College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Language |
English Language Arts Standards
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Reading |
English Language Arts Standards
College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards for Writing |
English Language Arts Standards
Common Core State Standards for English-Language Arts & Literacy |
Informational Texts: English Language Arts (Grades 11-CCR) |
Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Grades 11-CCR
Informational Texts: English Language Arts (Grades 9-10) |
Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Grades 9-10
Informational Texts: History/Social Studies & Science, Mathematics, and Technical Subjects (Grades 11-CCR) |
Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Grades 11-CCR
Informational Texts: History/Social Studies & Science, Mathematics, and Technical Subjects (Grades 9-10) |
Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Grades 9-10
Introduction (English Language Arts Standards) |
English Language Arts Standards
Mathematics Glossary |
Standards for Mathematical Practice
Sample Performance Tasks for Informational Texts (Grades 11-CCR) |
Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Grades 11-CCR
Sample Performance Tasks for Informational Texts (Grades 9-10) |
Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Grades 9-10
Sample Performance Tasks for Informational Texts: History/Social Studies & Science, Mathematics, and Technical Subjects |
Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Grades 11-CCR
Sample Performance Tasks for Informational Texts: History/Social Studies, Mathematics, and Technical Subjects (Grades 9-10) |
Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Grades 9-10
Sample Performance Tasks for Stories, Drama, and Poetry (Grades 11–CCR) |
Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Grades 11-CCR
Sample Performance Tasks for Stories, Drama, and Poetry (Grades 9-10) |
Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Grades 9-10
Standards for Mathematical Practice |
Standards for Mathematical Practice
Students Who are College and Career Ready in Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, & Language |
English Language Arts Standards
Text Exemplars (Grades 11–CCR) |
Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Grades 11-CCR
Text Exemplars (Grades 9-10) |
Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks Grades 9-10