O.c. - Premiere lyrics


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O.c. - Premiere lyrics

Trey: I'm your big brother. If I don't teach you this, who will? [He smashes the car window with a crowbar] Ryan: I don't know, Trey. Trey: Quite being a little b**h, get in! [Ryan slams the driver side door and runs around the back of the car.] Trey: Yeah, let's go! Trey: Get in! Come on, let's go Ryan! [Ryan hesitates at the door, but when he sees the cop car back up and when his brother starts to leave, he hops in.] Trey. Yeah! You should see your face, man! [The cop car chases after them and starts bumping into the back of their car, trying to get them to stop.] Ryan: No, no, no, no, no! [The car slams into a wall and the cops get out of their cars, walking towards them.] Police: Hands up! Get them up! On the dash where I can see em. Let's go! [Cut to Ryan being walked to the visiting room. He's handcuffed. A man sits at the table, doing paperwork when Ryan gets there.] Sandy: Ryan. Sandy Cohen. The court's appointed me your public defender. [Ryan sits down.] Sandy: You could do worse. You okay? They treating you all right? Ryan: Where's my brother? Sandy: Uh, Trey is over 18. Trey stole a car; Trey had a gun in his pants, an ounce of pot in his pocket, a couple of priors. I'm guessing right now, Trey's looking at three to five years. But Trey's not my concern. This is your first time in lockup. I'm a**uming you don't plan on coming back. Your grades…are not great. Suspended twice for fighting, truancy three times…(hopeful) your test scores, 98 percentile on your SAT I? Ryan, 98 percentile, if you start going to cla**, are you thinking about college? [Ryan snorts.] Sandy: Have you given any thought at all to your future? Dude. I'm on your side. Come on, help me out here. Ryan: Modern medicine is advancing to the point where the average human life span will be 100. But I read this article which said Social Security is supposed to run out by the year 2025, which means people are going to have to stay at their jobs until they're 80. So I don't want to commit to anything too soon. Sandy: [chuckles] Look, I can plead this down to a misdemeanor. Petty fine, probation. But know this; stealing a car ‘cause your big brother told you to, it's stupid, and it's weak, and those are two things you can't afford to be anymore. Ryan: Two more things. Sandy: Do you want to change that? Then you have to get over the fact that life dealt you a bad hand. I get it. We're cut from the same deck, Ryan. I grew up, no money, bad part of the Bronx. My father was gone; my mother worked all the time. I was pissed off. I was stupid. Ryan: And look at you now. Sandy: Smart kid like you. You got to have a plan. Some kind of a dream. Ryan: Yeah, right. Let me tell you something, okay? Where I'm from, having a dream doesn't make you smart. Knowing it won't come true…that does. [Cut to Sandy and Ryan standing outside the jailhouse.] Sandy: My office will contact you to remind you of the date for your hearing. Ryan: I'll remember. [A car comes screeching to a halt in front of Ryan and a woman gets out.] Dawn: Unbelievable! What kind of family I got, huh? What the hell did I do to deserve this family? You want to tell me that? Sandy: Mrs. Atwood? I'm Sandy Cohen. I'm Ryan's attorney. Dawn: You should've let him rot in there. Just like his dad's doing. Just like his brother's gonna. Let's go Ryan. Now, Ryan! Sandy: I'm going to give you my card. My home number. If you need somebody, if things get to be too much, call me. Dawn: Let's go! Ryan: [To his mom] All right! [Cut to Ryan's mom in the kitchen of their home.] Dawn: I can't do this anymore, Ryan. I can't. Ryan: I'm sorry, Mom. Dawn: I want you out of my house. I want you out! Ryan: [pleading] But Mom…where am I going to go? A.J.: You heard your mother, man. Get your stuff and get out. Ryan: Hey, this isn't your house, man. A.J: Oh, you're a tough guy now? Dawn: A.J., don't. Ryan, just get out. Ryan: Why don't you worry about your own kids, A.J? Instead of freeloading off my mom? [A.J. punches