Patrick Wilson - The Myth of Sisyphus lyrics


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Patrick Wilson - The Myth of Sisyphus lyrics

EXT. OUTSIDE- DAY Hanzee is crouched on the ground cradling and petting a rabbit. Cut to a flashback of Hanzee as a child in a cla**room watching a magician perform. The magician pulls a rabbit out of his hat. Every student except Hanzee applauds. Cut back to the present. Hanzee looks away from the rabbit. We hear the rabbits neck snap. Music plays. Hanzee is walking back to the Gerhardt household holding the dead rabbit. Cut to split-screen of a room down a hall. Cut to split-screen of a police car driving. Cut to split-screen of Lou, Hank, Betsy, and Molly eating. Cut to Charlie and Simone in a room. Simone puts out a cigarette. Cut to split-screen of Peggy fixing her hair in the bathroom while Ed is lying in bed. Cut to split-screen of Hank working at his desk. Cut to Skip answering a phone call at his store. Cut to a far away shot of Hanzee still walking to the house. Cut to split-screen of Lou in his police cruiser driving. Cut to split-screen of Mike and the Kitchen Brothers walking down a hotel hallway. Cut to a car driving up the Gerhardt's house. Cut to split-screen of Molly watching television, with Betsy also watching from the kitchen. Cut to the guards patrolling outside of the Gerdardt household. Music ends. INT. GERHARDT RESIDENCE- LIVING ROOM Floyd, Bear, and Otto are in a meeting with syndicate lieutenants Roost Boltan, Mickey Grout, Joey Seymour. FLOYD: My husband wants to thank you for coming. MICKEY: Of course. We know what side of the bread gets bu*tered. (To Otto) We know how to bu*ter bread! DODD: You don't have to yell. He's not deaf. MICKEY: Oh, I-- I didn't-- What's wrong with him, then? DODD: He had a stroke. FLOYD: A mild stroke. DODD: He can't walk or talk. FLOYD: For now, he can't. One day, though. He's still same lion inside. But until he's better, you talk to me. BEAR: That's right. Talk to Ma. She's in charge. Also, we want to thank you for your cards and letters. Bear offers a plate of food to the three lieutenants DODD: Are you kidding me? Cards and letters? We're in a state of siege, and you're talking about-- - FLOYD: Boys. (To Roost, Mickey, and Joey) You know about the offer on the table? Kansas City? ROOST: The money's good, you know? More than fair. DODD: Sure, but what they don't tell you is after you sign, they take your balls with a straight razor and fatten you up like a housecat. FLOYD: Language. DODD: Give me a break. I'm saying-- this is our business. We built it with blood and muscle. It's earned. And you can't just write a check— FLOYD: This family has been— DODD: You can't just write a check. FLOYD: This family has been a peace-time family since Kennedy. You think we just, out of the blue, pick up our guns and it's high noon? We're talking about the Kansas City mafia. They're like all the sharks in the sea. And we're, let's be honest, we're small-time. BEAR: "Know thyself.” DODD: What are you on about? BEAR: It's in the Bible. Dodd pounds the arms of the chair he's sitting on DODD: I'm saying we hit 'em and hit 'em hard. Otherwise, wither and die. Right, pop? Otto blankly looks on MICKEY: Look, it's not just the business. It's the country. This no-brains Jimmy Carter with his stupid peanut grin, and now I got to wait in line to fill my tank? DODD: Exactly. Where does it end? FLOYD: Enough-- all of you. It may be we have to fight, and I'm not afraid of a war. I'm not. But on my terms-- as a last resort. So I need to know now-- are you with me? Joey puts down the food he was eating. JOEY: Well, look. We talked.And we're not saying "Yes, we're going to war." But we recognize promises were made in blood, generations ago. ROOST: What he's saying is we're not gonna make the first move. But if these Kansas City mooks come at you shootin', we'll cut the goddamn nose off