kaho - every hero lyrics


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kaho - every hero lyrics

何故 どこまで行っても Naze dokomadeyatte mo Why?! Wherever I go... 届かないのかな todokanai no ka na I wonder if I can't reach... この道を歩いたら  Kono michi o aruitara ..this road, after walk... 見つかると思ってた mitsukaru to omo~tsu teta ..it can be found, and I thought... 夢はいつまでも  Yume wa itsu made mo I'll keep on the dream 振り返ってもまだまだ furikaette mo madamada Looking back, it's still just...  遠く感じてる  Tōku kanji teru ..far away, I felt... 今もつかめない ima mo tsukamenai ..even now, it can't be grasped あの空に願いを込めて  Ano sora ni negai o komete On that sky, I had put my wish (あの空に) (ano sora ni) (On that sky) 答えを探してる  Kotae o sagashi teru I've keep looking for answers どこに居ても ずっと doko ni ite mo zutto Wherever, I always be (keep looking) For Every Hero 叶わなくても Kanawanakute mo Even it will not come true  終わりじゃない  owari janai It will not be an end (For the sky) 諦めない涙  Akiramenai namida I wont give up...it tears up ここから始まるよ きっと koko kara hajimaru yo kitto From here it will begin... for sure For Every Hero ビルの谷間の 名もない花  Biru no tanima no namonai hana Nameless flower of buildings' alley (For the sky) ほんのわずかに咲く  Hon'no wazuka ni saku Just slightly blooms 光をもとめて 輝くの hikari o motomete kagayaku no Seeking for the light... it shines 風に立ち向かって Kaze ni tachimukatte Facing on wind upfront 一人進んでも ichi-ri susun demo Alone I still move on 又押し戻されて  Mata oshimodosa rete It pushes back further たどり着けないの tadoritsukenai no  Cannot reach of... あの空に願いを込めて  Ano sora ni negai o komete On that sky, I had put my wish (あの空に) (ano sora ni) (On that sky) 果てしなく続く  Hateshinaku tsudzuku I will keep continue 明日に誓って ずっと ash**a ni chikatte zutto I swear on tomorrow, I always be For Every Hero 強い嵐が 訪れても  Tsuyoi arashi ga otozurete mo The strong storms also come (For the sky) 次の晴れた朝に  Tsugi no hareta asa ni Next in the morning it will sunny 大空を舞う あの鳥の様に ōzora o mau ano tori no yō ni The sky has dancing like that birds For Every Hero 心の中を 探し出せば  Kokoronouchi o sagashidaseba In the mind I retrieve (For the sky) ひそむその光  Hisomu sono hikari Lurked of those light 必ず見つけるよ これからは kanarazu mitsukeru yo korekara wa From now on ... certainly I will find it 弱い自分も受け止め  Yowai jibun mo uketome I've accept my weakness as well 自分を信じるのよ jibun o shinjiru no yo Then believe in yourself Fly over time stay on top through the sky

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