Stargazing from the bathroom Naked astronaut Stargazing from the bathroom When oxygen is thin and rare And memory left cold and bare Bodies become obsolete as we stare into the empty sheets The birds are strange and fly alone And buildings groan all night long The great transgression transmundane joyful And to your right is heaven Stargazing from the bathroom Naked astronaut Stargazing from the bathroom How would our heroes fare so beautiful and debonair? Stripped of their samson's hair a virtual electric chair And the nameless will remain less vulnerable to pain Less vulnerable to impermanence and the nameless will remain These days i dance a lot You can't see me but i sure dance a lot Bathroom solitude is what i needed Stargazing, i'm dancing and bleeding These days i dance a lot You can't see me but i sure dance a lot Bathroom solitude is what i needed Stargazing, i'm dancing and bleeding And space looks so pristine now the earth could never seem so clean But distance makes the dirt shine the devil seem almost divine I breathe in what you breathe out listening to whispered shouts From high above the rain blows down heaven also sweats In sound and light, in light