The Maelstrom whips around Fueled by past and future In this it Gathers strength Consciousness Dragged down Helpless against the power. The vortex lulls the mind to sleep. Centered in the eternal the essence immobile The light of awareness that breaks duplicity Ever at rapture in the center of the circle Find this gem beyond the veil The endless war Worsened by struggle The quicksand of unconscious thought Friction created By resistance of this moment Clouds the crystal sight It can not be controlled, the clinging is futile The mana turned to worms if horded There is only this infinite moment Receive the gift of clarity No idea why or how we got here No idea who we are No idea if this is all there is Stumbling around throughout this life A blur of experience Until the moment that we die What if we glimpse our ultimate form What if there lies a stillness in the whirl If all the mental movement stops what is seen? What if our body holds the key? Retreat to this present space In the here and the now Place your awareness within your flesh and blood The Tides of thought Cast you asunder No peace amidst the violent storm Currents rip you down To fight them is failure There must be another way Surrendered as the watcher Upon your foundation The only act that calms the violent mental seas Be not the doer but only the observer Watch the tempest blow itself away Again and again the battle is fought Within each conquest you claim its strength.