George McCall Theal - Xhosa Folklore - The Story of The Bird That Made Milk lyrics


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George McCall Theal - Xhosa Folklore - The Story of The Bird That Made Milk lyrics

THERE was once upon a time a poor man living with his wife in a certain village. They had three children, two boys and a girl. They used to get milk from a tree. That milk of the tree was got by squeezing. It was not nice as that of a cow, and the people that drank it were always thin. For this reason, those people were never glossy like those who are fat. One day the woman went to cultivate a garden. She began by cutting the gra** with a pick, and then putting it in a big heap. That was the work of the first day, and when the sun was just about to set she went home. When she left, there came a bird to that place, and sang this song: "Weeds of this garden, Weeds of this garden, Spring up, spring up; Work of this garden, Work of this garden, Disappear, disappear." It was so. The next morning, when she returned and saw that, she wondered greatly. She again put it in order on that day, and put some sticks in the ground to mark the place. In the evening she went home and told that she had found the gra** which she had cut growing just as it was before. Her husband said: "How can such a thing be? You were lazy and didn't work, and now tell me this falsehood. just get out of my sight, or I'll beat you." On the third day she went to her work with a sorrowful heart, remembering the words spoken by her husband. She reached the place and found the gra** growing as before. The sticks that she stuck in the ground were there still, but she saw nothing else of her labour. She wondered greatly. She said in her heart, "I will not cut the gra** off again, I will just hoe the ground as it is." She commenced. Then the bird came and perched on one of the sticks. It sang: "Citi, citi, who is this cultivating the ground of my father? Pick, come off; Pick handle, break; Sods, go back to your places!" All these things happened. The woman went home and told her husband what the bird had done. Then they made a plan. They dug a deep hole in the ground, and covered it with sticks and gra**. The man hid himself in the hole, and put up one of his hands. The woman commenced to hoe the ground again. Then the bird came and perched on the hand of the man, and sang: "This is the ground of my father. Who are you, digging my father's ground? Pick, break into small pieces Sods, return to your places." It was so. Then the man tightened his fingers and caught the bird. He came up out of the place of concealment. He said to the bird: "As for you who spoil the work of this garden, you will not see the sun any more. With this sharp stone I will cut off your head!" Then the bird said to him: "I am not a bird that should be k**ed. I am a bird that can make milk." The man said: "Make some, then." The bird made some milk in his hand. The man tasted it. It was very nice milk. The man said: "Make some more milk, my bird." The bird did so. The man sent his wife for a milk basket. When she brought it, the bird filled it with milk. The man was very much pleased. He said: "This pretty bird of mine is better than a cow." He took it home and put it in a jar. After that he used to rise even in the night and tell the bird to make milk for him. Only he and his wife drank of it. The children continued to drink of the milk of the tree. The names of the children were Gingci, the first-born son; Lonci, his brother; and Dumangashe, his sister. That man then got very fat indeed, so that his skin became shining. The girl said to her brother Gingci: "Why does father get fat and we remain so thin?" He replied: "I do not know. Perhaps he eats in the night." They made a plan to watch. They saw him rise in the middle of the night. He went to the big jar and took an eating mat off it. He said: "Make milk, my bird." He drank much. Again he said: "Make milk, my bird," and again he drank till he was very full. Then he lay down and went to sleep. The next day the woman went to work in her garden, and the man went to visit his friend. The children remained at home, but not in the house. Their father fastened the door of the house, and told them not to enter it on any account till his return. Gingci said: "To-day we will drink of the milk that makes father fat and shining; we will not drink of the milk of the euphorbia today." The girl said: "As for me, I also say let us drink of father's milk to-day." They entered the house. Gingci removed the eating mat from the jar, and said to the bird: "My father's bird, make milk for me." The bird said "If I am your father's bird, put me by the fireplace, and I will make milk." The boy did so. The bird made just a little milk. The boy drank, and said: "My father's bird, make more milk." The bird said: "If I am your father's bird, put me by the door, then I will make milk." The boy did this. Then the bird made just a little milk, which the boy drank. The girl said My father's bird, make milk for me." The bird said: "If I am your father's bird, just put me in the sunlight, and I will make milk." The girl did so. Then the bird made a jar full of milk. After that the bird sang: "The father of Dumangashe came, he came, He came unnoticed by me. He found great fault with me. The little fellows have met together. Gingci the brother of Lonci. The Umkomanzi cannot be crossed, It is crossed by swallows Whose wings are long." When it finished its song it lifted up its wings and flew away. But the girl was still drinking milk. The children called it, and said: "Return, bird of our father," but it did not come back. They said, "We shall be k**ed to-day." They followed the bird. They came to a tree where there were many birds. The boy caught one, and said to it: "My father's bird, make milk." It bled. They said. "This is not our father's bird." This bird bled very much; the blood ran like a river. Then the boy released it, and it flew away. The children were seized with fear. They said to themselves: "If our father finds us, he will k** us to-day." In the evening the man came home. When he was yet far off, he saw that the door had been opened. He said: "I did not shut the door that way." He called his children, but only Lonci replied. He asked for the others. Lonci said: "I went to the river to drink; when I returned they were gone." He searched for them, and found the girl under the ashes and the boy behind a stone. He inquired at once about his bird. They were compelled to tell the truth concerning it. Then the man took a riem and hung those two children on a tree that projected over the river. He went away, leaving them there. Their mother besought their father, saying that they should be released; but the man refused. After he was gone, the boy tried to escape. He climbed up the riem and held on to the tree; then he went up and loosened the riern that was tied to his sister. After that they climbed up the tree, and then went away from their home, They slept three times on the road. They came to a big rock. The boy said "We have no father and no mother; rock, be our house." The rock opened, and they went inside. After that they lived there in that place. They obtained food by hunting animals, they were hunted by the boy. When they were already in that place a long time, the girl grew to be big. There were no people in that place. A bird came one day with a child, and left it there by their house. The bird said: "So have I done to all the people." After that a crocodile came to that place. The boy was just going to k** it, but it said: "I am a crocodile; I am not to be k**ed; I am your friend." Then the boy went with the crocodile to the house of the crocodile, in a deep hole under the water. The crocodile had many cattle and (much) millet. He gave the boy ten cows and ten baskets of millet. The crocodile said to the boy You must send your sister for the purpose of being married to me." The boy made a fold to keep his cattle in; his sister made a garden and planted millet. The crocodile sent more cattle. The boy nade a very big fold, and it was full of cattle. At this time there came a bird. The bird said: "Your sister has performed the custom, and as for you, you should enter manhood." The crocodile gave one of his daughters to be the wife of the young man. The young woman went to the village of the crocodile, she went to be a bride. They said to her: "Whom do you choose to be your husband?" The girl replied: "I choose Crocodile." Her husband said to her: "Lick my face." She did so. The crocodile cast off its skin, and arose a man of great strength and fine appearance. He said: "The enemies of my father's house did that; you, my wife, are stronger than they." After this there was a great famine, and the mother of those people came to their villace. She did not recognise her children, but they knew her and gave her food. She went away, and then their father came. He did not recognise them either, but they knew him. They asked him what he wanted. He told them that his village was devoured by famine. They gave him food, and he went away. He returned again. The young man said: "You thought we would die when you hung us in the tree." He was astonished, and said: "Are you indeed my child? " Crocodile then gave them (the parents) three baskets of corn, and told them to go and build on the mountains. He (the man) did so and died there on the mountains.

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