Ryan.] Dawn: Hey! [Ryan goes to punch A.J., but A.J. hits him again.] Dawn: Hey! [A.J. pushes Ryan to his room, where he packs his bags and leaves on his bike.] [Ryan cycles to a nearby small shopping center with a payphone outside. He tries calling several people, but no one can take him in. He grabs Sandy's card and calls him. As Ryan waits, Sandy pulls up in his car.] Sandy: Told you. You could do worse. [Ryan gets in the car and they leave.] Ryan: This is a nice car. I didn't know your kind of lawyer made money. Sandy: No, we don't. My wife does. [They pull into the Cohen estate's driveway and both get out to leave.] Sandy: Um, you know, why don't you wait here for a minute? I'll be back. [Sandy grabs the keys and hesitates, realizing what he did.] Ryan: It's no fun if the key's in the car. Sandy puts the key back into the ignition and exits the car. *~*~*~*~* Cut to Sandy and his wife in the kitchen, talking. Kirsten: You brought him home? This is not a stray puppy, Sandy. Sandy: I know that, Kirsten. Kirsten: I knew it was only a matter of time before you started bringing home felons. Sandy: Ryan's not a felon. Kirsten: Did you not meet him in jail? Sandy: Yes, technically, but it wasn't for a felony. I mean, it was, but it won't be when I'm done. Kirsten: You're endangering our home. Did you even think of Seth? Sandy: It's only for the weekend. Just till Child Services opens on Monday… Kirsten: What if this is all a scam? What if he's just using you to case the house? Sandy: He's not a criminal mastermind. He's a kid who has no one and nowhere to go. When did you become so cynical? Kirsten: When did you become so self-righteous? Sandy: I've always been self-righteous. You used to find it charming. Kirsten: (walking away) He sleeps in the pool house. Sandy: Where are you going? Kirsten: (dry sarcasm) To put my j**elry in the vault…where do you think I'm going? The boy's going to need fresh sheets and towels and a toothbrush. *~*~*~*~* Cut to Ryan walking down the driveway, sticking a cigarette in his mouth. We see a girl also standing outside and she notices Ryan. Marissa: Who are you? Ryan: Whoever you want me to be. Marissa: Okay...Hey, can I bum a cigarette? He walks over to her, hands her a cigarette, and she lights it using his. Marissa: So, what are you doing here, seriously? Ryan: Seriously? (truthfully) I stole a car. Crashed it. Actually, my brother did. Since he had a gun and d** on him, he's in jail. I got out, and my mom threw me out. She was pissed off and drunk. So Mr. Cohen took me in. Marissa: You're their cousin from Boston, right? Ryan: Right… Sandy: (walking towards them) Hi, Marissa. Marissa: (drops cigarette) Hey, Mr. Cohen. I was just meeting your nephew. Sandy: Oh. My favorite nephew. Ryan. All the way from Seattle. Marissa: Seattle? Ryan: Dad lives there. Mom lives in Boston. Marissa: Hmm. Sandy: So we're all really excited about your fashion show fund-raiser for tomorrow night. Marissa: Really? You are? Sandy: …No. She laughs and they watch as a black truck pulls up in front of them. Luke: (to Marissa) Come on, let's go. Marissa: (to Ryan) Hey, you should come by, check it out…if you don't have other plans. See you. Sandy: Good night. She climbs into the truck and kisses her boyfriend quickly before they leave. Sandy: Let's go inside. Uh, there's no smoking in this house. Ryan drops the cigarette onto the pavement, and after Sandy steps on it to put it out, they head inside. *~*~*~*~* Cut to inside. Sandy: So, this is where you'll be staying, and this is the queen of the manor herself, my wife Kirsten. Kirsten: Hello Ryan. Welcome to our home. If you need anything, Rosie here can help you. Ryan: Thank you. Thanks very much. Sandy: We'll see you in the morning. Make yourself comfortable. Sandy, Kirsten, and Rosie exit, leaving Ryan alone in the room. *~*~*~*~* Ryan walks out of the beach house, taking in the scenery. Morning. He walks back in and notices a young man, Seth, sitting on the floor, playing playstation. Seth: Hey. Ryan: Hey. Seth: Do you want to play? Ryan just shrugs. Cut to Seth