Deep in forests beyond human hearing My mind in astral, to the gods is yearning The sigil inscribed, the offerings all set In the odor of incense my mind beset From a bloodline beyond Kingu's Race The watcher invoked, his eyes now gaze Risen forth to protect my path Against the hordes of Shub n**urath I step before Fifth Gate of Mars Remember thy servant for I ask thy force! I raise my voice that thou mayst hear In the name of Anu I call thee here! To the Red Planet I call! Ia! Ia kanpa! Nergal Mighty God of War! Ia! Zi annga kanpa! Sacrificial blood god! Ia! Ia kanpa! Nergal Mighty God of War! Ia! Zi annga kanpa! Open thy gate! Manifest to me! Show me thy power beyond infinity By the name given to me Open wide your sphere profound! Under a crimson sky my rite heralded When Mars in the Heavens is exalted Hear me now spirit of entrance! For I fear not any sword or lance Behold the inscription on the iron seal Behold the bloodsword! Under which I kneel Fifth spirit of the celestial zone Breach the gateway! Steel or stone! Hence I pa** to the Valleys of the Dead Down in the underworld, in the forlorn land Beyond the Celestial Zones, to face my fate Beyond the portals of the Nergal Gate...