It's a freak show It's a no-go. (2) There are crazy people walkin' around, It look like a freak show, It looks just like a train wreck, People are walkin' all around the garbage, Not paying no mind to pick it up, No attention to their kids. Screaming and yelling. Crying and gaging. There driving me up the walls, .. I've got a headache from here to ya, ya town, I got a mindless overload of all this crap. I'm in the middle of a kay-otic place (circus) In the middle of a trash can (circus) Stepin' in garbage (circus, circus, circus) Loud and frantic, Loud and crazy. ugh, Why all the loud noises! All the animals roarin' in pain! and screamin' for help! like ... Ah!! (faded out)- Circus, circus, circus