and Ryan playing the game together. Seth: Oh, looks like someone's trying to be a hero, but he got a little co*ky. X O X O. It's an unbeatable combination. Oh! Oh! Oh…! What happened to your head, dude? Where did it go? I'm sorry. Did someone die? Oh, hey, do you want to play Grand Theft Auto? It's pretty cool. You can, like, steal cars and…not that that's cool…or uncool. I don't know. Um… Sandy: I see you two have met. Seth, what are you doing inside on this beautiful day? Why don't you show Ryan around? Seth: (sarcastically) Okay, ‘cause it's so great around here. There's so much to do, dad. (Turns to Ryan) I don't know, unless, what do you want to do? Ryan: What do you guys do around here? Cut to Ryan and Seth sailing on Seth's boat. After fixing everything, they relax and start talking. Seth: I have…this plan. Well, I don't-I don't know what you'd think but, next July, the trade winds shift west and I want to sail to Tahiti. I can do it in 44 days. Maybe even 42. Ryan: Wow. That…that sounds really cool, man. Seth: Yeah. Just hit the high seas and catch fish right off the side of the boat. Grill them right there. Just total quiet. Solitude. Ryan: You won't get lonely? Seth: Well, I'll have Summer with me. Ryan: You're going to take this to Tahiti. Seth: (chuckles) Um…no. It's the girl the boat's named after. Ryan: She must be pretty stoked. Seth: Yeah, she has no idea. I've never talked to her before. *~*~*~*~* Cut to Ryan and Seth fixing up the boat on shore. Sandy: Hey, fellas. I thought we'd head over to the fashion show at about seven. Seth: Yeah, have fun. Sandy: Come on. It's a whole new school year, Seth. Seth: It's also the same kids, Dad. Why do they even need a fashion show? Every day's a fashion show for these people. Sandy: Yeah, well, Ryan has to go. Marissa invited him. Seth: (to Ryan) Marissa invited you? I've lived next door to Marissa since, like, forever. Her dad almost got married to my mom even and, like, she's never even invited me to a birthday. Sandy: That is not true. They did not almost get married. Seth: Eh. Ryan: Hey, maybe Summer would be there. Seth: That's interesting. She is Marissa's best friend. 7:00? Sandy: 7:00 Ryan: 7:00 *~*~*~*~* Cut to Marissa stepping out onto a balcony, watching the three guys walk back to their house. The doorbell rings and she answers it, two men in suits standing there. Man: Hello, again. Marissa: My dad's not here. Man: And when can we expect him? Marissa: I don't know. Man: Mm hmm. Well, then, when you see your father, please remind him again how much we'd like to talk. Let me leave you another one of my cards. Have a good day. He hands her a card and the two men leave. She inspects the card as she walks into her father's office, handing it to him. Jimmy: Hey. Thanks, kiddo. I just didn't have time to deal with those guys right now. Marissa: Who are they? Jimmy: Suits. Bureaucrats. "The Man." Marissa: But, I mean, everything's okay right? Jimmy: Yeah, it's just a…just a thing with a…with a client. Nothing for you to worry about, okay? She smiles slightly and turns to leave. *~*~*~*~* Cut to Ryan standing in front of a mirror, having trouble with his tie. Sandy taps on the gla** door and walks in. Sandy: Wow, look at that. Fits you beautifully. Where's your tie? Ryan: I'm not going to wear one. Open collar. It's a good look. Sandy: I didn't know how to tie a tie till I was 25. Come on. Give me your tie. Ryan turns around and hands Sandy the tie. Sandy: bu*ton your top bu*ton. All right, collar up. Now, the skinny side has got to be shorter than the fat side. How much shorter, it changes tie to tie. Sometimes, it's just a mystery. All right. So you got to hang out with Seth. How was that? Was that…? Was that all right? He's an interesting kid if you get to know him. Ryan: He's cool. Sandy: Cool, huh? All right. There we go. (He finished fixing the tie) Turn around. Look at you. Huh? (Pats him on the shoulders) Beats a jumpsuit. Ryan smiles and Sandy leaves. *~*~*~*~* Cut to Marissa's mother, Julie, and little sister standing in front of a mirror. Caitlin: