Parties - Paris decision (6-Nov). IV: Workstream 2. lyrics


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Parties - Paris decision (6-Nov). IV: Workstream 2. lyrics

IV. [WORKSTREAM 2] [ [A. Preamble] Pp1 Recalling decisions [1/CP.16], 1/CP.17, 2/CP.18, 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20, Pp2 [Also recalling that workstream 2 of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action is under the Convention and its principles and provisions, including the principle of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities and Articles 2, 3 and 4 of the Convention,] Pp3 [Stressing the urgency of accelerating the implementation of the Convention and its Kyoto Protocol in order to enhance pre-2020 ambition, in particular through accelerating the implementation of decision 1/CP.19, paragraphs 3 and 4, and decision 1/CP.20, paragraphs 17 and 18,] Pp4 Noting with grave concern the significant gap between the aggregate effect of Parties' mitigation pledges in terms of global annual emissions of greenhouse gases by 2020 [and aggregate emission pathways] consistent with having a likely chance of holding the increase in global average temperature below 2 °C or 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, Pp5 Recognizing the importance of regional and international cooperation for enhancing the implementation of the Convention and mobilizing ambitious climate action by all, Pp6 [Emphasizing that enhanced pre‐2020 ambition can lay a solid basis for enhanced post‐2020 ambition,] Pp7 [Emphasizing that enhanced action and international cooperation on adaptation is urgently required to enable and support the implementation of adaptation actions aimed at reducing vulnerability and building resilience in developing country Parties, [recognizing the special status of the least developed countries and small island developing States],] Pp8 [Reaffirming that policies and measures of developed country Parties to increase pre-2020 ambition should be consistent with the principles and provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of the Convention and should be comprehensive, covering all relevant sources, sinks and reservoirs of greenhouse gases and adaptation, as well as finance, technology development and transfer, including cost-effective technologies and capacity-building, in accordance with the historical responsibilities of developed countries and different socioeconomic contexts and the degree of development of developed and developing country Parties,] Pp9 [Acknowledging the legitimate need of developing country Parties to achieve sustained economic growth and eradicate poverty so as to be able to cope with climate change,] Pp10 Emphasizing the enduring benefits of ambitious and early action, including major reductions in the cost of future mitigation and adaptation efforts, Pp11 [Reiterating the need to scale up quick-start opportunities that are [cost-effective and] widely applicable, [such as reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation; the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries; the joint mitigation and adaptation mechanism for the integral and sustainable management of forests; and renewable energy],] Pp12 Noting with concern the conclusion of the forty-second session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation that many developing country Parties have not yet submitted their first biennial update reports; [B. Mitigation] 106. Resolves to ensure the highest possible mitigation efforts in the pre-2020 period, including by: (a) Urging all Parties that have not already done so to ratify and implement the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol[, if they wish to do so]; (b) Urging all Parties that have not already done so to make and implement a mitigation pledge under the Cancun Agreements; (c) [Inviting all developed country Parties to increase the ambition of their mitigation pledges under the Cancun Agreements so that they are in line with the levels required by science, including by removing conditionalities, in accordance with decision 1/CP.19, paragraph 4(d);] (d) Inviting developing country Parties that have not submitted their first biennial update reports to do so as soon as possible; (e) Urging all Parties to participate fully and in a timely manner in agreed measurement, reporting and verification processes in order to demonstrate progress in their implementation of mitigation measures and, for those with a pledge under the Cancun Agreements, progress in implementing this pledge in full; 107. Encourages Parties to promote the voluntary cancellation, by Parties and non-Party stakeholders alike, of emission units issued under the Kyoto Protocol (i.e. certified emission reductions, [emission reductions units], [a**igned amount units and removal units]) that meet the standard of delivering real, permanent, additional and verified mitigation outcomes; 108. Urges all Parties to transparently report on [internationally transferred mitigation outcomes] used to meet international pledges in order to promote environmental integrity and avoid the double counting of mitigation outcomes; 109. Recognizes the social and economic value of voluntary mitigation actions and their co-benefits for adaptation, health and sustainable development; 110. Resolves to strengthen, in the period 2016–2020, the existing technical examination process on mitigation as defined in decision 