Game of Thrones - List of Game of Thrones d**hs lyrics


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Game of Thrones - List of Game of Thrones d**hs lyrics

Pre-Season 1 •Tytos Lannister •Elia Martell •Night's King •Lyanna Stark •Rickard Stark •Brandon “The Builder” Stark •Aerys II Targaryen •Rhaegar Targaryen •Aegon Targaryen •Aegon I Targaryen •Aegon V Targaryen •Rhaella Targaryen •Rhaenys Targaryen Season 1 Episode 1: "Winter Is Coming" •Waymar Royce •Gared •Will •Jon Arryn Episode 2: "The Kingsroad" •Catspaw a**a**in •Lady •Mycah Episode 4: "Cripples, ba*tards and Broken Things" •Ser Hugh Episode 5: "The Wolf and the Lion" •Kurleket •Willis Wode •Jory Ca**el •Wyl •Heward Episode 6: "A Golden Crown" •Wallen •Stiv •Vardis Egen •Viserys Targaryen Episode 7: "You Win or You Die" •Robert Baratheon •Varly Episode 8: "The Pointy End" •Vayon Poole •Septa Mordane •Syrio Forel •Stableboy •Mago •Jafer Flowers •Othor Episode 9: "Baelor" •Qotho •Eddard "Ned" Stark Episode 10: "Fire and Blood" •Rhaego •Khal Drogo •Mirri Maz Duur Season 2 Episode 1: "The North Remembers" •Maester Cressen •Barra Episode 2: "The Night Lands" •Rakharo Episode 3: "What is Dead May Never Die" •Yoren •Lommy Greenhands Episode 4: "Garden of Bones" •Rennick •Lannister guard •Tortured prisoner •Stafford Lannister Episode 5: "The Ghost of Harrenhal" •Renly Baratheon •Emmon Cuy •Robar Royce •The Tickler Episode 6: "The Old Gods and the New" •Rodrik Ca**el •The High Septon •Amory Lorch •Drennan •Irri Episode 7: "A Man Without Honor" •Alton Lannister •Torrhen Karstark •The Thirteen •Billy •Jack Episode 8: "The Prince of Winterfell" •Borba •Harker •Stonesnake Episode 9: "Blackwater" •Matthos Seaworth •Mandon Moore Episode 10: "Valar Morghulis" •Luwin •Pyat Pree •Qhorin Halfhand •Xaro Xhoan Daxos •Doreah •Tom Season 3 Episode 2: "Dark Wings, Dark Words" •Hoster Tully Episode 3: "Walk of Punishment" •Master Torturer Episode 4: "And Now His Watch Is Ended" •Bannen •Craster •Jeor Morment •Kraznys mo Nakloz •Griezhen mo Ullhor Episode 5: "Kissed by Fire" •Martyn Lannister •Willem Lannister •Karstark lookout •Rickard Karstark Episode 6: "The Climb" •Ros Episode 8: "Second Sons" •Mero •Prendahl na Ghezn •White Walker Episode 9: "The Rains of Castamere" •Old man •Orell •Wendel Manderly •Joyeuse Erenford •Catelyn Stark •Robb Stark •Talisa Stark •Grey Wind Episode 10: "Mhysa" •Frey soldiers Season 4 •Episode 1: "Two Swords" •Lowell •Polliver Episode 2: "The Lion and the Rose" •Tansy •Axell Florent •Joffrey Baratheon Episode 3: "Breaker of Chains" •Dontos Hollard •Guymon •Olly's mother •Oznak zo Pahl Episode 4: "Oath Keeper" •Great master Episode 5: "First of His Name" •Karl Tanner •Rast •Locke Episode 7: "Mockingbird" •Unnamed man •Biter •Rorge •Lysa Arryn Episode 8: "The Mountain and the Viper" •Kegs •Jack Bulwer •Mully •Ralf Kenning •Adrack Humble •Oberyn Martell Episode 9: "The Watchers on the Wall" •Dongo •Smitty •Pypar •Thenn warg •Styr •Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg •Grenn •Cooper •Donnel Hill •Ygritte Episode 10: "The Children" •Zalla •Jojen Reed •Shae •Tywin Lannister Season 5 Episode 1: "The Wars to Come" •White Rat •Mance Rayder Episode 2: "The House of Black and White" •Mossador •Unnamed dwarf •Son of the Harpy Episode 3: "High Sparrow" •Medger Cerwyn •Medger's brother •Lady Cerwyn •Despondent man •Janos Slynt Episode 4: "The Sons of the Harpy" •Merchant captain •Dornish guards •Barristan Selmy Episode 5: "k** the Boy" •Master Eaton Episode 6: Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken •Ghita Episode 7: The Gift •Maester Aemon •Old servant woman Episode 8: Hardhome •The Lord of Bones •Loboda •A white walker •Karsi Episode 9: The Dance of Dragons •Shireen Baratheon •Hizdahr zo Loraq Episode 10: Mother's Mercy •Selyse Baratheon •Stannis Baratheon •Baratheon general •Myranda •Meryn Trant •Myrcella Baratheon •Jon Snow Season 6 Episode 1: The Red Woman •Areo Hotah •Caleotte •Doran Martell •Trystane Martell Episode 2: Home •Balon Greyjoy •Roose Bolton •Walda Frey •Frey-Bolton baby Episode 3: Oathbreaker •Shaggydog •Bowen Marsh •Othell Yarwyck •Alliser Thorne •Olly Episode 4: Book of the Stranger •Iggo •Akho •Osha •Khal Rhalko •Khal Brozho •Khal Qorro •Khal Forzho •Khal Moro Episode 5: The Door •Three-eyed raven •Summer •White Walker •Leaf •Hodor Episode 7: The Broken Man •Brother Ray and the villagers Episode 8: No One •Lady Crane •The Blackfish •Lem Lemoncloak •The Waif Episode 9: Battle of the ba*tards •Rickon Stark •Smalljon Umber •Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun •Ramsay Bolton Episode 10: The Winds of Winter •Grand Maester Pycelle •Brother Lancel Lannister •Ser Kevan Lannister •Loras Tyrell •Margaery Tyrell •Mace Tyrell •High Sparrow •Tommen Baratheon •Lothar Frey •Black Walder Rivers •Walder Frey

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