Why are all my thoughts writtin in stone, Why are all my headaches caused from blood flow. I'm so low, I can feel my blood flow, Why do I exist, Why am I alive. SHould i stick my nife in pennywise, Why do they do harry carry. (why, why, why) Tell me why. Why the bad dreams, Why all my demons takin' over me his ways gave them away, My past wasn't helping Do I forgive him? I don't know if I could, If he apologized, It'd have to be face to face, words from there mouth, Not their head. If he hates me. Ok then. If he still likes me Then I don't care If he claims to regret wut he did to me, Then he's dreamin' If he says he wants me back, Then he's fu*kin' drunk, Or just really fu*kin' high. Why is he bein' so nice? He's confusing me with someone else. I wanna say he's changed, But I could be wrong, it wouldn't be the first time