1/CP.19, paragraph 5(a), taking into account the latest scientific knowledge, including by: (a) Requesting the appointment of co-facilitators to guide this process; (b) Encouraging Parties, Convention bodies, international organizations and non-Party stakeholders to engage actively and effectively in this process, to share their experiences and suggestions, including from regional events, and to cooperate in facilitating the implementation of policies, practices and actions identified during this process in accordance with national sustainable development priorities; (c) Striving to improve access to, and participation in, this process by [developing country Party experts][non-Party experts;] (d) Requesting the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network to: (i) Engage in the technical expert meetings and enhance their efforts to facilitate and support Parties in scaling up the implementation of policies, practices and actions identified during this process; (ii) [Provide regular updates during the technical expert meetings on the progress made in facilitating the implementation of policies, practices and actions previously identified during this process;] (iii) Include information on their activities under this paragraph in their joint annual report to the Conference of the Parties; (e) Encouraging Parties to make effective use of the Climate Technology Centre and Network to obtain support in the development of economically, environmentally and socially viable project proposals in the high mitigation potential areas identified in this process; 111. Requests the secretariat, in consultation with the co-facilitators referred to in paragraph 110(a) above, to organize the process referred to in paragraph 110 above and disseminate its results, including by: (a) Organizing [in cooperation with the Technology Executive Committee] regular technical expert meetings focusing on specific policies, practices and actions representing best practice and with the potential to be scalable and replicable, in cooperation and coordination with representatives of relevant Convention bodies, in particular the GCF, the Global Environment Facility, the Technology Executive Committee and the Climate Technology Centre and Network; (b) Updating on an annual basis, following the meetings referred to in paragraph 111(a) above and in time to serve as input to the [summary for policymakers] [reports on the meetings] referred to in paragraph 111(c) below, a technical paper on the mitigation benefits and co-benefits of policies, practices and actions to enhance mitigation ambition, information on which should be made available in a user-friendly online format; (c) Preparing, under the guidance of the champions referred to in paragraph 130 below, [a summary for policymakers] [reports on the meetings referred to in paragraph 111(a) above], including the identification of specific policies, practices and actions representing best practice and with the potential to be scalable and replicable, and publishing it at least two months in advance of each session of the Conference of the Parties as input for the high-level events referred to in paragraph 129 below; (d) [Ensuring, in the preparation of the technical paper referred to in paragraph 111(b) above and summary for policymakers referred to in paragraph 111(c) above, the inclusion of information related to the means of implementation, in particular finance, technology and capacity-building support required by developing country Parties;] 112. Decides that the process referred to in paragraph 110 above should be continued under the [Conference of the Parties][Subsidiary Body for Implementation] and take place on an ongoing basis until 2020; 113. [Also decides to conduct, in [2017][2018], an a**essment of the process referred to in paragraph 110 above with the aim of improving its effectiveness;] [C. Support] 114. [Recognizes the need and urgency to enhance the provision of finance, technology and capacity-building by developed countries, in a predictable manner, to support [the highest possible emission mitigation] by developing country Parties [and other Parties in need of support, including countries with economies in transition] related to pre-2020 action, in particular through ensuring that the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism are scaled up substantially and on an ongoing basis;] 115. [Urges developed country Parties to increase their level of financial support to USD 70 billion in 2016 and 85 billion in 2018 in order to achieve the goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion annually by 2020;] 116. [Also urges developed country Parties to achieve the USD 100 billion goal referred to in paragraph 115 above by increasing the level of financial support for adaptation to [at least 50 per cent] [one-third] [a significant percentage] of that goal, prioritizing the delivery of that goal through the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism and the Adaptation Fund;] 117. [Re-emphasizes its request to developed country Parties, in preparing their updated biennial submissions on strategies and approaches for scaling up climate finance for the period 2016–2020, to enhance the available quantitative and qualitative elements of a pathway towards meeting their commitment to a goal of mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion annually by 2020, placing greater emphasis on the