their face. Uh-huh. INT. PEARL HOTEL- DAY Joe is in a restaurant eating breakfast. A waitress pours him a cup of coffee. The sound of footsteps are heard. JOE: Late. MIKE: Sorry. Mike sits across from Joe. MIKE (sighing): Couldn't get the shampoo out of my hair. JOE: Soft water. MIKE: Say what? JOE: This goddamn northern water. It's slick to the touch. The waitress pours Mike a cup of coffee. MIKE: Yeah. I thought it was the shampoo. JOE: It could be that, too. I always carry my own. Agree. MIKE: Agree to what? JOE: That's the brand-- Agree. No additives. It works-- hard water or soft. Feel my hair. Mike feels Joe's hair. MIKE: Yeah, that's nice. Mike feels his own hair. JOE: So update's this-- nothing on the Gerhardt Frau as to "Yes" or "No". I didn't expect it, but still. Research thinks that they'll stall, then pa**. Mike looks behind MIKE: So we k** 'em. JOE: Maybe. If the market says k** 'em, we k** 'em. The market says offer more money, we offer more money. Whatever the pluses and minuses dictate. And on the Gerhardt kid-- this Rye? MIKE: Get this. He gunned down a judge-- some small hick town a couple hours south from here-- then disappeared. On the run now, we're thinking. JOE: On the run is good. On the run we can use. Find him. You, not them. Then he's leverage over the Frau, and maybe turn things our way without buying a bunch of extra bullets. EXT. OUTSIDE- DAY A police cruiser is driving down. DISPATCHER: Car 18, over. LOU: This is 18. Over. DISPATCHER: I got the Rock County sheriff on the line. Hold. Over. HANK: Went by the house. Betsy says you're up in Fargo. LOU: Yeah, I went to see about our judge's caseload. Maybe there's a connection to our shooter. Over. CUT TO. OUTSIDE- DAY Hank is standing outside his police car and speaking to Lou through the dispatch. In the background, a car is turned over HANK: Well, I'm callin' 'cause we got a print match off of that gun you found. Right index belonged to one Rye Gerhardt, which, I looked up, is the youngest male heir to that Gerhardt syndicate out of Fargo. LOU: You don't say. Over. HANK: Yup, so there's that. LOU: Okay, well, I'll mention that to Fargo PD. Uh, I'll probably be back late tonight, though. You want to tell Betsy not to wait up for me? Over. HANK: Okay, then. LOU: Sounds good. Over. HANK: Over and out, I guess. Hank closes his door and goes to the unended car. INT. COURTHOUSE- DAY Lou notices a man sitting in a chair. LOU: How ya doing? BEN: You know, waitin'. LOU: Lou Solverson, Minnesota State Police. I drove up from Luverne. Both shake hands. BEN: Ben Schmidt. Forensics inside. LOU: Ah. Lou sits next to Ben. BEN: Takin' their time. LOU: Yeah. Ben clears his throat. BEN: Heard the crime scene was a deal. LOU: Mm. BEN: I'm working things up here. Thought maybe tomorrow, I'd drive down, take a look. LOU: You're welcome to. Or I can send ya the photos. They're pretty thorough. Three dead, including the judge. Ben is distracted by a woman who pa**es by as Lou explains the crime details. LOU: Fry cook and a waitress, also. Shot multiple times. Got the prints back on the gun just before. Rye Gerhardt. Ben looks back to Lou with some surprise. LOU: That bad, huh? BEN: I'm not saying your life would be easier if it was your own prints on the gun, but that's the lines along which you should be thinkin'. LOU (sighing): Distribution, right? Gerhardts? BEN: Yeah. Dieter-- that's Otto's dad-- started running booze during prohibition, ended up building a truckin' empire. 