People of so many different cultures and so many langusges We stand amongst ourselves to stop this mad test We work here as one and we know just what to do And human nature it seeins does the rest. We're all making dear friends here you know Emotionaily they're the closest friends we've got Cotnrminication works better with actions And expression not with words In fact from each other nothing is ever caught. You may not tinderstand what I say That's O.K. that's O.K. Cause I'm your brother anyway And you're my brother anyway A Nd you're my sister anyway Our languages they're just so valuable And of course we should never underestimate their worhth But in mattets of the heart they can go unnoticed Just llke the love one nas for a baby at birth Lf we discard our languages among our other distraction. Iten to eachotber we cannot lie If we're true to eachother throught expression and actions Just maybe we'll all get by