White Aryan Resistance calling, this is W.A.R. and I'm Tom Metzger. The day is March 19th, 1995. The most hated band in North America has cut a record. The band is Ethnic Cleansing! Nicole Chimpson's dead, has herself to thank So long c*nt, negro-loving skank! Ron Goldman was stabbed to d**h too Good riddance Kike... Hook-nosed Jew! Bloody banana belongs to O.J., But the negro skipped town, he tried to get away! Ol' Jig Chimpson! Puppet of the Jews! A negro k**ing Whitey... Is yesterday's news! Number 32, he's outta the game He k**ed a who*e, what a shame! Judge Ito, the Honorable Gook Works with the Jews to save the spook! A Kike and a negro call the shots Getting rich as Nicole rots! A Current Affair rakes in the dough As the Jews cheer, "Let O.J. Go!" Ol' Jig Chimpson! A disappointment to his fans! He should've blown his brains out When he had the chance! American public's glued to their sets Pathetic sheep, placing their bets! I'm a genius, a regular sleuth I know the scheme, I know the truth! Crime is money, and money is crime Nicole's alive and Ron is fine! "April Fools!", cry the Jews! "Now we're rich, and the joke's on you!"