1951, he gets 19 bullets in the head. That's when the son, Otto, he takes over, which is like-- the good news is, World War I is over. The bad news is, "Say to hello to Adolf Hitler." LOU: And the shooter is Otto's youngest? BEN: Yeah. Yeah, the runt-- mm, basically wind and swagger, except, I guess he's more than that now. Lou pulls out his notepad LOU: Say you ever heard of, uh Mike Milligan or The Kitchen Brothers? Out of Kansas City. Ben shakes his head no. Lou puts away his notepad. LOU: We caught them sniffin' around the crime scene, but nothing to hold 'em on, so BEN: You, uh-- you in the service? LOU: Navy-- two tours. Swift boat-- I was a lieutenant. BEN: Infantry for me, outside Da Nang. And we had a saying —“fubar.” LOU: Yeah, we had that, too. BEN: So when you put a dead judge, the Gerhardt family, and some hitters from Kansas in a bag together, I go back to thinking it might be best just to confess to the crime myself-- go live a long life in a cell somewhere with hot and cold running water. INT. GERHARDT RESIDENCE- KITCHEN Hanzee is taking out guts from the rabbit he k**ed at the sink. Simone is sitting on the counter. HANZEE: He got a place in town, then-- your uncle? SIMONE: Rye. HANZEE: Something he doesn't tell people, where he can do his business? SIMONE: You mean nail girls? HANZEE: Girls, d**. SIMONE: I don't know. Hanzee looks at Simone. SIMONE: I don't. I mean maybe. Okay. Maybe I been there with a boy or to score some weed. HANZEE: No d**, your dad says. Says anyone sells to you gets the axe. SIMONE: Geez, you're all a bunch of squares. Sometimes a girl just wants to bust a nut, ya know? It's over on 13th somewhere. Near the train station, I think. Not like I memorized the address. HANZEE: Show me. Hanzee eats an organ. INT. SHERIFF'S STATION- HANK'S OFFICE Music plays Hank is going through files on the Waffle Hut case. He looks at a picture of the knife that stabbed Rye. He puts it down and picks up a wanted poster of Rye. EXT. SALON- DAY Peggy arrives to work by bus INT. SALON- DAY Peggy is cutting a woman's hair. Constance is giving Betsy a haircut. BETSY: It's supposed to fall out, they say. With the chemo. Donna Pearlman lost hers overnight. Woke up and thought there was a dog sleepin' on her pillow. CONSTANCE (chuckling): Not everyone loses it. We could just wait and see. BETSY: Part of me thinks I should just shave it off-- be bald. PEGGY: My cousin had a melanoma-- didn't lose a single hair. Lost her eyebrows, though. BETSY: Now, that'd be a horror show. Cosntance walks to get something. PEGGY: So I decided. I want to do it. CONSTANCE: What's that, hon? PEGGY: The seminar. I thought about it, and I think I should. CONSTANCE: I'm so happy. So happy. BETSY: What seminar? CONSTANCE: It's called Lifespring. I did it last year in Mankato. Amazing. BETSY: Oh. PEGGY: Yeah, and I just, you know, I want to be the best me I can be, ya know? CONSTANCE: Good for you. What did Ed say when you asked him? Peggy grins slightly. CONSTANCE: You didn't, did you? (Laughing) You naughty girl. PEGGY: We were busy. Hank enters with papers in hand. HANK: Ladies. BETSY: Hi, dad. HANK: Spoke to your man on the wireless. Said to say he's gonna be late tonight. BETSY: Oh, yeah. I thought he might. Whatcha got there? HANK: Uh, Connie, you mind if I put one of those up in your window? CONSTANCE: Nope. Hank gives the wanted poster of Rye to Constance. Peggy glances at it. . PEGGY: Okay, Mrs. Blayco*k. You can head to the dryer. Peggy takes the sheet off the customer. CONSTANCE: Is that him-- the one that k**ed those poor people? HANK: We think so. Yeah. City boy, turns out. Rye Gerhardt-- raised without the proper moral fiber, I'm thinking. I mean, to k** all those people, and for what? You know, a little money? BETSY: You know, I was thinking last night-- that shoe you found in the tree. What if that's got something to do with the murders? Peggy is sweeping the floor and looks concerned HANK: Something how? BETSY: Well, you said yourself, the shooter left his vehicle behind, so, I'm thinking what if he walked out onto the road and got himself hit by a car. HANK: Like a hit and run? BETSY: Yeah. I mean, you found gla** in the road, right? HANK: Yeah, yeah. BETSY: And, uh, skid marks? So, I'm thinking, what if the k**er goes after poor Denise, shoots her in the parking lot, and