Coalest - Not Dead lyrics


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Coalest - Not Dead lyrics

it's alwayS The same...quITe AnD daRK my Sleep iS CARring Me tHRough ThE NigHt unTIl thE daY awaKeS bUt theRe ArE tHInGs in mY HeAD liKe An unBIDDEn Guest stEAling INtO aNd He knows thAt i'M not waTching him oh God, i HAtE thAt FeelINg In a second everythIng Is unbAlAnced my wHolE WOrld beGinS tO faltEr what the f** Do YoU want fROM mE? I doN'T waNT You To be hEre Get tHe fu*k Away anxiEty sUrrOuNdINg me TrAnspiRinG the Fear I fEEl tHe LIght is ON but tHe waLlS are blACK i'm trAPped and thEre is war In my HEad whaT The heck is WrONG with ME? i'm BloCkEd by my caTalepsY HavE mercy Upon mE and let me Go ThIs is aLl i'm lOngINg For aNd it bUrNS oN My skiN i'm alonE and loCkeD wItHin leT mE BrEAthe, cauSe i feEL waLled BluRry EyeS guidINg my way home. SUffOCating, Cause i'm caught iN My chainS I can't sEe if this is blOod Or rain RUnNIng doWn my hEad and The wall infrOnt of ME i'M suFferIng so mUcH...PlEase ceaSE my agoNY wHy do YOu tHreaT mE? What havE I Done? GeT YOu gonE anD TheN Leave Me AloNe youR silEncE is torTurE a REaLity, man-made, blasTEd sh*t! of wHaT the hEll I'm afrAid? get your asS ouT of my hOLy hOme thiS is MiNE And NO plAce For anyoNe I blasT my Head aGainsT The waLl the Only WaY To sTOp my falL bUt I will fight agaIn AgAiNst tHe horrOr i'm liVing In aGaInst The tOrtURE in mY heAd yOu WON'T makE me dead And i'lL bREAtHe aGAIN caUse Of the lovE That i GaIn aNd oF the pills i'm swALlowINg mAkIng Me belIevE In buT i wiLL FighT AGAiN against ThE hoRRor i'm liVinG in agaInst thE torTure IN my HeAd yOu won't mAKe mE deaD you won'T make me dead yoU wON't mAKE me DEaD oH, MOtheRfu*ker!

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