Ovid - The Metamorphoses of Ovid, Book XV (Fable. 7) lyrics


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Ovid - The Metamorphoses of Ovid, Book XV (Fable. 7) lyrics

Rome being wasted by a pestilence, the Delphian oracle is consulted; and the answer is given, that to cause it to cease Æsculapius must be brought to Rome. On this, amba**adors are sent to Epidaurus to demand the God. The people refuse to part with him; but he appears to one of the Romans in a dream, and consents to go. On his arrival at Rome the contagion ceases, and a Temple is built in his honour. Relate, now, ye Muses, the guardian Deities of poets (for you know, and remote antiquity conceals it not from you), whence it is that the Island surrounded by the channel of the Tiber introduced the son of Coronis into the sacred rites of the City of Romulus. A dire contagion had once infected the Latian air, and the pale bodies were deformed by a consumption that dried up the blood. When, wearied with so many d**hs, they found that mortal endeavours availed nothing, and that the sk** of physicians had no effect, they sought the aid of heaven, and they repaired to Delphi which occupies the centre spot of the world, the oracle of Phœbus, and entreated that he would aid their distressed circumstances by a response productive of health, and put an end to the woes of a City so great. Both the spot, and the laurels, and the quivers which it has, shook at the same moment, and the tripod61 gave this answer from the recesses of the shrine, and struck with awe their astonished breasts:— “What here thou dost seek, O Roman, thou mightst have sought in a nearer spot: and now seek it in a nearer spot; thou hast no need of Apollo to diminish thy grief, but of the son of Apollo. Go with a good omen, and invite my son.” After the prudent Senate had received the commands of the Deity, they enquired what city the youthful son of Phœbus inhabited; and they sent some to reach the coasts of Epidaurus62 with the winds. Soon as those sent had reached them in the curving ship, they repaired to the council and the Grecian elders, and besought them to grant them the Divinity, who by his presence could put an end to the mortality of the Ausonian nation; for that so the unerring response had directed. Their opinions were divided, and differed; and some thought that aid ought not to be refused. Many refused it, and advised them not to part with their own protector, and to give up their own guardian Deity. While they were deliberating, twilight had now expelled the waning day, and the shadow of the earth had brought darkness over the world; when, in thy sleep, the saving God seemed, O Roman, to be standing before thy couch; but just as he is won't to be in his temple; and, holding a rustic staff in his left hand, he seemed to be stroking the long hair of his beard with his right, and to utter such words as these from his kindly breast— “Lay aside thy fears; I will come, and I will leave these my statues. Only observe now this serpent, which with its folds entwines around this staff, and accurately mark it with thine eyes, that thou mayst be able to know it again. Into this shall I be changed; but I shall be greater, and I shall appear to be of a size as great as that into which heavenly bodies ought to be transformed.” Forthwith, with these words, the God departs; and with his words and the God sleep departs, and genial light follows upon the departure of sleep. The following morn has now dispersed the starry fires; uncertain what to do, the nobles meet together in the sumptuous temple of the God then sought, and beseech him to indicate, by celestial tokens, in what spot he would wish to abide. Hardly have they well ceased, when the God, all glittering with gold, in the form of a serpent, with crest erect, sends forth a hissing, as a notice of his approach; and in his coming, he shakes both his statue, the altars, the doors, the marble pavement, and the gilded roof, and as far as the breast he stands erect in the midst of the temple, and rolls around his eyes that sparkle with fire. The frightened multitude is alarmed; the priest, having his chaste hair bound with a white fillet, recognizes the Deity and exclaims, “The God! Behold the God! Whoever you are that are present, be of good omen, both with your words and your feelings. Mayst thou, most beauteous one, be beheld to our advantage; and mayst thou aid the nations that perform thy sacred rites.” Whoever are present, adore the Deity as bidden; and all repeat the words of the priest over again; and the descendants of Æneas give a pious omen, both with their feelings, and in their words. To these the God shows favour; and with crest erected, he gives a hiss, a sure token, repeated thrice with his vibrating tongue. Then he glides down the polished steps,63 and turns back his head, and, about to depart, he looks back upon his ancient altars, and salutes his wonted abode and the temple that so long he has inhabited. Then, with his vast bulk, he glides along the ground covered with the strewn flowers, and coils his folds, and through the midst of the city repairs to the harbour protected by its winding quay. Here he stops; and seeming to dismiss his train, and the dutiful attendance of the accompanying crowd, with a placid countenance, he places his body in the Ausonian ship. It is sensible of the weight of the God; and the ship now laden with the Divinity for its freight, the descendants of Æneas rejoice; and a bull having first been slain on the sea-shore, they loosen the twisted cables of the bark bedecked with garlands. A gentle breeze has now impelled the ship. The God is conspicuous aloft,64 and pressing upon the crooked stern with his neck laid upon it, he looks down upon the azure waters; and with the gentle Zephyrs along the Ionian sea, on