then inadvertently gets himself struck by a pa**ing motorist? CONSTANCE: Hey, Peg, didn't you say that— PEGGY: I'm sorry, but that just don't make sense. I mean, how come the motorist don't stop? If they hit a person-- run 'em over, I mean? Hank thinks for a second. HANK: Yeah, I'm inclined to agree with Peggy. It's not like you're gonna just drive home with a Gerhardt in your windshield and, you know, start supper. BETSY: All I'm saying is-- maybe rather than looking for a man, you should be looking for a car. CUT TO. BUD'S MEATS Peggy enters. Noreen is sitting at the register reading. PEGGY: We got to-- NOREEN: Hi, Peggy. PEGGY: Hey, Noreen. PEGGY: Ed, we got to-- Get your coat. ED: Hi. PEGGY: Hi. ED: What's— Ed gets his coat. PEGGY: Noreen, hon, we've got a-- well, it's a family crisis is what it is. So I need to-- Will you tell Bud I'll have him back after lunch, okay? NOREEN: Whatever. EXT. BUD'S MEATS- DAY Peggy and Ed exit the shop. They cross the street. ED: Slow down. PEGGY: They know. ED: Know what? PEGGY: About the accident. There's a theory-- Betsy Solverson. She said hit and run, so we got to deal with the car. ED: O-okay, yeah, but just slow down. I don't understand what you're— PEGGY: I can't slow down. The clock's goin'. Like I said, there's a theory. So we got to deal with the car. Now-- today. ED: Deal how? It's broad daylight. They see the wanted poster of Rye on a window. Peggy walks away while Ed continues gazing at it in surprise. INT. SOLVERSONE RESIDENCE- LIVING ROOM Molly is watching a movie while Betsy is seen working in the kitchen. INT. COURTHOUSE- DAY Lou drinks out of a fountain. He sees a man go up to the deceased judge's office door, but quickly walks away. He walks up to it again, but quickly walks away again after Ben comes out. Lou motions to Ben of the mysterious man. EXT. COURTHOUSE- DAY Lou and Ben approach the man in his car, who is freaking out. Ben knocks on his window and surprises him, signaling him to roll the window down. SKIP: Sorry, Officer. Did I-- Am I in a loading zone? BEN: Sir, let me see some ID. Skip clears his throat. SKIP: Yeah. Skip looks for his ID and gives it to Ben. SKIP: Is there-- Am I in trouble, or?... Ben examines it. BEN: Skip-- that's your Christian name? SKIP: Yes, sir, Skip Sprang-- Carriage Typewriters. Grand re-opening, coming soon. BEN: Re-opening? Well, we're still open, technically. That is-- if you're looking for a cla**ic, can't do better. But the new models are-- they'll be in any day. Beauties-- all electric. State of the art. They're not just for women anymore, ya know? BEN: Mm. And what's got ya here at court today? SKIP: Well, sir, uh, had a hearing, but, uh, it's been postponed. BEN: Hearing on? Small bother-- back taxes. Nothing scandalous, but time sensitive, if you get my-- on account of-- I need, you know, cash, to cover the new models, see? BEN: Is that why you went by Judge Mundt's office? SKIP: Did what? Oh, uh, yeah. I, uh, heard, uh, what happened about the-- and, I mean, condolences to the family and all. But-- like I said-- lives hang in the balance here. And time is, ya know, tickin' down to get the typewriters-- spaceships, really-- out of, ya know hock. BEN (to Lou): What do ya think? LOU: He's a squirrely fella. Ben chuckles. LOU: Might be worth bringing him down to the station, diggin' down. BEN: Ya, I don't-- I mean, how many cases she have, our judge? Can't go diggin' down on every sad sack— SKIP: Yeah, exactly. You said it. A few back taxes. It's not like I'm even— BEN: Sir. SKIP: Yeah, okay. Ben looks at Lou, who gestures in resignation. BEN: Okay, Mr. Sprang. Ben gives back the ID. BEN: You have a nice day. SKIP: Okay, then. Uh, thanks much. Skip rolls up his window. He turns the car on and leaves. Ben sniffles and puts gloves on. He chuckles. BEN: “Spaceships, really.” LOU: “They're not just for women anymore?” Ben sighs. LOU: Gerhardts? BEN: No