Enemy You lyrics

Enemy You

Top Enemy You lyrics

72 Hours

Enemy You
All Good Things

Enemy You

Enemy You
Bedroom Windows
Boy In A Bubble
Break Away

Enemy You
By Design

Enemy You

Enemy You
East And West

Enemy You

Enemy You biography

Not liking the trend toward punk that is wimpy, tuneful, and bowing to lost love, Enemy You aims at the edgy, mid-tempo rockers as punk begins to merge into the mainstream. David Jones (lead guitar and vocals) does most of the songwriting, coming out with songs that have a political flavor such as "Hopes and Dreams," "Awake," "Youth Anthems," and "City of Lost Children." Ken Yamazaki (guitar) and Joe Yamazaki (drums) have been in the lineup since the ... Show more...

Not liking the trend toward punk that is wimpy, tuneful, and bowing to lost love, Enemy You aims at the edgy, mid-tempo rockers as punk begins to merge into the mainstream. David Jones (lead guitar and vocals) does most of the songwriting, coming out with songs that have a political flavor such as "Hopes and Dreams," "Awake," "Youth Anthems," and "City of Lost Children." Ken Yamazaki (guitar) and Joe Yamazaki (drums) have been in the lineup since the beginning, with Marc Tamo and Chicken (who also plays in Down in Flames) playing ba** and adding vocals. br /br /Enemy You's first recording was one track, "Bedroom Windows," on the compilation Short Music for Short People released in June 1999. The Lookout label released the band's CD Where No One Knows My Name in November 1999. The album combined hardcore and pop with the new punk style of beauty and truth. ~ Eleanor Ditzel, All Music Guide