Kylie_p - Hazel Eyes-FINAL DRAFT lyrics


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Kylie_p - Hazel Eyes-FINAL DRAFT lyrics

“Good morning Mom! Good morning Dad!” My voice echoes as I yell down the stairs, taking them two at a time. “How are you this morning Katherine?” My mom asks me while I fill up on my favorite breakfast food, French toast, made specially for my first day of junior year. “I'm a little bit nervous, you know how I feel about the first day of school.” “You'll do great honey. I know that it can be a little bit scary sometimes, but you always manage.” My father nods his head as he continues to stuff his mouth full of French toast, because it happens to be his favorite too. Beep beep! I hear a car horn, and it must be Claire coming to pick me up in her new Honda. I throw my backpack over my shoulder, and smooth out my brand new dress that I bought specifically for today. As I get ready to head out the door, my mom walks over to where I'm standing and gives me a great big bear hug. Dad finally puts his French toast down, and walks over to wish me good luck as well. They're honestly some of the most caring parents I have ever seen, and I have no idea how I got so lucky to end up being born to them. I step outside, and I can faintly hear my mother and father speaking, she tells him that she's going into the office early, and then I close the door behind me. Claire is parked right next to my mom's silver Audi, and I have to be careful getting into her car since its parked so closely. “I absolutely love your dress! Jake is going to think you look totally hot!” Claire exclaims as soon as I step foot into her car. I hope she's right about Jake though, we hung out a couple of times this past summer, and I'm praying that he'll finally ask me out. I let myself relax in her leather seats, and I turn the seat warmer on even though it's August. Being warm helps to unravel my nerves a little bit, and Claire keeps her car as cold as Antarctica. Through all the chatter I hardly realize that we have pulled into her a**igned spot for the year. My nerves coil themselves right back up, and I can hardly force myself to get out of the car. I don't know why, but the first day of cla**es has always made me nervous. It could be because of when I was in Kindergarten when I cried so hard when my mom left me, and no one really wanted to talk to me. I was so attached to my mom, and couldn't bear to see her leave. The one person that still wanted to be my friend was Claire, and she has been there for the first day of school since then. She comes around to my side of the car, and extends a hand to help me get out. “Hey, everything will be alright! Remember, I'm always here.” Claire reminds me, and I can't believe I've been so lucky in my life. Wonderful parents, and a wonderful best friend. What more could someone ask for? Hand in hand, we walk up to the daunting doors of Madison High School, home of the Mountain Lions. We push past flocks of freshman in the halls, and head to the cafeteria where we'll pick up our finalized schedules. Every year, Claire and I always manage to have most of our cla**es together. I guess we thank the fact that both of us have always taken all advanced placement cla**es. “Are you going to stare at your schedule all day or are you going to come to Biology with me? I heard that Jake would be in that cla**!” I didn't even realize that I was staring at my schedule for that long. I was daydreaming about what the school year would hold for me. My legs finally move, and decide take me to the third floor where all of the science cla**es were. The stairs are like a mountain, and I wonder how much better my life would be if the school could just put escalators in. The minute bell rings letting us know that we have one minute until cla**es start, and we slide into our desks. Each desk has a gigantic textbook on it with the word “Biology” written across the top in bold, white letters. “How am I supposed to even keep this in my backpack without breaking my back?” I whisper to Claire, because Mr. Smith has decided to already start teaching. Claire nods back at me, and turns to pay attention. The teacher rambles on about stuff that I honestly don't care about, because I know that we'll go over it later on. “Typically, if both parents have brown eyes, then their offspring will have brown eyes as well. Sometimes this isn't always true though, and if grandparents on both sides have a different color it's possible that the offspring might have that color.” I hear bits and pieces of what he's saying, but my mind is off in daydream land. I look over at Jake, his wheat colored hair is beautiful, and I can't help but think how wonderful we would look together. His blue eyes and blonde locks would look stunning next to my dark brown hair and hazel eyes. Then something strikes me. What I was told just a few moments before from Mr. Smith pushes itself to the front of my mind, and I realize that I probably shouldn't have hazel eyes. Why do I have them? I guess I've never paid much attention to what color my grandparent's eyes were. Maybe there is a chance that my grandparents on both sides happen to have hazel eyes, and that is why I ended up with them. My mind wanders for the rest of cla**, and I'm bursting at the seams because I need to tell Claire. “Maybe your mom cheated on your dad or you could have been switched with another baby in the hospital. OH! What if you're adopted?” Claire rattles off her ideas of why I was born with hazel eyes instead of brown. I try to ignore her, but the ideas get to me. “I doubt it!” I try to laugh it off. Later that night, the ideas float back into my brain as I stare at the Christmas lights that line the ceiling of my room, brighter than my dark thoughts. Would