avoiding it, I suppose. INT. APARTMENT- UPSTAIRS Skip is moving down the hall. He knocks on a door. SKIP: Rye! Come on! Open the-- It's-- Let me in! The door opens, but it is Simone there smoking a cigarette. SIMONE: And here I was sitting on my hands. Now look what Santa brought me-- a little man. Whatcha doin' here, little man? SKIP: I'm, uh-- I'm looking for Rye. SIMONE: You look like you could use a drink. SKIP: Uh— SIMONE: Or at least watch me drink mine. It gets so lonely here by myself. Hell, I may even dance for ya. Skip enters. Simone goes to poor drinks. Hanzee closes the door. Skip turns around to see Hanzee blocking it. SKIP: Oh, geez! Who's— SIMONE: Don't worry about him. He's boring. Let me guess. You're the partner. Simone offers Skip the drink. SKIP: Uh, the, uh— Skip walks up to her and takes the drink. SIMONE: Rye said, "I got this new deal. Workin' with a fella downtown." So, I'm thinking you're the fella downtown. SKIP: No. Not-- I'm-- My name is Skip. I just come to, uh pay off some debts. Gamblin'-- ponies. SIMONE: Oh, okay, then. Pay me. SKIP: Well, uh, I don't actually have the money on me. I was just-- come by to say, ya know, I'll have it soon. Simone drinks her gla** all at once. SIMONE: So, you came by to not pay my uncle. And you're a patriot to boot. Simone grabs Skip's tie. SKIP: Well, I mean greatest country on Earth, yeah? Simone drags Skip by his tie to the door. SKIP: Uh, my tie. SIMONE: I think you and me should go for a drive. Simone puts down her cigarette. SKIP: Like, I said, I-- you know-- there's some appointments. SIMONE: s**s to your appointments. I say let's have some fun. What do you say, red man? Should we have some fun? HANZEE: You betcha. Simone grabs her coat. Hanzee opens the door and all three leave. EXT. OUTSIDE- DAY Ed and Peggy are driving Peggy's car to the outskirts of town. They stop a few feet away from a tree. Ed: Well, that's the tree I was thinking. PEGGY: You want me to do it? ED: No, it's better me. You sure about this plan? It'll work. PEGGY: Like I said, my uncle used to drive his truck and drink Old Milwaukee. And, you know, insurance don't want to pay for accidents when you're drunk, so he came up with this plan. Every crack-up, he'd drive his truck to some deserted spot till he sobered up, fake a new accident to cover the damage he did drinking. ED: Well, it's creative. PEGGY: So, that's what we do. We cover the damage, file a report, and then, I mean, that should do it. We got rid of the-- I mean, the guy's all ground up, and you burned his clothes, you said, so, once the car's fixed, it's-- We're free. Silence for a moment. PEGGY: You been a real paladin. ED: A-- what's that? PEGGY: It's like a knight. My knight. Ed chuckles. ED: Oh, well-- I mean, you're my wife. Okay, so, you should probably get out. You got the one shiner already. PEGGY: Okay. ED: Okay. Peggy gets out. Ed fastens his seatbelt. ED: Watch your toes, now. He drives the car towards the tree, but messes up and does a 180, hitting the tree from the back end. Scene cuts to the front of the car showing damage, with a tow truck hooking it up. PEGGY: I mean, what are the odds? Black ice and you doing a 180, hitting a tree with the back? You could run that scenario 1,000 times and never end up with these circumstances. ED: Yeah, I got it right the second time, though. PEGGY: Yeah, you did. Peggy pats Ed's arm. Ed groans and puts his arm to his neck. ED: I think I got the whiplash. PEGGY: Come on, hon. Peggy takes Ed's hand. She sighs. PEGGY: If they ask, I backed into the garage door, okay? INT. GERHARDT RESIDENCE- DINING ROOM Charlie is doing school work on the dining table. Bear enters with a plate of food and puts it down on the counter. He picks at it. CHARLIE: Still going, huh? BEAR: Grandma's working it out. She thinks maybe we can maybe sell Kansas City a piece of the business, not all. Bear goes to the fridge. CHARLIE: They