Oh, Mom, do you like my nails? Julie: Oh, I love them, Caitlin. Do you like my hair this straight or is it too Avril Lavigne? Marissa: No, it looks good mom. Julie: Oh, Marissa, you look…Oh honey, I thought you were going to wear your hair down. Pulled back like that, it's a little harsh on your angles. Marissa :Okay. Let's go! Julie: It's going to be so amazing tonight. Are you going to wear the Donna Karan tonight, Mariss? I thought it was very forgiving. Jimmy: You look beautiful, Kiddo. *~*~*~*~* Cut to Ryan walking out of a house. Waiter: Mushroom, leek crescent? Crab and brie phyllo? The waiter walks away and Seth steps up behind Ryan. Seth: (sarcastically) Welcome to the dark side. We watch as several woman flirt with Ryan. First woman: Oh! So, you must be the cousin from Boston, hmm? I don't know how you do it. I could just never live there. I hate the cold. (chuckles) Second woman: Do you…like Seattle? I mean, all that rain, isn't it depressing? Third woman: Did I hear you were from Canada? Ryan: Yes, you did. Cut to Ryan walking over to the bar. Ryan: Hi. Can I get a Seven and Seven? Thanks. The bartender gives him the drink and he takes a sip. He turns around to sees Kirsten standing there. He hands the drink over to her. Kirsten: Thank you. I want my husband to be right about you. *~*~*~*~* Cut to Seth standing alone and Luke saying hey to his friends. Seth: Hey, Luke. What's up? Luke: Hey! Yeah. s** it, queer. Luke starts to walk away but bumps into Ryan. Seth: My vacation was great, too. Thank you for asking about it. Cut to Marissa talking with Summer. Seth: Summer's right over there. Look. I'm sorry. Wait. Don't look don't look. But I mean you can look, but don't look like you're looking. (Sandy walks up) Hey dad. Sandy: Hey guys. Cut back to Marissa with Summer and a couple of her other friends. Summer: Who is that? Marissa: Um, the cousin, the pool boy? (laughs) I don't know. Summer: Well, I'm going to find out. Cut back to Ryan, Seth, and Sandy. Sandy: Is that Summer? Seth: You know, um, I'm going to, uh, sit. (walks away) Ryan: Way to salt his game, Mr. Cohen. We see Ryan and Seth walk over to the kiddie table. Seth: Hello, Chester. Are these seats taken? Okay. They sit. Seth: So, Chester, are you looking forward to your next sailing lesson? You're making some really good strides. (pause) Okay, I'm glad we had this little chance to catch up, you know? Marissa: (talking into microphone) Thank you. Thank you. Thank you all so much for coming. Every year, we put on a fashion show to raise money for the battered women shelter. It's such a good cause, you guys, and we couldn't do any of it without your support and the support of Fashion Island and all their great stores. All right, enjoy the show! Marissa walks off stage just as Summer comes out, walking down the runway. Seth: She's got Tahiti written all over her. (moans) Cut to backstage, where all the girls are getting ready. We see a woman and her daughter walk up to the costume designer. Woman: What are you doing, putting my daughter in Calvin Klein? She was supposed to wear Vera Wang. Costume designer: And she would if she had the chest to hold it up. It's called puberty, honey. It'll happen. Okay, girls, chop chop. Show time. *~*~*~*~* Cut to Marissa fixing her makeup in the bathroom. A woman comes in and tells Marissa she's next. A second later, Summer comes in with 2 gla**es of champagne. Summer: Look what I stole. Marissa: (holds up bottle of liquor) Look what I stole. Summer: (gasp) All right! Here. Marissa: Thanks. They clink gla**es and take a sip. Cut to Marissa on the runway. She stops at the end and poses, smiling at Ryan. She walks back up the runway and we see her boyfriend staring at Ryan. Kirsten: She's so beautiful, you guys. Sandy: Coop, I think you spent more on that dress than I make in a year. Man: That's why we trust him with our money. I expect to die a very rich man, Jimmy. Sandy: Well, you're bound to be half right. Jimmy begins to look uncomfortable. Kirsten: You okay, Jimmy? Jimmy: Yeah. It's just uh, just…it's a little