transparency and predictability of financial flows;] 118. [Reiterates its request to the SCF to explore how it can enhance its work on the measurement, reporting and verification of support on the basis of the best available information on the mobilization of resources, including private and alternative resources, through public intervention;] 119. [Calls on the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism to provide financial resources for the development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies and know-how to developing country Parties so as to facilitate their further deployment, and to allocate resources for the removal of barriers to accessing such technologies and know-how;] 120. [Decides to conduct in 2016 and 2017 a review of the gaps in implementation of the mitigation commitments of developed country Parties and in the provision of support for adaptation, finance, technology transfer and capacity-building by developed country Parties to developing country Parties;] [D. Accelerated implementation] Option 1: (paragraph 121-121bis) 121. [Decides to launch a process for accelerating pre-2020 implementation in the 2016–2020 period that includes the following tasks: (a) Sharing experiences and best practice among Parties on accelerating the implementation of paragraphs 3 and 4 of decision 1/CP.19 and paragraphs 17 and 18 of decision 1/CP.20; (b) Facilitating the revisit of the pre-2020 emission reduction target of each developed country Party and, if it is also a Party to the Kyoto Protocol, its quantified emission limitation or reduction commitment for the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, and evaluating the progress on achieving the emission reduction target of developed country Parties as a whole of at least 40 per cent below the 1990 level by 2020; (c) Facilitating the removal by developed country Parties of any conditions a**ociated with their respective quantified economy-wide emission reduction targets or targets under the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol with a view to fully implementing decision 1/CP.19, paragraph 4(d); (d) Assessing the adequacy of finance, technology and capacity-building support to developing countries in a holistic manner and facilitating further measures on the implementation of nationally appropriate mitigation actions based on the result of such a**essment; (e) Supporting indigenous knowledge and practices in adaptation and mitigation, including the enhancement of the multiple co-benefits of pre-2020 action; (f) Developing recommendations on further guidance to the AC, Financial Mechanism and Technology Mechanism under the Convention to enhance their performance and the delivery of their mandates; (g) Sharing the experiences on and addressing economic diversification, and addressing the negative economic and social consequences of the implementation of response measures on developing countries, in particular in relation to unilateral measures; 121bis. Agrees that the accelerated implementation process will: (a) Hold meetings in parallel with each session of the subsidiary bodies to the Convention; (b) Allow for submissions by Parties; (c) Provide recommendations to the Conference of the Parties on improving the scale and delivery of means of implementation; (d) Evaluate the current transparency of support, including its measurement, reporting and verification.; (e) Be informed by the work of the existing subsidiary bodies and processes under the Convention, which will provide expert input on the matters referred to in paragraph 121 above; Option 2: (paragraphs 121-121ter) 121. Decides to [launch][conduct] a facilitative and exploratory [process][dialogue] in conjunction with the twentythird session of the Conference of the Parties (November 2017) with a view to identifying ways to accelerate the implementation of commitments under the Convention in the pre-2020 period, including: (a) Opportunities to enhance the ambition of mitigation efforts by all Parties; (b) Opportunities to enhance the provision and mobilization of finance, technology and capacity-building support to developing country Parties [and other Parties in need of support, including countries with economies in transition,] in a holistic manner; 121bis. Invites Parties, accredited observer organizations, and Convention bodies to submit to the secretariat by [x date] their views on the matter referred to in paragraph 121 above; 121ter. Also invites Convention bodies to provide expert inputs on the matter referred to in paragraph 121 above; Option 3: (paragraph 121) 121. No text [E. Non-Party stakeholder engagement] 122. Acknowledges with appreciation the results of the Lima–Paris Action Agenda, which build on the climate summit convened on 23 September 2014 by the United Nations Secretary-General; 123. Welcomes the efforts of non-Party stakeholders, including civil society, the private sector, financial institutions, cities and other subnational authorities, local communities and indigenous peoples, to scale up their climate actions and provide further mitigation and/or adaptation opportunities for Parties, including climate actions registered in the Non-State Actor Zone for Climate Action (NAZCA) platform; 124. [Invites non-Party stakeholders to demonstrate their climate actions through mechanisms such as the NAZCA platform;] 125. Encourages Parties to work closely with non-Party stakeholders, including