didn't look like fellas who want to own half a car. BEAR: I need you to go back to school tomorrow. Dunlop will drive you. CHARLIE: No way. Bear takes a chicken leg from the fridge and eats it. BEAR: It's gonna get hinkey around here for a while, most likely. Can't be worried you're gonna catch a stray. CHARLIE: I can help. BEAR: No. I promised your ma I'd keep you out of it. Get you good and educated so you can make something of yourself. CHARLIE: I am something already, though, aren't I? A Gerhardt. BEAR (sighing): We're not negotiating. This is a top-down decision. Grandma agrees. CHARLIE: Uncle Dodd says— BEAR: Dodd's got nothing to do with it. You're my son. He's got his girls, so he decides what happens to them, but you're mine. Like I said, grandma agrees. Bear eats from the chicken. EXT. GERHARDT RESIDENCE Lou and Ben are driving up to the Gerhardt compound. There are two armed guards at the gate. BEN: Not too late to go to the movies. The guards open the gate. Ben and Lou drive through. They stop once they reach they house. They are stopped by guards. GUARD: Gonna need your guns. LOU: I'll hold onto mine. It's got sentimental value. Ben empties his gun and hands it over to the guard. GUARD: Well, you're not getting inside with that on your hip. LOU: Am I the only one here who's clear on the concept of law enforcement? Floyd comes outside. FLOYD: Is that Ben Schmidt? Ben walks closer. He chuckles. BEN: Mrs. Gerhardt. Oh, I heard about Otto. FLOYD: We're beset on all sides. How's your mother? BEN: Off the crutches, thanks. FLOYD: Who's that? Lou walks up closer. LOU: Lou Solverson, Minnesota State. BEN: Up from Luverne. Yeah, they had some senselessness there a few days back I'm afraid we're gonna have to talk about. FLOYD: What kind of senselessness? LOU: Three dead, including a state judge. BEN: A Judge Mundt. Bear comes out. BEAR: Everything okay, mom? FLOYD: Not sure yet-- something about a dead judge. Not sure how it falls to us. LOU: Ma'am we found the murder weapon at the scene. Prints came back this morning. FLOYD: And? BEN: We're gonna have to talk to Rye. FLOYD: That's not gonna happen. You need to leave. The guards approach Lou and Ben. LOU: Mrs. Gerhardt, if either of these men draw, I'm gonna be forced to shoot some people, and I don't want to do that. Now, your son's wanted in connection with three murders. And I'm guessing that's not the first time you heard somebody say that, so however it is you want to handle this, you need to handle it now, or it'll get handled for you. BEN: Everybody go easy. A car approaches the house. Dodd comes out. DODD: You okay, Ma? BEN: Maude Schmidt's boy here is trying to tell me your brother k**ed a judge. Dodd goes up the steps. DODD: Nobody k**ed a judge. We own all the judges. What'd be the point of k**ing one? BEN: Now, Dodd-- DODD: Don't you "Dodd" me. We're not friends. BEN: We found Rye's prints on the gun. DODD: You're gonna find my boot on your neck, you keep talking like that. LOU: Well, now, to be fair-- I'm the one who found the gun, so I think you're dancing with the wrong girl. DODD: What'd you say? LOU: I says, I'm the one who found the gun, so you should be talking to me. And I'm from out of town, so forgive me if I should be terrified, but in Minnesota, when a police officer says talk, you talk. Dodd walks over to Lou. DODD: You want to dance? Let's dance. FLOYD: Ben, you need to teach your friend some manners. LOU: How about Mike Milligan out of Kansas City? You know where we can find him? Pretty sure he's looking for your brother, too. Charlie comes outside. CHARLIE: Uh, Uncle Dodd? Uncle Dodd, Hanzee called. DODD: Not now. CHARLIE: Said it's real important. Wants you to meet him at the dig. Dodd whistles at the guards and goes in the house. DODD: We're done here. FLOYD: You heard my son. We've said all we're gonna say. Give him his gun back. Get him out of here. Ben pats Lou's