Abyss/Bottomless Pit Air Antipas Alpha and Omega Altar Amen Angel Apollyon/Abaddon Armageddon Balaam Balak Blood Book of Life/Scroll of Life Brimstone/Sulfur Churches of Asia Crown (of Gold) d**h Diadems Dragon/Original Serpent Earth Earthquake Egypt Elders Euphrates Eyes False Prophet Fine Linen First Beast (out of the Sea) First Resurrection Fornication Gog and Magog Great Harlot/Mystery Babylon Great Multitude Great White Throne Judgment Hades/Grave Hail Hallelujah Harvest of the Earth Heads Heaven Hell Hidden Manna Horns Horsemen (of the Apocalypse) Image of the Beast Incense Jerusalem Jezebel Kingdom Kings Lamb Lamb's Bride/Wife Lampstands/Candlesticks Lake of Fire Life Living Beings/Living Creatures/Beasts Locusts Lord's Day Man Child Mark of the Beast Marriage Supper of the Lamb Measuring Reed/Measuring Rod Michael (the Archangel) Moon Mountains Names of Blasphemy New Earth New Heaven Nicolaitans Number of the Beast Paradise (of God) Priests Rod of Iron Sackcloth Saints/Holy Ones Scales/Balances Scrolls Sea Seal of God Second Beast (out of the Earth) Second d**h Seven Last Plagues Smoke Sodom Son of Man Soul Spirit Spirits of God Stars Sun Sword Tabernacle of God Thousand-Year Reign/Millennial Kingdom Torment Tree of Life Tribes of Israel Tribulation Two-edged Sword Two Witnesses Vials/Bowls Virginity War in Heaven Waters White Robes Winepress of God's Wrath Wilderness Wings of the Great Eagle Woe Woman Clothed with the Sun Word of God Wormwood Wound Zion/Mount Zion Numbers: One Two Three Four Six Seven 10 12 24 1,260 1,600 10,000 144,000