those mentioned in paragraph 123 above, to catalyze efforts to strengthen mitigation action; 126. [Also encourages non-Party stakeholders to increase their engagement in the [process referred to in paragraph 110 above][processes referred to in paragraphs 110 above and [34][41] below];] 127. [Welcomes with appreciation the Declaration of the World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Defense of Life held in Tiquipaya, Bolivia, from 10 to 12 October 2015;] 128. [Establishes a platform for supporting and strengthening the knowledge, practices and technologies of indigenous peoples and local communities, including those for adaptation to and mitigation of climate change in a holistic and integrated manner;] [F. High-level dialogue/events] 129. Agrees to convene, in conjunction with each session of the Conference of the Parties from 2016 to 2020, a highlevel event that: (a) Further strengthens high-level engagement on the implementation of policy options and actions arising from the [process referred to in paragraph 110 above][processes referred to in paragraphs 110 above and [34] [41] below], building on the relevant reports and summaries for policymakers referred to in paragraph 111(c) above and 134quater below; (b) Provides an opportunity for announcing new or strengthened efforts, voluntary initiatives and coalitions, including policies, practices and actions arising from the [process referred to in paragraph 110 above][processes referred to in paragraphs 5 above and [34] [41] below] and presented in the summaries for policymakers referred to in paragraph 111(b) above and 134quater below; (c) Takes stock of related progress and new or strengthened efforts, voluntary initiatives and coalitions; (d) Exchanges experiences with and best practices on climate action by non-Party stakeholders[, including indigenous peoples' knowledge and technologies on mitigation and adaptation]; (e) Provides meaningful and regular opportunities for the effective engagement of experts from Parties, international organizations, international cooperative initiatives and non-Party stakeholders; 130. [Decides that two high-level champions shall be appointed to facilitate, through strengthened high-level engagement in the 2016–2020 period, the scaling-up and launching of new or strengthened efforts, voluntary initiatives and coalitions, including by: (a) Working with the Executive Secretary and the current and incoming presidents of the Conference of the Parties to coordinate the annual high-level event referred to in paragraph 129 above; (b) Engaging intensively with interested Parties and non-Party stakeholders; (c) [Providing guidance to][Coordinating with] the secretariat on the organization of technical expert meetings referred to in [paragraph 111(a) above][paragraph 111(a) above and paragraph 134 (of options 1 and 1alt) below]; 131. [Also decides that the high-level champions referred to in paragraph 130 above shall serve for a term of two years, with their terms overlapping for a full year to ensure continuity, such that: (a) The President of the [twentieth][twenty-first] session of the Conference of the Parties shall appoint one champion, who shall serve from the date of the appointment until the [first][last] day of the twentysecond session of the Conference of the Parties (November 2016); (b) The President of the [twenty-first][twenty-second] session of the Conference of the Parties shall appoint one champion, who shall serve from the date of the appointment until the [first][last] day of the twentythird session of the Conference of the Parties (November 2017); (c) Thereafter, each subsequent President shall appoint one champion who shall serve for two years and succeed the previously appointed champion whose two-year term has ended;] 132. Invites all interested Parties and relevant organizations to provide support for the work of the champions referred to in paragraph 130 above; 133. Requests the secretariat, in consultation with the current and incoming presidents of the Conference of the Parties, to make arrangements facilitating the provision of support referred to in paragraph 132 above; [G. Adaptation] Option 1: (paragraphs 134-134septies) 134. Decides to launch a technical examination process on adaptation in the period 2016–2020 taking into account: (a) Lessons learned from the technical examination process on mitigation referred to in paragraph 110 above; (b) The unique, nationally determined characteristics, stakeholders and needs for cooperative action on adaptation; (c) The need to ensure coherence and to complement and enhance work being conducted under existing processes, arrangements and institutions under the Convention; 134bis. Also decides that the process referred to in paragraph 134 (option 1) above will aim to identify opportunities for decreasing vulnerabilities, enhance adaptation action and support, share best practices and attend to gaps in implementation, knowledge, technology, capacity and finance, by addressing, inter alia: (a) Actions that could significantly enhance adaptation implementation, including through national adaptation plans, including actions that can enhance economic diversification and have mitigation cobenefits; (b) Gaps relating to institutions, knowledge, technology, capacity and finance, including in relation to decision 1/CP.16, paragraphs 14 and 18; (c) Opportunities for Parties and civil society to bring forward