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Hears with his skin Smells with his tongue Breathes under sand with one lung Skull and four-piece jaw... Are floatin' in his head His Venom is said to cure the dead He copulates for days Oh, with fifty at once He is as thick as a tree trunk His branch is a rack Of antlers of snakes With horns made of snakes with horns He takes off his skin Breaks off his tail Breaks [?] Beneath transparent scales The diamond in his forehead is said to bring the luck... In hunting, rain-making, and love [?] at the bone [?] Scores of canyon walls [?] with his horns A snake with horns Growing out his head Made of snakes with horns Made of snakes A snake with horns Growing out of his head Made of snakes with horns Made of snakes with horns The blood in his heart Is the blood of us all In every [?] In every name