stuffy in here. I'm going to get some fresh air, okay? (gets up and leaves) Julie: Marissa wanted to wear these Prada Mary Janes, but I told her she had to wear the stiletto Manolos. Cut to a shot of Ryan in the bathroom. Jimmy comes in and walks into a stall, clumsily shutting the door behind him. He sits down and starts sobbing. *~*~*~*~* We see Ryan leaving the party and Summer walking up to him. Summer: Hey. Where you going? My friend, Holly…well, her parents are letting use their beach house as a gift, you know, ‘cause of all our hard work for charity. If you need a ride…or…anything. I'm Summer. She walks away with her friends and Ryan walks over to Seth. Seth: Hey, you ready to go? Ryan: Yeah. We should, uh, go to that party at that girl Holly's place. Seth: Uh, yeah, no, that's all right. Ryan: Summer…invited me. Seth: Really? She did? Ryan: Us. She asked for you, actually. Seth: Really? She did? Summer: (from the Jeep) Come on! Seth: That makes absolutely no sense, but, yes, we should go. (He turns to the people he was talking to before) We're going to go with them. Thanks, guys. They walk to the jeep and get in. Ryan watches as Marissa gets into her boyfriend's truck. Seth: If it s**s, we can always bail… The jeep starts moving and they leave. *~*~*~*~* The jeep pulls up and we see scenes from inside the party. Ryan walks in with Seth close behind. Ryan: Welcome to the dark side. We see some kid using d** close by. Seth: Oh, hey…c**aine. That's awesome. Cut to Marissa and Summer talking in the kitchen with a friend. Summer: (huffs) Is that a new purse? Marissa: Yeah. Girl: So cute. Summer: Does you dad ever say no? The girls notice Ryan walk by. Summer: Hey…look who I brought. Girl: He's cute. We see Marissa subtly add more champagne into her drink. Summer: I'm going to play him hot and cold. Ryan notices Marissa. Summer: You want to pee? I got to pee. They all leave and we see Luke standing next to a girl. Girl: Isn't it, like, so beautiful? The sand, the water... Luke: Yeah. Hey, you want to go check it out? Girl: But…what about Marissa? Luke: Hmm? Oh, no worries. They walk out together and Ryan notices them together. *~*~*~*~* Cut to Kirsten emptying the garbage and Jimmy walking his dog. Kirsten: Hey, Jimmy. Jimmy: Hey. Kirsten: (to the dog) Hey Dusty. Jimmy: Dusty, look who's here. Kirsten: Are you really okay? Jimmy: Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Kirsten: ‘Cause you know, you can always… Jimmy: No, you know, I've just been working really hard. So, who was that…that kid that…that you brought tonight? You have a cousin from Boston? Kirsten: One of Sandy's clients. He…brought him home for the weekend. Jimmy: Uh huh. Julie: Jimmy? Honey, did you get my fro yo? Jimmy: (sighs) No. I forgot. (She looks expectantly at him) All right. I'll go back. Julie: Pistachio. Thanks, sweetie. Hi Kirsten. Kirsten waves and Jimmy's wife goes back inside. Jimmy and Kirsten start laughing. Jimmy: You ever think this would be our lives? Kirsten: Is Marissa back yet? Jimmy: Oh, well, she usually stays out pretty late. Kirsten: Seth never goes out. Jimmy: Hmm, don't worry. Sure they're not doing anything we didn't do. Kirsten: Oh, that's comforting. *~*~*~*~* Cut back to the party. We see people dancing and Seth opens the door to the bathroom. A guy and two girls are in the bathtub and Seth turns to leave. Seth: Wow, I'm sorry. I should…really learn to knock incase there's a threesome going on in the bathroom. (He closes the door.) Cut to outside, where Seth's getting a beer. Guy: First keg! Everybody get naked! (laughing) Cut to Ryan standing alone. Marissa: Hey. Ryan: Hey. Marissa: So, what do you think of Newport? Ryan: I think I can get in less trouble where I'm from. Girl: Hey Coop! It's your turn to deal. (Waves cards) Marissa: (to Ryan) You have no idea. (She walks away) Cut back to Seth, sitting next to the keg. Seth: I fixed the keg. Fine, more for me. Cut to Ryan, walking around aimlessly. Summer sees him and walks over to him. Summer: Look…who I found. She spills her drink on him and starts wiping it