Multiple Contributors - Runaway Slave Ads lyrics


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Multiple Contributors - Runaway Slave Ads lyrics

Annapolis Maryland Gazette, March 20, 1755. TEN PISTOLES REWARD. Kent County, Maryland, March 19, 1755. WHEREAS there were several Advertisements, (some of which were printed, and others of the same Signification written), dispers'd through this Province, describing, and offering a Reward of Two Pistoles, &c. for taking up a Servant Man, named James Francis, and a Mulatto Man Slave call'd Toby, both belonging to the Subscriber, and ran away on the 11th Instant: And whereas it has been discover'd since the Publishing of the said Advertisements, that they carried with them many more Things than is therein described, I do hereby again and farther give Notice, that the white Man, James Francis, is aged about 21 Years, his Stature near five Feet and an half, slender bodied, with a smooth Face, almost beardless, born in England, and bred a Farmer. The Mulatto is a lusty, well-set Country born Slave, with a great Nose, wide Nostrils, full mouth'd, many Pimples in his Face, very slow in Speech, he is a tolerable good Cooper and House-Carpenter, and no doubt will endeavour to pa** for a Free-Man: Each hath a Felt Hat, Country Cloth Vest and Breeches, and Yarn Stockings; one of them has a light colour'd loose Coat of Whitney or Duffel: The white Man a dark close bodied Coat, a striped short Vest of Everlasting, another of blue Fearnothing, with other Cloaths. The Slave has also many other more valuable Garments; they took with them likewise a Gun, Powder and Shot, and are suppos'd either to cross, or go down the Bay in a Pettiauger. Whoever brings the said Servant and Slave to the Subscriber on the Mouth of Chester River, or to Thomas Ringgold at Chester-Town, shall have for a Reward Ten Pistoles, and all reasonable Charges in taking and securing the said Servant and Slave, paid by James Ringgold. THAT this Slave shou'd ran away and attempt getting his Liberty, is very alarming, as he has been always too kindly used, if any Thing, by his Master, and one in whom his Master has put great Confidence, and depended on him to overlook the rest of his Slaves, and he had no kind of Provocation to go off. It seems to be the Interest, at least of every Gentleman that has Slaves, to be active in the beginning of these Attempts, for whilst we have the French such near Neighbours, we shall not have the least Security in that kind of Property. I should be greatly obliged to any Gentleman that shall hear of these Fellows, to endeavour to get certain Intelligence which Way they have taken, and to inform me of it by Express, and also to employ some active Person or Persons immediately to take their Track and pursue them and secure them, and I will thankfully acknowledge the Favour, and immediately answer the Expence attending it. Thomas Ringgold. ******************************* Baltimore Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser, January 26, 1779. Port-Tobacco, January 21, 1779, EIGHTY DOLLARS REWARD. ABSCONDED, on the first of December, 1778, the following Slaves, viz. JENNY, a light Mulatto Wench, 38 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, thick made, her nose upon the aquiline order, and broad at the end, long visaged, and has most of her fore-teeth much decayed: Had on a new country cloth black and white jacket and petticoat, white stockings, good shoes, pinchbeck buckles, white flannel under petticoat, and country linen shift. Also, JOHN SHORT, a Mulatto Fellow, (husband to the above described Wench) a carpenter and cooper by trade, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, about 48 or 49 years of age, has rather a small round face, much marked with small-pox, especially about the nose and cheeks, has a slight hesitation in his speech, and affects to be very humble: Had on a new jacket and breeches of black and white milled thick country cloth, an under waistcoat of red flannel, new shoes and stockings, good tow shirt, and a wool hat; he has likewise a pair of good buckskin breeches, and an old fearnought jacket, which he commonly wears over his other cloaths, and generally has a linen cap or a brown bushy wig on. They carried off with them a feather-bed with a striped tick, two or three blankets, two pair of Oznabrug sheets, and a good thick green rug; likewise a large chest, painted either blue or green, well filled with womens apparel, mostly fine and good, among which are a red cardinal, two stamped cotton and one calico gowns, some carpenter and cooper's tools, and took with them a small brown Mare, with a wall eye and blaze face, and a brown Colt. They may probably endeavour to pa** for free persons moving. The woman is an excellent spinner, knitter, and seamstress. Their reason for going off, as they gave out, was to prevent being sold. The above reward will be paid for securing them in any jail, so that I may get them again, and reasonable charges, if brought home. W.H.JENIFER. Annapolis Maryland Gazette, August 16, 1787. August 8, 1787. Eighty Silver Dollars, or Ten Half Joes Reward, FOR apprehending and bringing home, two runaway slaves, one a mulatto man named DICK*, about 27 years of age, about 5 feet 8 inches high, a well made, active, plausible fellow, has a scar by his right eye; took with him a green cloth coat, with a crimson velvet cape, a red plush do, with blue cuffs and cape, a deep blue camblet jacket, with gold lace at the sleeves, down the breast and round the collar, a pair of Russia drab overalls, a white shirt, two osnabrig do, a pair of pumps and buckles, with sundry other cloaths; it is probable he may change some of those