Parties - Paris decision (6-Nov). III: Adaptation. lyrics


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Parties - Paris decision (6-Nov). III: Adaptation. lyrics

ADAPTATION 47. [Decides that the activities referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Agreement should: (a) Not be prescriptive or result in the duplication of efforts; (b) Facilitate country-owned and country-driven action; (c) Involve and facilitate the participation of relevant stakeholders, in particular women[, local communities] and indigenous peoples, in planning, decision-making and monitoring and evaluation, and give priority to the poorest and most vulnerable communities and people; (d) Be participatory and inclusive, building on existing community-driven and traditional adaptation efforts[, in all interested developing countries, in particular in the least developed countries (LDCs), small island developing States (SIDS) and countries in Africa][, recognizing the urgent and immediate needs and special circumstances of developing country Parties, especially those that are particularly vulnerable]; (e) Promote climate resilience and sustainable development trajectories; (f) Option 1: [Not be a prerequisite for financial, technological or capacity-building support for adaptation actions]; Option 2: [Facilitate access to financial, technological and capacity-building support for adaptation action, without being a prerequisite;]] 48. [Requests the [SBSTA][Adaptation Committee (AC)][Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG)] to develop modalities and procedures to a**ist developing countries to a**ess their adaptation needs without placing an undue burden on them, [taking into account the urgent needs of those developing countries that are particularly vulnerable,] through existing mechanisms under the Convention;] 49. [Requests the [SBI][AC][Standing Committee on Finance (SCF)][LEG] to develop methodologies for taking the steps necessary to ensure that the level of support meets the needs for adaptation in developing countries in the context of the limit on the global average temperature increase referred to in Article 2 of the Agreement, and to make recommendations for adoption by the Conference of the Parties at its [X] session;] 50. [Requests the [AC][SBSTA][SCF][LEG] to develop methodologies and approaches for recognizing the adaptation efforts of developing countries to respond to climate change;] 51. [Requests the operating entities of the Financial Mechanism of the Convention and developed country Parties to provide financial support for undertaking the adaptation needs a**essments referred to in paragraph 48 above;] 52. [Requests the AC to: (a) Review the work of the adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the Convention in 2017, to ensure and enhance the coherence of their work, to prepare recommendation for consideration at the twenty-third session of the COP, and to identify improvements in the articulation of those arrangements in order to respond effectively to the needs of Parties, for consideration by the COP and the IPC at their twenty-third and second sessions, respectively; (b) Establish and maintain stronger linkages with the GCF, [taking into account the balanced 50:50 approach of the allocation of financing between mitigation and adaptation,] the AF and other funds; (c) Evaluate information on finance, technology and capacity-building support for adaptation; (d) Provide recommendations on existing methodologies for adaptation; (e) Take such other actions as may be appropriate to enhance and support via finance, technology transfer and capacity-building for adaptation efforts; (f) Identify, as outlined in Article 4, paragraph [X], of the Agreement, the implications of the aggregate mitigation effort for projected regional impacts on the basis of the best available science, with the aim of a**isting developing countries particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change, including the LDCs, SIDS and Africa with: (i) National adaptation planning; (ii) Identifying gaps in capacities and knowledge in the light of projected impacts; (iii) Developing strategies to address projected impacts;] 53. [Decides that the AC shall report annually to the CMA on priority areas of concern for regions;] 54. Option 1: Requests the [SBSTA][SBI][AC [and the LEG]] to develop modalities and procedures for the operation of the [registry] [other modality] referred to in Article 4, paragraph 9, of the Agreement, with a view to making recommendations to the [IPC][CMP][CMA] at its [second][first] session; Option 2: No text (linked to option [X] in the agreement). 55. [Requests the GCF to establish programmes for expedited support for the LDCs for the formulation of NAPs as defined in decisions 1/CP.16 and 5/CP.17 and the subsequent implementation of policies, projects and programmes identified by them;] 56. Option 1: [Requests the secretariat to make available an interim registry in the first half of 2016 for the recording of [adaptation communications][communications on adaptation], in accordance with Article 4 of the Agreement, [such as plans, priorities, needs, actions and/or contributions], pending the adoption by the CMA of the modalities and procedures referred to in paragraph 54 above;] Option 2: No text (linked to option [X] in the agreement) 57. [Requests the [AC][LEG][SBSTA][SBI] to [record][compile] priorities and needs communicated by Parties as established in Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Agreement, with a view to the IPC making a recommendation to the [CMA][CMP] at its [first][X] session;] 58. [Establishes a technical and knowledge platform under [the AC, building on] the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to change, in order to[, inter alia][, facilitate]: (a) Disseminate and enhance the use of climate change scenarios and of methods and tools for a**essing impacts and vulnerability, as well as information on the [outcomes and effectiveness of adaptation][adaptation benefits, practices and outcomes, in line with Article 4, paragraphs 1(g) and 5, of the Convention]; (b) Develop and strengthen [global,] regional, national and local capacities, as well as social capacities, to address adaptation concerns [and to use adaptation metrics]; (c) Promote, coordinate and strengthen adaptation knowledge platforms, centres and networks at all levels in order to fill gaps in adaptation knowledge; (d) [Scale up adaptation benefits, practices and outcomes;] (e) Incorporate the sustainable management of ecosystems into adaptation planning and actions; (f) Enhance the understanding of the [global][international][and regional] implications of adaptation actions, of interlinkages among local, national, [regional] and [global][international] adaptation actions[, and of progress made in reducing vulnerability at all levels and in achieving the [global goal for adaptation] [Article 2, and Article 4, paragraph 1, of the Agreement]; (g) [Enhance regional cooperation to foster adaptation actions;] 59. [Requests the AC to operationalize the technical and knowledge platform referred to in paragraph 58 above [and, where possible, to build on existing work and processes to strengthen coherence];] 60. [Requests the SBI and the SBSTA to review, by 2016, the institutional arrangements for adaptation under the Convention, encompa**ing the Cancun Adaptation Framework, the AC, the Nairobi work programme and the LEG, to enhance the coherence and effectiveness of their work in the light of Article 4 of the Agreement;] 61. Invites all relevant United Nations institutions and international, regional and national financial institutions to provide information to Parties through the secretariat on how their [development a**istance][climate finance] programmes and finance incorporate climate proofing and climate-resilience measures; 62. [Requests Parties to strengthen regional cooperation on adaptation where appropriate and, where necessary, to establish regional centres and networks, in particular in developing countries, with support from developed country Parties as previously agreed to in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 13;] 63. Requests the [IPC][COP][AC][LEG] to prepare a recommendation[, including modalities for streamlining and simplifying existing adaptation reporting instruments and mechanisms], for the [CMA] [CMP] regarding Article 4, paragraph 7, of the Agreement; 64. [Also requests the IPC to prepare a recommendation for the CMA regarding Article 4, paragraph 10, of the Agreement;]]

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