Pablo Neruda - Lives lyrics


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Pablo Neruda - Lives lyrics

Ah how ill at ease sometimes I feel you are with me, victor among men! Because you do not know that with me were victorious thousands of faces that you can not see, thousands of feet and hearts that marched with me, that I am not, that I do not exist, that I am only the front of those who go with me, that am stronger because I bear in me not my little life but all the lives, and I walk steadily forward because I have a thousand eyes, I strike with the weight of a rock because I have a thousand eyes, I strike with the weight of a rock because I have a thousand hands and my voice is heard on the shores of all the lands because it is the voice of all those who did not speak, of those who did not sing and who sing today with this mouth that kisses you. [original Spanish text] Ay qué incómoda a veces te siento conmigo, vencedor entre los hombres! Porque no sabes que conmigo vencieron miles de rostros que no puedes ver, miles de pies y pechos que marcharon conmigo, que no soy, que no existo, ¿ue sólo soy la frente de los que van conmigo, que soy más fuerte porque llevo en mí no mí pequeña vida sino todas las vidas, y ando seguro hacia adelante porque tengo mil ojos, golpeo con peso de piedra porque tengo mil manos y mi voz se oye en las orillas de todas las tierras porque es la voz de todos los que no hablaron, de los que no cantaron y cantan hoy con esta boca que a ti te besa

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