described, if he meets with any one inclinable to barter; he has some money with him, and probably has a gun, pistol or sword. —The other is a woman, named LUCY, about 26 years of age, about five feet two inches high, a remarkable large suit of wool, which she takes much pains in combing; had with her two calico gowns, one purple and white, the other red and white, a deep blue moreens petticoat, two white country cotton do, a striped do, and jacket, a black silk bonnet, a variety of handkerchiefs and ruffles, two lawn aprons, two Irish linen do, a pair of high heel shoes, a pair of kid gloves and a pair of silk mitts, a blue sarsanet handkerchief, trim'd with gauze, with white ribbon sew'd to it, several white linen shirts, osnabrigs for two do, hempen rolles petticoat, with several other things that she probably will exchange for others if in her power; it is likely they will pa** for man and wife, and it is almost reduc'd to a certainty that they have pa**es either as slaves that have been manumited, or the fellow as a former soldier. If he is taken, much care ought to be taken to secure him properly, as few villains excel him in address and cunning; it is probable they will endeavour to get on board some vessel and go either down the bay or to the eastern shore; if taken 10 miles or under from home, I will give three pounds for the fellow, and twenty shillings for the woman, if 20 miles six pounds and forty shillings for the woman, if 30 miles nine pounds, and three for the woman, if 40 miles, twelve pounds and five for the woman, if 50 miles seventeen pounds ten shillings and twenty dollars for the woman, and if 60 miles or upwards the above reward, and all reasonable travelling charges when brought home to me in the upper part of Anne-Arundel county in the state of Maryland. CHARLES ALEXANDER WARFIELD. P.S. All captains and masters of vessels and others, are cautioned hereby from taking on board, or employing the said slaves. C.A.W. ******************************* December 2, 1790. Baltimore Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser, December 7, 1790. Forty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY, from the subscriber, on the 6th of September last, a YELLOW NEGRO MAN SLAVE, named BOB, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, about 34 years of age, a Blacksmith by trade; had on, when he went away, an oznaburg shirt and trousers, and took with him some other clothes, which cannot be described; he is very fond of liquor, and quarrelsome when drunk, is pretty much scarified on his back from being whipped some years ago; has a scar, about the size of a dollar, near the top of his head, caused by a scald. It is supposed he will endeavour to obtain a pa** and make towards Pennsylvania or Jersey. Any person who will take up and secure said NEGRO, so that he may be delivered to me, shall receive Ten Dollars if taken within 30 miles of home; Twenty Dollars if taken above 30 and within 80 miles; Thirty Dollars if above 80 and less than 150; and the above reward if exceeding 150 miles, or out of the state; and reasonable charges if brought home. JAMES WARE. ******************************* Baltimore Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser, April 16, 1790. Sixteen Dollars Reward. Absconded, some Time last Summer, a NEGRO WOMAN, who calls herself BETTY STEVENSON; she is a likely straight well-made Wench, of a yellowish Complexion, about five Feet 6 or 7 Inches high, has been used to House-Work, and is pretty handy at that Business; her Dress is uncertain, as she took with her a Variety of Cloathing. It is probable she will endeavour to pa** for a free Woman. She frequented Baltimore last Summer, and it is supposed she went from thence to Philadelphia. Whoever delivers the said NEGRO to the Subscriber, at Elk-Ridge Landing, near Baltimore, shall receive the above Reward. RIDGELY WARFIELD. Montgomery County, November 15, 1789. Baltimore Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser, December 1, 1789. Eight Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY, from the Subscriber, on the Night of the 18th Inst. a NEGRO WENCH called ELEANOR, alias NELL, but supposed will change her Name, and, probably, call herself LINDY: She is about 20 Years of Age, about 5 Feet 3 Inches high, stout made, bold Look, sallow Complexion, short woolly Hair, which is very knotty, has a Scar on one of her Cheeks, near the Temple, walks very brisk, understands and can speak German; has a soft Voice, and speaks fast, fond of Dress, and has a great Variety of Clothes with her, amongst which are a black Silk Cardinal, lined with white Flannel, a mock Marseilles Petticoat, a light coloured Tammy Ditto, a Pair of new high-heeled Leather Shoes, and Two Pair of Yarn Stockings. She is very artful, will probably pa** for a free Negro, and, it is thought, will attempt to get to Philadelphia. Whoever takes up, and secures, the said NEGRO WENCH, so that the Subscriber may get her again, shall be paid the above Reward, by GEORGE P.KEEPORTS. ******************************* Baltimore-County, August 31, 1789. Baltimore Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser, September 11, 1789. STOP the RUNAWAY. RAN AWAY from the subscriber, on the 1st instant, a NEGRO WOMAN, named RACHEL, aged about 20 or 21 years, of a very dark colour, about 5 feet 8 or 10 inches high; she had on and took with her a country-linen shift, brown camlet petticoat, a string of large garnet beads round her neck, a calico jacket and petticoat, with several other articles. RACHEL is remarkably well set, has uncommonly large feet, large arms and hands, the little finger of her left hand remarkably crooked; she is very active, has been accustomed