my mom really cheat on my dad? They're so in love, always giving each other kisses, hugging, and going out to dinners. There is absolutely no way. Sleep washes over me at last, and I sleep restlessly, tossing and turning so much that my bed looks like a tornado tore through it the night before. The sun rises through my window, which means I wake up bright and early at seven in the morning on my first weekend off of school, and my parents are already downstairs eating breakfast. I try to avoid my parents, because I don't think I can stand to look at them until I have everything completely figured out. Instead of going downstairs I decide to shower instead. I let the hot water sting my body, and think about how different my life would be without the parents that I have. Before I know it I hear the doorbell ringing, and I know that it must be Claire already. I grab the fluffiest blue towel and dry off quickly. Hastily, I put on my favorite pair of shorts, and a tank top perfect for the hot August day. Downstairs, I hear Claire making polite small talk with my parents, always trying to impress everyone she interacts with, and I try to cut her short by taking the stairs two at a time. She likes my parents more than I do at this point. I still love them but I can't help but think of the possibilities that my mom could have cheated, or they never told me that I was adopted. Those thoughts hurt. “Claire and I have some research that we need to do. We'll be in my room.” I say to both parents, trying not to look either of them in the eye. They look so innocent just sitting there eating breakfast, and sipping on coffee with just the right amount of cream and sugar. Could they really have done anything wrong? Maybe they really are innocent, I could at least trust them. I seriously hope that I just got switched at the hospital or something innocent enough like that. Anything would be better than finding out my mom cheated on my dad, or that they never told me I was adopted. I tug on Claire's hand, and she follows me up the stairs to my room. The stairs are familiar as I take them two at a time while Claire trails behind me. The family photos that line the walls remind me how lucky I am. . I have a nice house, nice parents, everything that I need, and so much more. My thankfulness turns into guilt, how could I possibly accuse my mom of cheating or accuse them of adopting me and not telling me? These people have always came to my bed when I felt sick, comforted me when I cry, make me my favorite meals whenever I feel down, and so many other things. “Maybe we should just leave this alone. You heard what Mr. Smith said, there is a possibility for me to have different colored eyes if my grandparents do.” I try to convince Claire, but I'm trying more to convince myself that I have absolutely nothing to worry about. “You want to know why your eyes are different, and if you don't find this out soon it will eat you alive for the rest of your life.” She convinces me easily, and I agree to do some searching. “So, I guess the first question is, how common is it that babies get switched at the hospital?” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, Claire is already furiously typing away on her laptop. “It says right here that about 30,000 babies get switched every year. That's a whole lot of babies.” I get excited thinking that this could all just be an accident, no deceit, all just a misunderstanding. I could have been switched at birth, but the scary thought lingers in my mind, these two people should have a different child, and I should be living with another family. How messed up with that be? Would I have to go live with another family? Would someone else's child come live here? I try not to think about it. “Hey, maybe we should just head up to your attic, and we can look through some photo albums. Maybe we can even find out if your grandparents had hazel eyes, and then you can stop worrying about it forever.” “Yes, we should definitely do that! First, I want to make sure that my parents have already gone on their daily walk together. I don't want them to be asking any questions.” I walk down our stairs once again, and I take another glance at the portraits on the wall. I'm an only child, and I've always liked it that way. Some people think that being an only child would be lonely, but my parents always made sure I was happy and had things to keep my occupied. Sure enough, when I took a peek downstairs, they had already left for their routine Saturday morning walk. Even though they were getting a bit older, they always like to try to stay in shape. “Why aren't there any baby photos of you on the wall here? Don't you think that's a little bit weird? In my house, there are baby photos of my brothers and I everywhere. It's like my parents can't get enough baby photos to put up for everyone to see.” Claire is standing at the top of the stairs waiting for me and staring at our portraits. “They all got lost in a fire when I was little, or at least that's what my parents tell me. Our attic caught on fire when I was little and had to be rebuilt. We no longer have any photos of me before the age of three.” Claire nods her head as I speak, her curly blonde locks bounce as she nods, and we head up the stairs to the attic. I head straight for the corner of the attic furthest away from the door, which is where we keep all of our old photo albums. There are so many of them, and I think my parents may have gotten a little camera happy when I was younger. There are albums upon albums of my first days of school, my last days of school, choir concerts, sports photos, and everything else imaginable. Soon, Claire and I are opening up different boxes, taking out photo albums and flipping through them. Time was pa**ing slowly, and