off. Summer: (laughing) Oops. I'm wasted. (She starts hanging onto him) So, what's your name anyway? Ryan: Ryan. Seth: Ryan, you got to come um…what are you doing? Ryan: (He tries to push Summer away) Hey um… Summer: Excuse me? Seth: What are you doing? I named my boat after her. Summer: (laughs) What? Eww…who are you? Ryan: It's not what you think. She's a little bit drunk, okay? Summer: Come on, Ryan. Seth pushes him and starts to walk away, Ryan going after him. Ryan: Seth…Seth Seth! Marissa stands in the doorway and watches as Seth pushes Ryan into a door. Seth: Don't touch me! You know what? Why don't you go back to Chino? I'm sure there's a really nice car in the parking lot that you could steal. Seth walks off towards the beach. Summer: Chino? Eww. Ryan hurries back into the party and notices people whispering and staring at him. *~*~*~*~* We watch as Seth walks out onto the beach and starts throwing small pieces of wood into the fire. Two guys walk over and start pushing him around. First guy: Go home, geek. Second guy: Who invited you? Ryan, who is standing near the house, notices the guys shoving Seth around and heads over to help. Seth: You guys really wouldn't hurt me, because that would be so clichéd. (They pick him up) I guess you're fans of the cliché. Guy: Shut up. Ryan: Hey hey! Put him down! Put him down. Seth: (being held upside down) Hey Ryan. What's up? Ryan: Put him down. Luke: Hey, what's up, dude? You got a problem? Ryan: You tell me. Luke steps closer to Ryan and pushes him. Ryan instantly punches him and Luke falls to the ground. He gets back up and shoves Ryan to the ground, and they start fighting. After one of the other guys joins in, Seth pulls him away and the guy punches him, Seth also falling to the ground. Luke's friend pulls Ryan away and Luke kicks him. Luke: Welcome to the O.C., b**h. This is how it's done in Orange County. *~*~*~*~* Cut to Ryan and Seth walking into his house, both bruised. They're both quiet as they sit down on the couches. Seth: Well, I…I don't know what to say…except that you totally had my back out there. We're, like, in a fight club or something. I don't know. You know what I think? Ryan, I think that if you were to teach me some moves, I think that we could totally take em next time. That's what I think. Give them some of that (kicks), you know what I'm saying? And a little bit of that and that (kicks twice). What do you think about that? (They clasp hands) Yeah. Oh also, that wasn't exactly the way that I first planned to talk to Summer, but I am now on her radar. Do you think I should tell her about Tahiti? Do you? Ryan: Not yet. Seth: That's what I thought. That's what I was thinking. I wanted to make sure, we were on the same page. Ryan smiles and Seth fixes the couch pillows to sleep on. Seth: Quite a little night we had there. I'm not going to forget it. Ryan, I'm not going to forget that one. Seth falls asleep instantly and Ryan stares at him a second before going outside. He hears car doors and looks over the balcony to see Summer and another girl carrying Marissa to her house. Summer: (giggling) I can't believe her. Girl: I swear to God, she is so retarded sometimes. Summer: Shouldn't her boyfriend be doing this? Girl: He's so worthless. They fall to the ground and start laughing. Girl: (whispering) Coop, where are your keys? Summer: How are we going to find her keys? (She grabs Marissa's purse and starts digging through it) I can't find her keys. Girl: We can't wake her parents. Her dad'll go ballistic. Summer: I know, I know. Summer throws the purse aside and stands up. Summer: Bye, Coop. Call us. The girls leave Marissa lying on the cement and Ryan, having seen everything, goes to where she is. Ryan: (whispering) Hey. (He grabs her purse.) Get your keys. He looks in her purse, but can't find the keys, so he carries her inside Seth's house and lays her down on the bed. He hovers over her for a second before covering her with a blanket and staring at her. *~*~*~*~* We see both Seth and Ryan are asleep on two different couches. Morning. Ryan wakes