shoulder. BEN: Okay. Time to go. Charlie goes back inside while Bear watches the two cops leave. Lou and Ben get in the car. EXT. OUTSIDE- DAY Lou and Ben are driving down North Dakota. LOU: Well, we could get a warrant. BEN: From what judge? You heard Dodd. They own most of the town. Ben turns left. LOU: Hey, pull over, huh? Ben stops at Carriage Typewriters. BEN: The typewriter guy? LOU: Yeah, like I said. He was squirrely. BEN: Hey, I-- I got to get back, talk to my boss, - but, uh- LOU: No, sure. BEN: -station's just a few blocks if you want to-- - LOU: Sure, sure. Thanks for showing me around today. BEN: Yeah. Lou exits the car and Ben leaves. Lou sees the door has been pried open. INT. CARRIAGE TYPEWRITERS- DAY Lou cautiously enters the store. He hears and sees people in a room. The sound of a toilet flushes. Gale Kitchen comes out of the bathroom and sees Lou. He moves to get his shotgun leaning against the wall but is stopped by Lou, who has his hand on his gun. LOU: Unh-unh. Mike comes out of the room. MIKE (to Gale): What are you, having a baby in there? Mike turns to see Lou. MIKE: Hello. (To Gale) You didn't tell me your family was in from out of town. Wayne comes out of the room co*king his shotgun an aiming at Lou. Lou draws his gun and points it at Wayne. LOU: Unh-unh. MIKE: Whoops. LOU: Got to ask you your business here. MIKE: Maybe I'm the owner. LOU: Nope. Met the owner this morning. MIKE: Is that right? Maybe tell us where he is. Make a few bucks. LOU: I was gonna ask you the same. Say, you wouldn't by any chance be Mike Milligan and The Kitchen Brothers, would you? Gale and Wayne look to each other. MIKE: You make us sound like a prog rock band. Ladies and gentlemen, introducing Mike Milligan and The Kitchen Brothers. Mike imitates crowd noise. Gale quickly grabs his shotgun and aims it at Lou LOU: Ahh! Lou aims at Gale. MIKE: Double whoops. LOU: Easy. MIKE: Minnesota cop. You do know you're in North Dakota, right? LOU: Must have got lost on the way to the lake. MIKE: So where'd you say you saw old Skip? LOU: At your mother's house. I think, going in the back door. MIKE (to Gale): I like him. (To Lou) I like you. Met another fella from Minnesota yesterday. Big guy. Sheriff, I think. I liked him, too. LOU: We're a very friendly people. MIKE: No, that's not it. Pretty unfriendly, actually. But it's the way you're unfriendly-- how you're so polite about it, like you're doing me a favor. LOU: Well, this has been enjoyable, but I better get going. Lou backs a step. The brothers raise their weapons and Lou raises his. MIKE: What did Nixon call it? Peace with honor. LOU: Something like that. MIKE: Naw. You stay. We've seen everything there is to see. Mike pats Gale. Mike and the brothers move to the exit while Lou stays grounded, guns still pointed at one another. MIKE: I am not a crook. Gale and Wayne put their shotguns away. The three exit. Lou puts his gun away. EXT. OUTSIDE- DAY Lou is driving in his police cruiser. He stops at a service station. MAN: Rapid fire. Some round, some oval. LOU: What's that, friend? MAN: Circular patterns-- unnatural, bright, hovering in the sky. You know, they come only in the odd months-- the visitors. Always in sets of three. Such a night was two nights past. Reports from Mankato to Vermillion. LOU: Visitors? A car waits behind Lou's police cruiser. MAN: From above. Some say they take you to their ship and probe you in places you don't want to mention. I believe their purposes are more benevolent. As the caretaker to the zoo, strange happenings occur, they are near. The horn from the car behind honks. Lou signals to the man in the car. LOU: Strange happenings, huh? I wondered what was causing that. Lou gets in his car. EXT. OUTSIDE- NIGHT Ed and Peggy are on a bus. Ed is sleeping then wakes up. We here a past conversation that took place between them. ED: You think it worked? PEGGY: What's that, hon? ED: I said