Dido, Queen of Carthage ACT 2. SCENE 1.
Christopher MarloweDido, Queen of Carthage ACT 3. SCENE 1.
Christopher MarloweDido, Queen of Carthage ACT 4. SCENE 1.
Christopher MarloweDido, Queen of Carthage ACT 5. SCENE 1.
Christopher MarloweHero and Leander (First Sestiad)
Christopher MarloweHero and Leander (Second Sestiad)
Christopher MarloweTamburlaine the Great- Part 1 (Act 1 Scene 1)
Christopher MarloweTamburlaine the Great- Part 1 (Act 1 Scene 2)
Christopher MarloweTamburlaine the Great- Part 1 (Act 2 Scene 1)
Christopher Marlowe