Claire finally found some photos of my maternal grandparents. They were old photos, and it was impossible to tell what color of eyes they had. The eyes looked dark, but it was impossible to tell. “I honestly don't think we're going to find anything today. Maybe we should just call it a day, and if something comes up later then we can research.” I say to Claire, because I'm tired of looking through photo albums that I've looked through thousands of times in my life, and I haven't found a single thing. “Fine. We should definitely go to the mall with Jake though, and ask his super hot friend, Cameron, to come with.” “Okay! Sounds good! Maybe if we keep hanging out he'll finally realize how in love he is with me.” We laugh at the thought of meeting up with cute boys, and Claire heads toward the door downstairs. Suddenly, I realize there is a small box that I haven't seen before sitting in the corner. The light from the one window shines on the box. “Are you coming?” Claire questions from the door. “Just wait up a minute! I think I might have found something.” She saunters back to where I'm standing back in the corner. Carefully, I pick up the small box, and I reach to open it. In it lies two small photo albums that I have never seen before in my life. I pick one out of the box, and I flip through it. Claire is completely engrossed in what I'm doing, and I can feel her breathing on my neck from behind me. The first picture in the album is of two adults with dark brown hair. I flip the pages and there are more photos of the couple. Then, there are photos of myself as a baby with them, and then some when I'm a little bit older, a toddler, with the couple. “I thought that all of your baby photos got burned in a fire?” “That's what I thought too. I've never seen any of these pictures before.” “Who are those people in the pictures with you?” “I have absolutely no idea who they are. I don't think I've ever really met them, except obviously when I was a baby.” Claire and I are looking at each other now, both equally confused. I decide to close the photo album, because I didn't feel like I was making any progress, and it was only making me way more confused with my life. As I go to set the album back in the box, a piece of paper slips out, and Claire picks it up. She studies it for a few seconds, reading it carefully. Silently she hands me the paper for me to look over, and I realize what it is. They're adoption papers. “I'm adopted.” I can't think of anything else to say, and a lump is building in the back of my throat, threatening to choke me. “I guess you are.” She looks at me sympathetically, and I know she definitely cares a lot about me. We both turn as we hear the front door opening. “I think I might need to have a little talk with my parents.” I wipe my eyes, and I hadn't even noticed I had been crying until this point. “Okay, well if you're going to talk to them, I think I'm going to just head out your back door if that's alright.” Claire looks at me and pats me on the shoulder. We head down the stairs hand in hand, and I no longer feel happy when looking at the portraits lining the wall. Claire's hand is warm against mine, and she gives it a little squeeze before she silently slips out our sliding back door. “What's this?” I demand while holding the adoption papers in my hand like a lifesaver that's going to help me if I feel like I'm drowning. My parents take a second to realize what it is, and when they do they give each other that look. The look that all parents get every once in a while, the look that says they have absolutely no idea what to do now. “I'm so sorry we didn't tell you sooner.” My mom is the first one to speak, and I don't know how forgiving I'm feeling today. “Why didn't you tell me?” “We didn't want you to be confused, and we thought that maybe it would be a better idea to tell you once you got a little bit older, after college maybe.” “I'm sixteen years old. I think you could have told me a little bit earlier. Who are my real parents then? There are pictures of who I a**ume are my parents upstairs.” “They died in a car accident when you were about two and a half years old. They dropped you off at your babysitter's place, and they never had the chance to come back.” My father finally responds trying to diffuse the situation. “You still could have told me. You've had every opportunity to, but instead you both lied. How am I ever supposed to trust you again?” I storm up to my room and slam my door with as much force as I could muster. I would have driven away, but I couldn't get my license for another week. Instead, I slouch into my bed and cover myself with blankets while I cried. Time stopped and before I knew it I had fallen asleep. “Katherine…” My mom is touching my shoulder now while sitting on the edge of my bed while my dad is standing back near my bedroom door. “What do you want?” I spit back. “We just want you to know that we love you so much. The fact that you were adopted doesn't change that. All we wanted was to save you some pain of knowing that your birth parents had died, and we felt like this was the best way.” “I really wish you would have told me earlier. I would have really liked to have known before finding out like this.” I can hardly stand to look at them, and I bury myself further underneath my blankets hoping they can protect me like they used to from nightmares. “We're here to talk about it whenever you want us. Okay honey?” My father finally speaks up, and I can't help but feel a little less upset. I don't even know what to say. Tears start to flow again, and they slip out quietly while shutting the door behind them. I know they love me, but it's going to take a little while for me to feel happy again.

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