Run... COme on... Let's go, It's time to have fun, TIme to get on the road and run, Goin' on a life time of fun, Runnin' for a grate time, Runnin' so I can have a good time. Been to hell and back, Got outta hell, But still ended up back in school, Can't run from this place of depression, I only liked it for one reason, Loved it 'cause I could see my one love, Gonna make me scream, "Never wanted to be hear, was just forced to be here" By law, by the fu*kin' rules, Wasn't asked if I wanted to be here, I was just born here. Can't run from here, I wanna elope with you, Wanna run with you, ... Gotta finish school 'cause of law, Gotta finish so I can go on, Gotta learn guitar more, Go on tiktok and make more videos now, make people see a new person, a girl who want's to be a singer. I'mma make my dreams come true, Ain't gonna take it, Not gonna take sh*t from people who tell me this and that, F*ck off d*ck head, Eat sh*t and bark at the moon, Move on and leave me alone. Go away, Get away, ... Wanna run, Wanna elope with you. "And I so wish I could" I'm being careful, I wished right... and I want you.