I happened to notice a girl, in a light shade of blue I happened to see her the sight of her leaves me confused She may not be you But she looks just like you She may not be you But she looks just like you You should've seen the way she wore her dress And her white stiletto shoes You should've seen the way they looked on her, Just like the ones that I bought you I searched for days on end to no avail 'til I found them in Peru She must've been to Lima just as well Because she had them too You should've seen her eyes, her lips, her face She looked as sweet as honeydew You should've seen the way she walked away Oh, she swayed her hips like you I was only several steps from her but she never noticed me I took another sip of fine liqueur It was quite a sight to see I happened to notice the girl in the light shade of blue I happened to see her the sight of her leaves me confused She may not be you But she looks just like you She may not be you But she looks just like you Oh, you should've seen the way he stroked her hair, And the smile that lit her face You should've seen the way he kissed her lips Did it have the same sweet taste? Though my mind it might be running wild in constant search of you It's funny how my eyes keep seeing things, My heart would not believe are true I happened to notice a girl, in a light shade of blue I happened to see her the sight of her leaves me confused She may not be you But she looks just like you She may not be you But she looks just like you Maxine, she looks just like you Maxine, she looks just like you Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine Maxine, Maxine, Maxine, Maxine