adaptation activities with the potential for scaling-up and replication to increase the resilience of vulnerable people, communities and ecosystems; (d) Assessment and enabling of adaptation finance (in accordance with Article 4, paragraphs 4 and 9 of the Convention, inter alia) to implement identified actions and to ensure the formulation and full implementation of national adaptation planning processes, including national adaptation plans; (e) Enhancement of the implementation of policies, practices and processes related to the transfer and diffusion of technological know-how, including the formulation and implementation of national adaptation plans; (f) Enabling of technology support and needs a**essments (including with regard to appropriateness), as well as the building of capacity to formulate and implement identified projects, programmes and activities; (g) Methodologies to a**ess adaptation costs and needs and adequacy of support in relation to the mitigation gap; (h) Enhanced research and development of systematic observation (on climate risks, vulnerability, adaptation and resilience); (i) Options for the sharing of good practices and lessons learned, building on the experience of the Nairobi work programme, particularly from actions with the potential to enhance the implementation of adaptation and those with mitigation co-benefits; (j) Continued promotion of cooperation on concrete actions on adaptation in accordance with nationally defined development priorities; 134ter. Requests the AC, in support of the process referred to in paragraph 134 (option 1) above, to prepare a yearly synthesis report on the progress of the initiatives under this process; 134quater. Also requests the secretariat to facilitate the process referred to in paragraph 134 (option 1) above and disseminate its results taking into account the work of, inter alia, the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group, as well as activities under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, including by: (a) Organizing regular technical expert meetings focusing on scalable and replicable policies, practices and actions and on the finance, technology development and capacity-building support needed by developing country Parties; (b) Preparing [on an annual basis following the meetings] [for each of the meetings] referred to in paragraph 134quater(a) above and in time to serve as input to the summary for policymakers referred to in paragraph 134quater(c) below a technical paper on opportunities to enhance adaptation action and support, including gaps in the means of implementation; (c) Preparing a summary for policymakers and publishing it well in advance of each session of the Conference of the Parties as input for the high-level events referred to in paragraph 129 above; (d) Strengthening intra-Convention cooperation and coordination to consider ways to accelerate the implementation of policies, practices and actions identified during this process and the provision of support to developing country Parties necessary for their implementation; 134quinquies. Decides that the process referred to in paragraph 34 above should be continued under the [Conference of the Parties][Subsidiary Body for Implementation] and take place on an ongoing basis until 2020; 134s**ties. [Also decides to conduct in [2017][2018] an a**essment of the process referred to in paragraph 134 (option 1) above with the aim of improving its effectiveness;] 134septies. Encourages Convention bodies to take note of the lessons learned from the processes referred to in paragraphs 110 and 134 (option 1) above and replicate applicable processes where they contribute to the purposes of those bodies. Option 1 Alt: (paragraphs 134-134quater) 134. Decides to launch a technical examination process on adaptation in the period 2016–2020 building on existing processes and institutions, including the AC, to enhance adaptation action and support, share best practices as well as to address gaps in implementation, knowledge, finance, technology, and planning and institutional capacity; 134bis. Agrees to convene in conjunction with each session of the Conference of the Parties a high-level event to further strengthen high-level engagement on adaptation including, inter alia, on the implementation of adaptation policy options and actions; 134ter. Requests the Adaptation Committee to prepare an annual synthesis report on the progress of the initiatives under the process referred to in paragraph 134 (option 1 alt) above; 134quater. Also requests the secretariat to facilitate the process referred to in paragraph 134 (option 1 alt) above and to disseminate its results taking into account the other work of, inter alia, the Adaptation Committee and the Least Developed Countries Expert Group, as well as activities under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation; Option 2: (paragraph 134) 134. Encourages Convention bodies to take note of the lessons learned from the process referred to in paragraph 110 above and replicate applicable processes where they contribute to the purposes of those bodies; 135. Notes the estimated budgetary implications of the activities to be undertaken by the secretariat referred to in this decision and requests that the actions of the secretariat called for in this decision be undertaken subject to the availability of financial resources.]

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