to hard labour, and is fond of spirituous liquors—impudent to her equals, and very submissive to her superiors; she is a good washer-woman and labourer: She is supposed to have gone towards Philadelphia, Lancaster, or the Head of Elk. Any person who apprehends and secures her, so that I may get her again, shall have, if taken in the county, FOUR DOLLARS; if out of the county and in the state, SIX DOLLARS; and if out of the state, TWELVE DOLLARS; and all reasonable charges for bringing her home, paid by ANN YOUNG. ******************************* Baltimore, August 6, 1789. Baltimore Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser, August 14, 1789. Twenty Dollars Reward. RAN AWAY from the subscriber, on Sunday Morning last, a Negro Man named STEPHEN*, about 30 years of age, a black Country-born NEGRO, middling chunky, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high; he is somewhat knock-kneed, and when he walks his toes turn outwards; he is left-handed, and plays upon the fiddle, and this he does left-handed; and when he is spoken to hastily, he will stammer and stutter; he is also very fond of liquor, and a very great thief; he took a large bundle of clothes with him, too tedious to mention—part of them are as follow—three coats, one of them a soldier's red coat, one of a brown cloth, and one of white linen, a pair of buckskin breeches, and a pair of old black velvet ditto, one hat, and a light-horseman's leather cap. He ran away about five years ago, and worked in Chester County, with a Mr. PUSEY, at which time he pa**ed by the name of BILLY. It is probable that he will push for that place again, as he has some money due there; if not there, for Philadelphia. About four weeks ago a NEGRO WOMAN, named MOLL, also ran off from the subscriber; she was upwards of 40 years of age, and gray-headed; she is also a country-born Negro, and is a good spinner of wool or cotton; she took a large bundle of clothes: it is thought she has been concealed in the neighbourhood until now, and that they will endeavour to get off together. Whoever takes up said NEGROES, and secures them, so that I get them again, shall receive the above Reward, if out of the State; if out of this County, SIX POUNDS; if in the County, TEN SHILLINGS each, in addition to what the law allows, and all reasonable Charges paid if brought home. These Negroes are both Virginia-born, and it is unknown which way they will go. It is likely they will shew a pa**, as it is imagined they have got one counterfeited; it is also thought they will try to get off by water. JOB GARRETSON. Baltimore Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser, June 12, 1789. Five Pounds Reward. RAN AWAY, from the subscriber, on Sunday night last, a likely country-born NEGRO MAN, named BACHELOR, about 25 years of age; he is about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, strong and well set; his complexion is remarkably black, his countenance very pleasant and insinuating when pleased and a favourite scheme in view, and being possessed of a large share of cunning and artfulness, will deceive if he can. His dress when he went away was probably a pretty good blue broadcloth coat, though more than half worn, trimmed with yellow metal bu*tons, a pair of white drilling breeches, good shoes, and, I think, thread stockings; but having other clothes, he may appear in a different dress. He was born in Prince George County, about 5 miles from Upper-Marlborough, and having a numerous set of acquaintances and relations, in that county, he may endeavour to get among them, hoping to be concealed; but I rather think he will attempt his way to Baltimore-Town, or Fell's-Point, at the last-mentioned place I have understood his mother lives and is free, who is, or was lately kept by a Spanish or Portuguese seafaring captain, and keeps his house. I am apprehensive if this should be the case, he will be carried off the Continent, unless prevented. I hereby forewarn all manner of persons whatsoever, from concealing, harbouring, or carrying away said Negro, as they will answer at their peril; and I do hereby offer the above reward for apprehending and securing the said Negro, so that I get him again. WILLIAM SMITH. ******************************* Little-Britain Township, Nov. 30, 1784. Baltimore Maryland Journal and Baltimore Advertiser,December 17, 1784. EIGHT DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AWAY, from the subscriber, a country-born Negro man, named JOSHUA; he is a lusty well-looking fellow, about five feet nine inches high; he has had the small-pox by inoculation, though so favourable, that, I believe, there is no marks to be seen; he had on and took with him, when he went away, an old red cloth coat, a new Jacket and breeches of green Kersey, a pair of striped bedticking trousers, a new oznabrug shirt, and one of check linen, an old white great coat, and an old white cotton and yarn blanket, a new pair of shoes made with the grain inside-out, a felt hat but little worn: he has a very large foot, and walks much with his toes turned out, he was seen the same day of his elopement—with several negro men which had bundles with them; one or two were Mulattoes; he was heard to say he was going into the country with these negroes, to hire himself for the winter to cut wood. If he is taken up twenty miles from town, and brought home, FOUR DOLLARS; if thirty, SIX DOLLARS; and if more, the above reward, and all reasonable charges, will be paid by EDWARD MILBURN. N.B. All Masters of vessels and others, are warned not to harbour the said fellow at their peril, as they may depend on being dealt with as the law directs. E.M

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