A god before god Summon the demons to enter your body Ceremonies to attain the blessing A faith in secrecy No respect for the weak The victim of hypocrisy The philosophy chosen to live by Has brought you your mortality A reason to die No remission of sins committed When you were fighting the lie Actions begged to be k**ed A sacrifice chosen Laughter at the sight of blood That has spilled Respond to the inclination within A desire fulfilled Pride, for the slaughter is done While being thrilled Praise who guards your soul And for whom you have k**ed Fools are the followers of masters they deify Conversion does not save you from d**h, die Twisted truth Twisted truth A juvenile mind mislead In the name of your lord you lived Serving, your d**h A life full of sin, good is evil Believing the unholy words you read Commandments are there to break them Live by your own rules instead Proclaim the salvation you met