Neil Young - Beyond Good Aan Evil Essay lyrics


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Neil Young - Beyond Good Aan Evil Essay lyrics

The 1886 masterpiece, Beyond Good and Evil, by Friedrich Nietzsche offers a powerful and essential assertion of personal morality that has potential effects and impacts for the contemporary world of the 21st century. In this book, Nietzsche is not satisfied and opposes the moral dogmatism where it is assumed that only one moral truth is in existence and only a single code by which we abide by and live that truth. Friedrich suggests that such beliefs tend to stifle the human spirit and can result to prejudice, oppression and mistrust only. In his opinion, true morality is that which a person explores and discovers for themselves by undergoing a painstaking experience of trials and experimentation, questions and mistakes and errors. It is only through suffering to determine a person’s own values, a person’s particular truth, that one truly attains morality More Read:Web Scraping Services Truth will always push a person into taking new risks, exploring new heights and trying out new things. The fact can prompt a person to do something never thought of, or that seems somewhat weird or crazy. This kind of truth has been observed by early educationists and philosophers who remarked about it and its power on people to explore new ideas. The topic on Beyond Good and Evil and the subsequent book by Nietzsche is a powerful articulation of his mature arguments and philosophy. It further depicts a cry at its heart for moral liberty (NIETZSCHE). In some instances, Nietzsche suggests and rebukes scientists, philosophers as well as the so-called modern men all together for their presumptions that they possess an empirical knowledge or an understanding which, in reality, they do not have. This is considered as one of the most crucial aspects of his philosophies for the 21st century due to its vehement support and embracement of the multicultural perspective. Apparently, the true motivation behind Nietzsche in his work is not the devaluation of values but instead, it is the revaluation of values. In this instance, it seems Nietzsche leaves enough room for the absorption and assimilation of beliefs and cultures that existed outside the Anglo-European. This was to show respect to the individuals to be, believe as well as behave as they perceive it as fit (NIETZSCHE) In the view of Nietzsche, the ability and power of a person to cultivate their individualistic morality is by becoming a superman. This is a person who has transcended prejudice, orthodoxy, persecution and judgment while in cultivation of their own personal senses of good and evil or right and wrong. However, the critiques of Nietzsche’s philosophy view his appellation of superman as an unfortunate mistranslation. They further argue that the term would be replaced perfectly by the term overman which would also clearly reflect the intentions of the author. They argue that Nietzsche is only interested and champions for the people who were not entangled in the throes of the thoughtless beliefs and traditions by following the crowds slavishly-the majority. In their view, superman would take upon the role of thinking independently while in pursuance of truth other than the establishment and tradition (NIETZSCHE) More Read: 3D Modeling Services Conclusively, the 1886 treatise, Beyond Good and Evil, by Friedrich Nietzsche is a strong, challenging but also enlightening motivation to action for the contemporary world of the 21st century. It is in this book that Nietzsche rebukes dogmatism as well as the presumptions of truth as singular and knowable. It is the responsibility of a human being to discover the truth and morality for themselves, to make experiments, explorations as well as to suffer while in the process of realizing and knowing what is good and true for oneself alone. Oppression fades away while in the process giving room for the growth and development of respect for diversity. In this case, people tend to become what who they should, can and must be. They usually become the one who have risen above becoming the superbeings Work Cited

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