"Freeway" Ricky Ross - Iran-Contra Timeline lyrics


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"Freeway" Ricky Ross - Iran-Contra Timeline lyrics

JANUARY 1979 -- Iranian revolution deposes the brutal Washington-backed Shah. The Shah had come to power in 1953 after a CIA-designed coup to oust democratically-elected President Mohammad Mossadeq. JULY 1979 -- Lefist Sandinista revolution ousts Washington-backed right-wing Somoza regime in Nicaragua. JANUARY 20, 1981 -- President Ronald Reagan inaugurated. DECEMBER 1, 1981 -- Reagan issues Presidential Finding on Nicaragua, authorizing Washington support for right-wing Contra rebels. DECEMBER 1982 -- Boland Amendment begins to limit funding for Reagan's Contra aid. OCTOBER 1984 -- New Boland Amendment makes illegal any funding for Contras. MARCH 16, 1985 -- Oliver North's “Fallback memo” discusses ways to circumvent Congressional barring of funds for Contra war. AUGUST 1985 -- Reagan Administration begins selling arms to the Islamic Republic of Iran, then engaged in a devastating war with Iraq. AUGUST 20, 1985 -- American hostage Benjamin Weir released by Islamic Jihad/Hezbollah in Lebanon hours after the transfer of 96 TOW missiles to Iran DECEMBER 20, 1985 -- Associated Press is first to report c**aine trafficking operations by Contras. APRIL 4, 1986 -- Oliver North drafts the “Diversion Memo,” which orders a continuation of arms sales to Iran after the release of hostages with the new revenue being diverted to the Contras. NOVEMBER 3, 1986 -- Iranian cleric Mehdi Hashemi leaks news of the arms trade to a Lebanese newspaper. It is the first public revelation of the trade. NOVEMBER 13, 1986 -- Just ten days after Hashemi leaks news of the secret dealings, President Reagan delivers an address from the Oval Office denying the arms-for-hostages trade. NOVEMBER 21, 1986 -- Just days after Reagan takes to national television to deliver a series of dangerous untruths on the Iran-Contra matter, Oliver North and his secretary shred every document related to the illegal dealings. Oliver North refers to it secretly as a “shredding party” (which would have been a such great band name). NOVEMBER 22, 1986 -- "Diversion Memo" discovered in North's files DECEMBER 1, 1986 -- Reagan convenes the Tower Commission to investigate Iran-Contra. LATE FEBRUARY 1987 -- Tower Commission finishes its report. MARCH 4, 1987 -- Pres. Reagan is forced to speak to the nation on the Tower Commission findings, which contradicts almost entirely Reagan's speech from three months before. APRIL 13, 1989 -- Kerry Committee report released by Senators John Kerry and Christopher Dodd. The report builds on the findings of the Tower Commission in its revelations of significant c**aine trafficking by Washington-backed Contras. MAY 4, 1989 -- Oliver North convicted on three counts related to his involvement in Iran-Contra. JULY 20, 1990 -- North's convictions are vacated. AUGUST 1993 -- Independent Counsel final report published. AUGUST 1996 -- San Jose Mercury News publishes Gary Webb's “Dark Alliance” three-part series alleging CIA involvement in Contra c**aine trafficking. OCTOBER 23, 1996 -- CIA Inspector General announces investigation into Webb's allegations. MARCH 16, 1998 -- CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz appears before Congressional committee to deliver Volume I of the agency's investigation into drug trafficking. DECEMBER 10, 2004 -- Gary Webb is found dead of an apparent suicide.

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