Orpheus - The Hymns of Orpheus - IX: To Nature lyrics


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Orpheus - The Hymns of Orpheus - IX: To Nature lyrics

NATURE, all parent, ancient, and divine, O Much-mechanic mother, art is thine; Heav'nly, abundant, venerable queen, In ev'ry part of thy dominions seen. Untam'd, all-taming, ever splendid light, All ruling, honor'd, and supremly bright. Immortal, first-born, ever still the same, Nocturnal, starry, shining, glorious dame. Thy feet's still traces in a circling course, By thee are turn'd, with unremitting force. Pure ornament of all the pow'rs divine, Finite and infinite alike you shine; To all things common and in all things known, Yet incommunicable and alone. Without a father of thy wond'rous frame, Thyself the father whence thy essence came. All-flourishing, connecting, mingling soul, Leader and ruler of this mighty whole. Life-bearer, all-sustaining, various nam'd, And for commanding grace and beauty fam'd. Justice, supreme in might, whose general sway The waters of the restless deep obey. Ætherial, earthly, for the pious glad, Sweet to the good, but bitter to the bad. All-wife, all bounteous, provident, divine, A rich increase of nutriment is thine; Father of all, great nurse, and mother kind, Abundant, blessed, all-s**matic mind: Mature, impetuous, from whose fertile seeds And plastic hand, this changing scene proceeds. All-parent pow'r, to mortal eyes unseen, Eternal, moving, all-sagacious queen. By thee the world, whose parts in rapid flow, Like swift descending streams, no respite know, On an eternal hinge, with steady course Is whirl'd, with matchless, unremitting force. Thron'd on a circling car, thy mighty hand Holds and directs, the reins of wide command. Various thy essence, honor'd, and the best, Of judgement too, the general end and test. Intrepid, fatal, all-subduing dame, Life-everlasting, Parca, breathing flame. Immortal, Providence, the world is thine, And thou art all things, architect divine. O blessed Goddess, hear thy suppliant's pray'r, And make my future life, thy constant care; Give plenteous seasons, and sufficient wealth, And crown my days with lasting, peace and health.

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