the sixth rising of the daughter of Pallas, he makes Italy, and is borne along the Lacinian shores, ennobled by the temple of the Goddess Juno, and the Scylacean65 coasts. He leaves Iapygia behind, and flies from the Amphissian66 rocks with the oars on the left side; on the right side he pa**es by the steep Ceraunia, and Romechium, and Caulon,67 and Narycia, and he crosses the sea and the straits of the Sicilian Pelorus, and the abodes of the king the grandson of Hippotas, and the mines of Temesa; and then he makes for Leucosia,68 and the rose-beds of the warm Pæstum. Then he coasts by Capreæ,69 and the promontory of Minerva, and the hills ennobled with the Surrentine70 vines, and the city of Hercules,71 and Stabiæ,72 and Parthenope made for retirement, and after it the temple of the Cumæan Sibyl. Next, the warm springs73 are pa**ed by, and Linternum,74 that bears mastick trees; and then Vulturnus,75 that carries much sand along with its tide, and Sinuessa, that abounds with snow-white snakes,76 and the pestilential Minturnæ,77 and she for whom78 her foster-child erected the tomb, and the abode of Antiphates,79 and Trachas,80 surrounded by the marsh, and the land of Circe, and Antium,81 with its rocky coast. After the sailors have steered the sail-bearing ship hither (for now the sea is aroused), the Deity unfolds his coils, and gliding with many a fold and in vast coils, he enters the temple of his parent, that skirts the yellow shore. The sea now becalmed, the God of Epidaurus leaves the altars of his sire; and having enjoyed the hospitality of the Deity, thus related to him, he furrows the sands of the sea-shore with the dragging of his rattling scales, and reclining against the helm of the ship, he places his head upon the lofty stern; until he comes to Castrum,82 and the sacred abodes of Lavinium, and the mouths of the Tiber. Hither, all the people indiscriminately, a crowd both of matrons and of men, rush to meet him; they, too, Vesta! who tend thy fires; and with joyous shouts they welcome the God. And where the swift ship is steered through the tide running out, altars being erected in a line, the frankincense crackles along the banks on either side, and perfumes the air with its smoke; the felled victim too, with its blood makes warm the knives thrust into it. And now he has entered Rome, the sovereign of the world. The serpent rises erect, and lifts his neck that reclines against the top of the mast, and looks around for a habitation suited for himself. There is a spot, where the river flowing around, is divided into two parts; it is called “the Island.” The river in the direction of each side extends its arms of equal length, the dry land lying in the middle. Hither, the serpent, son of Phœbus, betakes himself from the Latian ship; and he puts an end to the mourning, having resumed his celestial form. And thus did he come, the restorer of health, to the City. Footnotes: 61. The tripod.]—Ver. 635. The tripod on which the priestess of Apollo or ‘Pythia,' sat when inspired, was called ‘Cortina,' from the skin, ‘corium,' of the serpent Python, which, when it had been k**ed by Apollo was used to cover it. 62. Epidaurus.]—Ver. 643. There were several towns of this name. The one here mentioned was in the state of Argolis. 63. Polished steps.]—Ver. 685. Clarke translates ‘Gradibus nitidis,' ‘the neat steps.' 64. Is conspicuous aloft.]—Ver. 697. ‘Deus eminet alte.' This is rendered by Clarke, ‘The God rears up to a good height.' 65. Scylacean.]—Ver. 702. Scylace was a town on the Calabrian coast; it was said to have been founded by an Athenian colony. 66. Amphissian.]—Ver. 703. Amphissia was the name of a city of Locris; but that cannot be the place here alluded to on the coast of Italy. It is most probably a corrupt reading. 67. Caulon.]—Ver. 705. Caulon was a colony of the Achæa on the coast of Calabria. Narycia, or Naritium, or Naricia, was also a town on the Calabrian coast. The localities of Ceraunia and Romechium are not known. 68. Leucosia.]—Ver. 708. Leucosia was a little island off the town of Pæstum, which was in Lucania; it was famous for its mild climate, and the beauty of its roses, which are celebrated by Virgil. 69. Capreæ.]—Ver. 709. Capreæ was an island near the coast of Naples. 70. Surrentine.]—Ver. 710. Surrentum was a city of Campania, famed for its wines. 71. City of Hercules.]—Ver. 711. This was Herculaneum, at the foot of Vesuvius; the place which shared so disastrous a fate from the eruption of that mountain. 72. Stabiæ.]—Ver. 711. This was a town of Campania, which was destroyed by Sylla in the Social war. It was afterwards rebuilt. 73. The warm springs.]—Ver. 711. He alludes to the city of Baiæ, famed for its warm springs and baths. 74. Linternum.]—Ver. 714. This place was in Campania. It was famous as the place of retirement of the elder Scipio; he was buried there. 75. Vulturnus.]—Ver. 715. This was a river of Campania, which flowed past the city of Capua. 76. Snow-white snakes.]—Ver. 715. Sinuessa was a town of Campania; Heinsius very properly suggests ‘columbis,' ‘doves;' for ‘colubris,' ‘snakes.' We are told by Pliny the Elder, that Campania was famed for its doves. 77. Minturnæ.]—Ver. 716. This was a town of Latium; the marshes in its neighbourhood produced pestilential exhalations. 78. She for whom.]—Ver. 716. This was Caieta, who, being buried there by her foster-child Æneas, gave her name to the spot. 79. Abode of Antiphates.]—Ver. 717. Formiæ. 80. Trachas.]—Ver. 717. This place was also called ‘Anxur.' Its present name is Terracina. Livy mentions it as lying in the marshes. 81. Antium.]—Ver. 718. This was the capital of the ancient Volscians. 82. Castrum.]—Ver. 727. This was ‘Castrum Inui,' or ‘the tents of Pan;' an old town of the Rutulians.

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