you think it worked? Today, with the car? PEGGY: It worked. ED: I don't know how you can be so sure. PEGGY: It worked. EXT. SOLVERSONE RESIDENCE- NIGHT Lou exits his police cruiser INT. SOLVERSONE RESIDENCE- NIGHT Lou takes off his boots. Peggy and Hank are seen sitting on the couch playing a board game. BETSY: Hiya, hon. Dad's here. LOU: Oh. Hank. Lou goes to the living room. He takes off his holster. BETSY: Sit. Let me get you some Divinity. LOU: Ooh, I won't say no. BETSY: Mm Betsy gets off the couch for Lou and leaves. Lou sits. Hank is dealing cards on the board game. Lou rolls up his sleeves. HANK: You go see the Gerhardts, then? LOU: It's been real "high noon", my day. Gerhardts, and I ran into those Kansas City fellas you pulled over. HANK: Milligan, and, um What do ya-- The Bathroom Brothers. LOU: Yeah. The ones that don't talk. HANK: Yeah. LOU: We pointed our weapons at each other for a bit before calling it a day. HANK: Maybe two pieces of cake, then. LOU: Sounds right. Betsy brings Lou a piece of cake. LOU: Mm. BETSY: Hiya. LOU: Hi. Lou and Betsy kiss. LOU: You okay? BETSY: Yeah. No complaints. Betsy sits on a chair. LOU: Playing cribbage, you hold your horses there. HANK: Yeah. You-know-who's cheating. BETSY: Who's cheating, dad? Hank laughs. BETSY: Huh? No, come on. HANK: By the way, I looked at your hand. Screen fades to black. EXT. OUTSIDE- NIGHT Dodd drives up to a dig site. He gets out of his car. Simone gets out of the pa**enger's side of Hanzee's truck DODD: Get back in the goddamn truck. SIMONE: What are you talking about? I got him. Dodd slaps Simone. DODD: And bu*ton up that coat. You're embarra**in' me. Simone looks at Dodd. She tried to light a cigarette, but Dodd takes it out of her mouth and crushes it. SIMONE: Yeah? You want to hit me again? Is that getting you hard? Dodd grabs Simone's hair harshly. Simone groans and gasps. He throws her in the truck and closes the door on her legs, causing her to scream. Dodd walks up to Hanzee and Skip. DODD: I wanted a boy. What did God give me? Four goddamn girls. SKIP: Please, sir, this is a huge misunder— DODD: Shut up! We know about the judge and the typewriters and the taxes, and we know you were putting ideas into his head. And all I want to hear out of your mouth right now is where he is. SKIP: Who? Dodd tightly grabs Skip's neck. Skip gags and tries tapping out. Dodd releases his grip. DODD: If you knew the day I'm havin'— Skip is gasping for breath and coughing. SKIP: Tell him. Why would I go by Rye's place yellin' his name if I knew where he was? SKIP: You talk to the cops? Skip is dumbfounded at the question. Dodd signals to Hanzee. HANZEE: In the hole. SKIP: What? Skip looks back to the hole behind him. He whimpers as he reluctantly gets in. SKIP: Look, I can find him. I can-- if you give me a day-- two days. HANZEE: Lie down. SKIP: On the ground? Skip cries as he lies down in the hole. Dodd signals the dumptruck to back up. The back part lifts up to dump the dirt on Skip. SKIP: Please! I-- I-- I-- I'm not the one you want to-- Talk to Milligan! They got him. Dodd signals to the dumptruck driver to hold. DODD: What'd you say? SKIP: Came by yesterday looking for Rye. Probably-- they found him. SKIP: I'm just-- I could call. Make a deal. I got capital. DODD: You don't know anything. Dodd signals to the driver to release the dirt. SKIP (crying): No, no! No, no! Skip is fully buried in the dirt. DODD (to Hanzee): You're gonna drive down to that sh**hole Minnesota town, and you're gonna bring my brother back tonight. Judge or no judge. If Kansas City gets in your way, if the cops get in your way, if anybody gets in your way, you k** 'em dead. Dodd spits out the cigar he was smoking and walks to his car. Hanzee looks at the dirt pile and walks back to his truck. Part of Skip's tie is still sticking out from the dirt. [End Credits]

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