands What the rookie can't do, the champion can When a Digimon fights then the Digimon wins A Digimon is gonna find the strength within A Digimon is always gonna be your friend A Digimon is gonna be there til the end And everybody knows when things go wrong That's when the Digimon is gonna be strong Hey Digimon, hey Digimon Monster friends to the boys and girls Hey Digimon, hey Digimon Champions of the Digital World Hey Digimon, Hey Digimon Ultimate friends to the boys and girls Hey Digimon, Hey Digimon Champions of the Digital World Hey Digimon, Hey Digimon... Hey Digimon, hey Digimon Monster friends to the boys and girls Hey Digimon, hey Digimon Champions of the Digital World Hey Digimon, Hey Digimon Ultimate friends to the boys and girls Hey Digimon, Hey Digimon Champions of the Digital World