up to see that Marissa is no longer sleeping in the bed he'd set her in the night before. Seth's mom walks into the room. Kirsten: Thank God. Seth waves slightly. Kirsten: What happened to your face? Seth: Mm. I got into a fight. Kirsten: With who? Why? Seth: I don't really know. I don't really remember. Um…I was really drunk. Yeah, I think I still am a little bit. Kirsten: Let's go. House. Now. (She drags him off the couch and to the door.) Seth: Later! Cut to Sandy taking a surfboard from his jeep. Sandy: Oh, honey, you should have seen the waves coming in. Six foot, and it was going off. Kirsten: Seth got into a fight. Sandy: He did? Kirsten: This is what happens when you let someone like this into our house. When we let out son hang out with criminals. Sandy: Well, at least he has someone to hang out with. Don't salt his game, honey. Kirsten: What the hell does that mean? Sandy: I-I…It…I don't know. I just know that I'd rather have Seth hanging out with Ryan than some trust fund kid from around here who only cares about getting a new Beemer every year. There's a whole world outside this Newport Beach bubble. Kirsten: You don't seem to mind living in this bubble. Sandy: I know there's something else out there. You remember when we were 22? What'd you say? You said you'd never be like your parents. You'd never have their life. Kirsten: I was 22. I stank of patchouli and I lived in the back of a mail truck. Sandy: And you were fun. And rebellious, and…and…you married me. Kirsten: I can't. I'm sorry. I don't want this kid in my house anymore. (She walks back towards the house.) Sandy: Where is he supposed to go? Kirsten: He has a family, Sandy. It's not up to you to decide whether or not they're good enough. Cut to Kirsten walking into the kitchen, where Ryan is standing by the window, looking out. Kirsten: Look, Ryan, I don't mean to play bad cop. It's nothing personal…(Ryan walks over to the stove) is that bacon? Ryan: I usually make breakfast at my house. My mom's not much of a cook, so… Kirsten: I'm sorry. You seem like a really nice kid. Ryan: It's okay. I get it. (He walks over to get his things) You have a really nice family. We see Ryan leave the kitchen and walk into Seth's bedroom, where Seth is in bed, asleep. Ryan: (knocks on wall) Hey, man. Seth: (turns over) Hey. Ryan: Hi. So…I gotta jet. Seth: You're leaving? So…hmm…so, what's up? Ryan: I got to go back. Try to figure some stuff out back home. Seth: Okay Well…cool. Or…not cool, but, you know…what I think I mean. Ryan holds out his hand. Seth: Come here. (Pulls Ryan into hug) I'll come down to Chino. You know, I'll visit you and you can show me your world. Or your hood or… (laughs) Ryan: All right. (He turns to leave, but Seth stops him.) Seth: Wait a second. Just wait one second. Hmm. (He walks over to his desk, grabs a map, and hands it to Ryan. We see that it's a map of the Pacific Ocean.) Maybe there's some place you want to go. It's pretty good for ideas. Ryan thinks for a second and then slaps Seth in the face with the map. Seth: Ah! Ryan chuckles softly and leaves the room. *~*~*~*~* Cut to Ryan and Sandy in the car. They back out of the driveway and we see Marissa waiting in her own driveway. She watches as they drive past her and Ryan turns back to watch her as he leaves. Luke pulls up to pick up Marissa and Ryan turns back around in his seat. Soon after, Sandy pulls up in front of Ryan's house. Ryan: So, thanks. For everything. Sandy: (Rea**uringly) I'm going to make sure everything works out, Ryan. They get his bike out of the trunk and Ryan starts walking up the walkway. Ryan: It's okay. I can take it from here. He sets his bike on the porch and unlocks the door. He walks in to find all the furniture is gone and there's only just a note left on the counter. Sandy walks into the house and sees that no one else is there. Sandy: Come on. Let's go. Ryan grabs his bag and they leave the house together. Fade to black. Read more at: http://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=6405

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